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OOC: [4CtF]The Chaos Wars


"At first there was Chaos. An endless sea of absolutes and contradictions. Little is known of this time by myself, by anyone, for truly nothing yet existed.

And then, somehow, someway, Order was born. A small point of stability, an outcropping to hold onto. From Order out of Chaos were birthed the first Gods, the Greater. And in the cries of their birth the Lesser were created, Gods closer to what would one day be us, mortal men.

It was the Lesser who eventually created you, and myself, and all of us. It was the Lesser who created everything you have ever seen and have ever known. The Greater, uncomprehensible even to the Lesser have always been content to simply observe, and to maintain the small pocket or Order in which the entirety of the Universe rests.

But now the Greater have left. It is heard in the whispers of the worms who call themselves Priests of the Lesser. It is carried in the rumors born on the winds. The Lesser cannot hold back the Chaos that surges without, and truly all would seem loss. Our world, our very existance, afterall, will soon end.

But that does not mean me must lie down like dogs and accept our fate! Within each of us still remains a small fragment of the essence the Greater imbued within the Lesser, which the Lesser then imbued within us! Inside of us, each and everyone of us, lies the ability to hold off the Chaos that lurks! We simply must harness it! Bend it to our will and make it ours!

The Lesser fear our power. They cannot accept the possibility of being beholden to US for their existance! They would rather sacrifice us to the Chaos without! So I say to hell with them!
" - Heretical Preachings of Alan Darlang

Hi all!

I've decided to throw my hat into the proverbial Play-By-Post arena and try to start up a game I've been thinking of for a while.

The game will be standard 3.5 rules using 4CtF (Four Colors to Fantasy) in addition. The alternate "Base Classes" from the Miniatures Handbook will be allowed. Any PrC must be approved ahead of time.

We will be using the Heroic Powers in lieu of equipment rule, meaning that each of you will start with 3 "free" HrP. All powers are internal, so no gadgets allowed (at least in the begining). Further, all powers must be Magical (ie, supressed in Anti-Magic and Dispellable) and thus gain a 1 HrP restriction. Remember that a Restriction can't be used unless the power possesses twice as many ranks in it already.

Start your characters as 3rd level with 32 point buy. I'm looking for about six players although if you have a good char I can make room for more.

So ... anyone interested?

1) Mitchifer/Nabin Darer (Rogue 3)
2) Storminator/Kelm Yonson (Fighter 2/Hero 1)
3) buzzard/Roger the True Shot (Ranger 1/Hero 2)
4) Tailspinner/Gracee (Hero 3)
5) sophist/Julien Sorel (Monk 3)
6) Corinthi/Pip Jacobee (Cleric 1/Hero 2)
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First Post
I'm interested; sign me up!

Although it might take me a while to post a character, since I'm about to start my exam week, i'll have it up as soon as I get the chance. Thanks


That's ok. I have exams this week too! :p I figured it'd take at LEAST a week to get a good sized roster though, so I figured I'd post ahead of time.

Thanks for signing up!


First Post
I'd like to join in, tho I'll have to get 4ctf (that'll take a couple minutes...).

Can you give me a day or two to come up with a PC?



Sure. We have lots of time to start. If you don't have 4CtF and still want to play, thats fine. I'll help you spend the few HrP I'm going to give you and you can just avoid taking any levels in Hero.


First Post
Caliber said:
Sure. We have lots of time to start. If you don't have 4CtF and still want to play, thats fine. I'll help you spend the few HrP I'm going to give you and you can just avoid taking any levels in Hero.

It's a pdf, ie dang cheap. I'll just buy it.



First Post
I'm interested. I have the old 4CtF, are the changes in the new one significant enough that I need to get updated?



Storminator said:
I'd like to join in, tho I'll have to get 4ctf (that'll take a couple minutes...).

Can you give me a day or two to come up with a PC?

Originally I purchased my copy so I could particpate in a game here. Its a pretty great buy. That being said ...

buzzard said:
I'm interested. I have the old 4CtF, are the changes in the new one significant enough that I need to get updated?

I have the old version myself. I'm unsure what the changes are, although I think the majority are updating it to work with d20 Modern. Since we're using DnD we don't need those updates. If anyone who joins has the new version I'll just have to make sure we're clear on how their powers work before we start.

And like I told Mitchifer, the earliest we could start would be the weekend. So take your time. No need to rush. :)


First Post
Caliber said:

And like I told Mitchifer, the earliest we could start would be the weekend. So take your time. No need to rush. :)

Any more background/info on PC creation? Starting gold? Restrictions on spending it? Super feats?

World background (beyond the excellent mad ravings? :D)

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Storminator said:
Any more background/info on PC creation? Starting gold? Restrictions on spending it? Super feats?

World background (beyond the excellent mad ravings? :D)

Sure. Lets see what I can do...

First off, you can ignore the Backgrounds, Reputation, and Allies and Enemies rules from 4CtF. We may or may not use Hyper Rolls, but either way the starting party likely won't be of the power level to need them (at least I hope not! :eek: )

At start your characters will be as naked as the day they were born. :p This is partly the reason you're starting with 3 "free" HrPs. For those with 4CtF already, everyone is starting with the Heroic Powers feat. For those without, I'll give a brief explanation...

One of the alternate rules in 4CtF is using HrPs to make up for any monetary deficiency the character may have. HrPs stand for Hero Points and are spent like Skill Points to purchase your Powers. So instead of magical items at start, you'll have some Powers to replace 'em.

You can take any Super Feat you want, as long as you qualify for it. All Base Classes published by WotC are all right, and feats in 4CtF or the PHB are pre-approved. Feats from other sources have to be cleared first (as do all PrCs)

Finally, here is a little more background for you....

The world has fallen upon hard times. Discord has begun to spread through the lands, and the Lesser have fallen unusually quiet as of late. War has erupted among the normally peaceful Plainsmen of Rhiali. The Empire of Bostoc has begun to swell its army, and rumors say they have perfected some new weapon. In response the Empire's long-term enemy, the Free Cities of Ghin, have likewise begun recruiting for their armies, preparing for war.

Religion, the long-time peacekeeper of the land is proving to be of no help. Indeed, many churches have begun to close their doors, leaving their flocks alone and abandoned. Why so many priests have chosen this time to turn their backs on the outside world is anyone's guess.

Perhaps driven by some dark prophecy or omen, the dark races have begun to surge forth from their caves and lairs to trouble the countryside. Goblinoids and other dark beasts known before only in legend swarm throughout the fields and valleys, unchecked and unstopped.

But worst of all, some would whisper, are the Brotherhood of the Inner Flame. No one is quite sure where they came from, but what they preach has spread throughout the lands like wildfire. The Lesser have turned their backs on us, they say, and given us up to the Chaos that lurks without. Each member is guilty of heresy, a crime punishable by death. The executions of convicted Brothers have become an almost common sight in some of the larger cities yet they never seem to lack converts to their cause.

I'll try to get a little more information loaded background matter up in a little bit (as opposed to the relatively information light but pretty stuff I've shown so far :p )

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