D&D 5E [OOC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder

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I was thiefy in that I had a high Dex, Stealth and I can use Thieves' Tools as well, but I had no Sleight of Hand or Deception or the like.


First Post
I dunno! It's a cool concept, and perfect for the character I have in mind, but it waters down the spellcasting a lot.

I may do it though, in a level or two. I'll have to see how things go.

But this way I can do some off-healing as well. And I have some good control spells aimed squarely at mental attributes. Might be handy against giants. :)


I was only aiming for 4, but I'll take 6 at most. That said I don't think everyone that posted in the initial thread has posted here yet (for good or ill).


I started to drool a little when I saw this thread... and then my heart sank when I saw that you're full. Keep me in mind if a spot opens? A very solid crew you have here, myself having played with a majority of them at one time or another.

Good luck!



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