Online Random-Generator Generator using wiki


First Post
Hey, I made this for my own use and thought i'd share. It's a modification of mediawiki that makes it into a user-extensible random generation utility - like Tablesmith, but online and shared across the community. Here's what you do:

Start at Abulafia's Main Page and read the intro.

Go to a page that looks interesting and check out the results it gives you.

If you want more, just refresh!

Some of my favorites are Swords, Fantasy Menu, Secret Society Titles, and Arcane Book Titles.

If you want to see the table it's using to generate from, or add choices to an existing table, or add a whole new table full of awesomeness you want to share, just make an account & login! Before editing, please read the instructions on the main page, and look at how tables are constructed & just mimic it - it should be straitforward & simple, especially if you've used Tablesmith before.


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Well, that was fun
Staff member
How utterly cool!

you know what would be great as a demonstration of its fulll capaibilities? A tabel which references ALL the other tables, coming up with a complete page of random text in the form of a story or somesuch - it would have character names, place names, weapon names and descriptions, what the protaganist is eating (and where!)...

I'll mention this on the news page.
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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Actually, I think this is so cool, that I've had an idea. How would you like to run a competition of some kind to encourage new content? I'll provide the prizes (ENP pdfs) and mention the competition in the news if you handle the specifics of the competition itself.


First Post
Wow - that's awesome! I like the idea of what that could produce, but am having difficulty designing a contest that captures the collaborative (as opposed to strictly competitive) spirit I want to have at Abulafia. Plus, crazy couple of weeks on the horizon at work - let me get back to you soon about this. That's really amazing of you to offer.


First Post
Hrm. What would be the chances on wanting to generate random NPCs? If you don't want to deal with the OGL/OGC at all though not an issue.

But This kind of setup gives me ideas for doing such a thing.

However just writing down the requirements for how I would want it to work (Has to be meaningful output) is harder with game mechanics. But I was just thinking of how one could link the random descriptions to sets of properties for an item or the character descriptions to be a starting point for a random character.

Definitly something I am going to writeup and see what could be possible. Main problem I am having is how to allow one result to influence furthur results in that "Line".

However, making it so that it makes an NPC by Class (Make me 5 Wizards) would be rather easy.

I am sooo looking into this.

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