OOC discussion: Diabolical Plots

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First Post
Hmmmm, is it just the two of us HM? Mazzolli? You want to weigh in?

Maybe the others were infected with a toxic poison that Tobey has and have mysteriously turned to dust with us as the only survivors. Hope there are some more gullible-ahem-brave adventurers in town.


First Post
I'm perfectly willing to continue on with a much reduced party if everyone else is out of the game. I can probably convince Masrenzrik to continue posting as well. I was certainly having a pretty good time, so if whoever is left is up for it we can just pick up where we left off. Let me know what you think.


First Post
Well, you were wanting to go for a whole mysterious air weren't you Maz? Hope you don't mind me just goin' with it. All according to the plan an' all that.


Thy wounds are healed!
Best thing in pbp is for the GM to just push on through the lull.

Whatever is best for the game. Players hate railroading but sometimes it's the only way to get their butts in gear.

So right now we are divided as what to do but if the dwarf goes tromping off into the woods - which he will and you can post him doing so - then I bet the druid would follow, and then maybe Oraia and Colvin.

Just get the party moving (one direction or another) and the players will probably take it from there.



First Post
Okay, we'll just press on then. Since it looks like you guys are on a roll again, I'll let things settle down before intervening in the IC thread, but we'll get this show back on the road.

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