Only One Week Left In EN Publishing's Bundle Of Holding!

There's only a week left to grab either of the TWO Bundle of Holding offers currently running for EN PUblishing's tabletop roleplaying games and supplements. One is a repeat of the March 2018 OLD & NEW bundle, and the other is a brand new JUDGE DREDD & MORE bundle! What's more, 10% of Bundle of Holding sales goes directly to charity! WOIN OLD AND NEW bundle! Includes O.L.D. Fantasy, N.E.W...

There's only a week left to grab either of the TWO Bundle of Holding offers currently running for EN PUblishing's tabletop roleplaying games and supplements. One is a repeat of the March 2018 OLD & NEW bundle, and the other is a brand new JUDGE DREDD & MORE bundle! What's more, 10% of Bundle of Holding sales goes directly to charity!
  • WOIN OLD AND NEW bundle! Includes O.L.D. Fantasy, N.E.W. Science Fiction, The Ills of Hengistbury, Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing, two starship guides, three EONS articles, and a deadly adventure called You're All Doomed!
  • JUDGE DREDD AND MORE bundle! Includes N.O.W. Modern Action, Dark Decade, Spirit of Manhattan, Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future, Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000AD, The Robot Wars, and the Judge Dredd GM Screen.

The offers run in parallel and end together at 11PM Eastern time Monday, February 24. Ten percent of your payment (after payment gateway fees) will be donated to these two WOIN offers' designated charity, Rainforest Trust. A Bundle of Holding is a fantastic deal to pick up a pile of RPG loot for a knockdown price while supporting charity!


The first bundle, JUDGE DREDD AND MORE, includes N.O.W. Modern Action, Dark Decade, Spirit of Manhattan, Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future, Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000AD, The Robot Wars, and the Judge Dredd GM Screen.

JUDGE DREDD & THE WORLDS OF 2000AD provides the core rules for the science fiction worlds of 2000 AD. It also provides in-depth material allowing you to create and run adventures in the world of Judge Dredd. Whether you are a street gang looking to make it into the big time with a major robbery, a task force of Judges trying to dismantle a major criminal organisation or a group of citizens just hoping to negotiate the Black Friday sales at one of the massive shoplexes (the most dangerous task of all) this book has you covered!

In N.O.W. play a secret agent, a weary investigator, an elite hacker, or a shadowy ninja. Are you a roving reporter, a kung-fu expert, or a weathered soldier? Dozen of modern careers await you!

The other bundle, WOIN OLD AND NEW, includes O.L.D. Fantasy, N.E.W. Science Fiction, The Ills of Hengistbury, Xenomorphs: The Fall of Somerset Landing, two starship guides, three EONS articles, and a deadly adventure called You're All Doomed!

In N.E.W. play a brave starship captain, a reckless smuggler, a hardy marine, or a daredevil pilot. Are you a cunning bounty hunter, a clever engineer, or a charismatic trader? Over sixty science fiction careers await you!

In O.L.D. play a brave knight, a cunning burglar, a serene warrior-monk, or a brilliant firemage. Are you a wild berserker, a deadly assassin, or a swashbuckling musketeer? Dozens of fantasy careers await you!

All these games are fully compatible with each other, and with NEW, OLD, NOW, and JUDGE DREDD, so you can mix and match as much as you like!


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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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