Online Harassment through Emails and Private Message: You're killing your hobby

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First Post
Wait... what?

You are saying some EnWorlders sent you abusive messages? Every so often I get a profanity laden rant by someone too cowardly to do it in public, but it's never happened here despite all the occasionally bruised egos and short tempers.

Abusive in what way? I mean, I generally laugh and round file it when someone vents at me like that, but was this threatening or something?

It seems a bit much and perhaps a bit of an overreaction to say that you are now going to not introduce your nieces to the hobby because of this. Perhaps think about that after you've had a chance too cool off. Any person (see the teasing of the new WoTC CEO in his thread), and particularly any young woman, is going to need asbestos armor to get through life. It's not a problem exclusive to our hobby, or IMO even particular to our hobby. The solution IMO is not to avoid introducing them to the hobby, but to equip them with the armor and strength to face those sorts of cowards and bullies.

The message was just weird. The email was definitely worse/overtly hostile. I'd rather not talk about the contents.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
The message was just weird. The email was definitely worse/overtly hostile. I'd rather not talk about the contents.

I'd ask you to change your mind, and at least share it with me. If you are being harassed by somebody here, then we need to stop the culprit before they harass other people. Please do consider passing me the details.


The message was just weird. The email was definitely worse/overtly hostile. I'd rather not talk about the contents.

Ok sure. Some things aren't worth repeating in polite company. I get that. I'm also a member of an online book community, and I can't begin to describe the sort of private messages I've received. And at various times on the internet in political forums I've been told in graphic detail just exactly how someone wished I would die. Threats have been made against my children. I've been called a fascist, a nazi, a communist, a theocrat, a socialist, a heretic, a Trotskyite(!?!?) and much worse things, often with colorful adjectives attached. Mostly the details details aren't important, because they are vulgar, crude, and ought to be beneath decorous society to go into that unless there really is actual harm that might result from ones silence.

But you are the one that just posted in a public forum that you'd been harassed sufficiently that you were removing your loved ones from the hobby on account of it. So if you didn't want to talk about it, then perhaps you shouldn't have been so public with your displeasure.

I mean, why did you post? What did you want this community to do about it? Commiserate? Advise? Offer words of encouragement? Constructive criticism? I'm available for all those things. I don't want to see the hobby torn down by this sort of radicalization of everything. By all means, do not be angry or morose or discouraged; game with your relatives. Have fun. Otherwise, I'm here with an ear.
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So why don't you call out these people by name so that we may all know the enemy (and add them to our ignore lists)?

Err... I'm not sure that's the most functional response. If its someone in the community using community resources to abuse someone, I'm sure Morrus can handle it. Public witch hunts and shamings are probably not the preferred way to go about this sort of thing.

Besides which, if we take on the role of jury and executioner, then we - and not Morrus - have the responsibility to give a fair hearing to both sides. And also, I'm pretty sure Morrus wouldn't want to relinquish that responsibility to a mob.


First Post
I'd ask you to change your mind, and at least share it with me. If you are being harassed by somebody here, then we need to stop the culprit before they harass other people. Please do consider passing me the details.

I've sent you all the information I have.


First Post
Let management handle the issue as they see fit, folks. Nothing more to see here, and nothing to gain from public attempts at shaming. Moving along...


Mod Squad
Staff member


It looks like the PM you received is simply a piece of (inept) spam, not targeted harassment. The user who sent it registered yesterday, and made one post - which happens to *exactly* match the PM text you sent Morrus, but in a completely separate subforum of EN World, and has nothing at all to do with your AL game or thread.

I'll ban the spammer.
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41st lv DM
Err... I'm not sure that's the most functional response. If its someone in the community using community resources to abuse someone, I'm sure Morrus can handle it. Public witch hunts and shamings are probably not the preferred way to go about this sort of thing.

Besides which, if we take on the role of jury and executioner, then we - and not Morrus - have the responsibility to give a fair hearing to both sides. And also, I'm pretty sure Morrus wouldn't want to relinquish that responsibility to a mob.

I disagree. If your going to post like the OP did (to the public 1st, then the site owner only after he urges you several times), name the names & show the evidence.
You even said it yourself. What's the purpose of the post?

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