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[OOC] Citadel of the Iron Crown starting point discussion


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On a completely unrelated note, there's a couple things I'd like to know about Aranel's situation at the camp before I post.

Does she stay IN the camp, or just NEAR the camp? I was assuming until now that she has someplace in the forest, but suddenly I realize that might not be workable. What do you think?

Come to think of it, if the Men of the camp recently did a naughty, maybe it doesn't matter...she'll be doing a night patrol anyway...just to make sure...

Even so, it may come up again later, so it'd be good to work out some of the logistics of her position here...

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Geez, you forget to look at the OOC thread for one day and all hell breaks loose ;)

Binder_Fred said:
(and there *is* the occassional hook-up glitch)

This isn't the first time I've used the PBEM style for forum gaming. And yes, there is the occassional hook up glitch, but glitches invariably sort themselves out. The *most* dangerous potential problem is with time anomolies, but I've enough experience these days to see them coming a mile off and cut them off at the pass. Example:

Group X enters the tavern and take a seat at a table. PC 1 and PC 2 head off to the bar to order drinks (group A) and PC 3 and PC 4 stay and get chatting to some locals (group B). Group A players post at a slower rate than group B, so while group B have what amounts in reality to a two hour discussion with the local, group B buy drinks and come back to the table. Clearly this wouldn't take 2 hours, so everything gets a bit funky.

As I said, this kind of thing is easy to spot given some experience, which I have in spades.

Shayuri said:
Here's my main concern, aside from confusion which will pass swiftly now that I understand what's going on a bit better. It seems to me that doing things this way puts some extra-game pressure on posters. That is, it influences what people can and/or will do based on who posts first...not necessarily which character acts first.For example, say I post Aranel observing the thieves run away, then starting to track them, then noticing you and deciding to join up...and I post it first. But maybe you intended to go to the camp first and notify them to get help. Well...now you're stuck.

Yes, there is a little extra pressure on players and more care is required in posting, but games progress *much faster* and provided players have maturity enough to know what *their* character knows/sees and what they know/see are two different things everything runs smoothly. While I'm stoked to be playing a Middle-Earth campaign, it's not the last campaign I want to play in this lifetime and forum games played out on a turn by turn basis are, IME, way too slow. Worse still, forum games, compared with tabletop, rely really heavily on players being present for their part in the round and given Fred, and Fenris, have already warned of likely away time, that means long periods of inactivity while everyone else twiddles thumbs.

Some posts *will* be rendered null, and you have to accept that if you play this kind of system, but null posts are rare -things usually sort themselves out so the posts are still valid, or maybe just need a slight edit. At present, for example, Ulfang is running down the rearmost burglar. But even if he takes that guy out, the others are still running. Now, they might stop and help their buddy, or they might not. If they don't, Baran's scene at the treeline still takes place but I just use 4 rolls instead of 5 (unless Ulfang dies in the opening scene and the level 20 Nazgul disguising itself as a short human escapes... heh, don't worry Renau1g, only joking). If the burglars do stop to help their companion then the treeline scene might not happen at all. No biggie. Most of the writing on that score was done by me anyway.

In either case Aranel's measured opening post isn't compromised, mainly because you haven't finagled and have worked only with the information already provided, which is the perfect way to roleplay outside the turns system.

Where a turn based system isn't used, certain moments will become unstable as described above, but for the vast majority of the time there'll be a linear timeline. At crucial points, like combat or similar, I'll use rounds and those will be most stable of all.

I'm interested to hear what other players think. If the general concensus is, wtf is going on?? I hate this!! then I'm happy to switch to turn-based. I think, though, if you give it a while it'll soon start to feel more comfortable.


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Shayuri said:
Does she stay IN the camp, or just NEAR the camp? I was assuming until now that she has someplace in the forest, but suddenly I realize that might not be workable. What do you think?

I think your opening post described her life in Thranduil's realm well. She probably lives on a rota basis, living with her clan for days at a time, maybe even weeks, then heading out into the safer parts of Mirkwood to check on the activity of the Men of the camp. If she has something to discuss with Baran she'll head into the camp, maybe pitch a shelter (away from the main camp, I'd imagine). Or maybe she just heads into the camp in order to wallow in the funny looks she gets and to make some mischief. Remember that Elves are immortal. They see time in a completely different way to Men or Dwarves, so checking on things once every few weeks would probably feel like a natural patrol rota to her.

Shayuri said:
Come to think of it, if the Men of the camp recently did a naughty, maybe it doesn't matter...she'll be doing a night patrol anyway...just to make sure...

Elves also have a natural intuition about their surroundings (as per my post on Magic in Middle-Earth) and she may have sensed the 'naughty' being committed which prompted her to come patrolling in the first place. I'm not sure how to include this aspect of Elvishness into the game, now that I raise the subject. It was something I wanted to discuss with you, but plumb forgot. Some kind of always-switched-on Affinity With Environment class ability perhaps? I'm thinking of Legolas 'sensing' the presence of evil forces moving in Middle-Earth, and knowing when Sauron is using the Palantir (Legolas is a good parallel for Aranel as they both come from the same clan- indeed, Aranel probably knows Legolas, who is Thranduil's son). Thoughts?


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Fair enough. My feelings on the matter aren't terribly strong, and since I haven't really tried it before, I'm open to trying it now.

As for the rest:

Take a look at the Commune with Nature spell. Perhaps elves have a sense of awareness like that, but that only the GM can use. That is, no PC can say, "I try to use my elfsense to see where the forest is in pain." The GM decides if the elf senses something...and I suspect it would be something that is either of some attunement to the elf, or in proximity. For example, I doubt every single elf in Middle Earth was alerted when Sauron used the Palantir. Legolas just happened to be thinking of Sauron and Mordor and orcs...and so felt that tingle that said to him, "The Dark Lord's eye is near us." Which, given the nature of what they knew they were carrying, led to only one conclusion.

But since it's all GM, it's more of a "possible plot point carrier" than a real racial ability in rules mechanical terms, I'd think. The Commune with Nature would just give you a nice pre-made framework to think in terms of.

It's entirely possible Aranel knows Legolas, I'd say...or knows of him at least. I don't know how often she mixes with royalty, but it's likely she knows his name and face and may even have exchanged greetings a few times at parties or similar.
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Commune With Nature, hm, doesn't really fit. I like better the idea of her having a racial ability, call it Elf-Sense, over which she has *little* control. And I like the parameters you've laid out: of some attunement to the elf, or in close proximity. She's likely been thinking of this particular spot in the woods as a risky area where the Men of the camp might try to harvest wood she's already placed out of bounds. It's on her mind so when it happens, she gets a tingly sense of something being amiss, puts two and two together and comes up with the oak.

As you say, this is a GM device, but I'll do my very best not to use it as deux ex machina. She should also have some say in using Elf-Sense. She can project her senses in a certain direction by focusing her mind for 10 minutes (as per Commune With Nature), or her thoughts toward a certain thing, and see what comes flowing back. I'll determine the results based on the relevance of the projection and a basic WIS check to interpret any results. Alternatively this could be a unique Feat which would allow her to improve her Elf-Sense with ranks, maybe even a synergy to Sense Motive?? In which case the projection would need to be a mechanic, not left to my discretion.


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Ulfang's Important Stats:
                           Skill     Ability             Misc. 
Skill Name 	          Modifier   Modifier   Ranks    Modifier
Climb		             +5         +3        5      -3 ACP       
Jump			     +9         +3        5      +4 (40' Speed) -3 ACP
Listen			     +6 	+1	  5
Sense Motive                 +1         +1        0
Search                       +0         +0        0		
Spot			     +1 	+1	  0

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