[ooc] - Dogville - a bloody 3.5 game [5/5]


ooc - dogville

WD - Yes, you're right. I had forgotten about Kaddok's light spell, actually. I wasn't trying to suggest it had been counter-spelled.

Where in Europe are you?

aka thotd

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Walking Dad

First Post
doghead said:
ooc - dogville

WD - Yes, you're right. I had forgotten about Kaddok's light spell, actually. I wasn't trying to suggest it had been counter-spelled.

Where in Europe are you?

aka thotd
I'm from Germany. Why do you ask? Is my english to bad?


ooc - dogville

WD, Voda - Your English is fine. I have a great deal of respect for anyone who can function in a different language. I have studied three languages, and none of them stuck.

Last year I worked with a German for about 9 months. Something you posted just reminded me of the way he used the language. So I just wondered.

aka thotd


ooc - dogville

I have put together PC stat blocks to save time. Please check them over and make sure that they accord with your character sheets. I have tried to use the most up to date, but please check. Thanks.

aka thotd

[sblock=Alton Magbrew]
Male Halfling Evoker 2 (CG)
STR 10, DEX 14, CON15, INT 16, WIS 12, CHA10
Speed 20 ft. Initiative +2. Perception +1.
BAB +1
* melee +1 club (1d4)
* range +4 sling (1d3, 50 ft.)
AC 13 (Touch 12, FF 11). HP 27.
Saves: Fort +3, Refl + 3, Will +3.
Skills: Appraise +8, Know (Dungeoneering) +8, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +9, Use Magic Device +3.
Base Spell Save DC 13. Spellcraft +8.
Languages: Common, Halfling, Draconic, Abyssal, Elven.[/sblock]

Human Male Rogue 1/Fighter 1 (N)
STR12, DEX18, CON12, INT14, WIS08, CHA12.
Speed 30 ft. Initiative +4. Perception +4.
BAB +1
* melee +5 rapier (1d6+1)
* melee +5 dagger (1d4+1)
* range +5 shortbow (1d6, 100 ft.)
AC 19 shield (Touch 14, FF 15). HP 27.
Saves: Fort +3, Refl +6, Will -1.
Skills: Acrobatics +7, Deception+6, Diplomacy +6, Disable Device +9, Intimidate +6, Know (local) +7, Perception +4, Stealth +8, Swim +4, Theft +9, UMD +6.
Languages: Common, Goblin, Elven.[/sblock]

[sblock=Sergeant Brottor Broddok]
Male Hill Dwarf Fighter 2. LG.
STR16, DEX10, CON16, INT08, WIS12, CHA10.
Speed 20 ft. Initiative +0. Perception +1.
BAB +2
* melee +7 mw longsword (1d8+3)
* melee +5 dagger (1d4+3)
* range +2 crossbow (1d8, 80 ft.)
AC 18 shield (Touch 10, FF 18). HP 40.
Saves: Fort +6, Refl +0, Will +0.
Skills: Craft (weaponsmith) +1, Intimidate +2, Prof (miner) +2, Ride +1.
Languages: Common, Dwarven.[/sblock]

[sblock=Kaddok Windcaller, Shoanti Hawk Clan Shaman.]
Human Male Cleric 2 (N)
Deity: The Storm Hawk (Shoanti Tribe Totem) (Air & Animal).
STR14, DEX12, CON14, INT10, WIS16, CHA12.
Speed 30 ft. Initiative +1. Perception +3.
BAB +1
* melee +4 mw earth-breaker (2d6+3)
* melee +3 dagger (1d4+2)
* range +2 bolas (1d4, 10 ft.)
* range +2 lightning arc (1d6+1, XX ft)
AC 15 (Touch 10, FF 14). HP 29.
Saves: Fort +5, Refl +1, Will +6
Skills: Know (religion) +5, Spellcraft +5, Survival +8
Base Spell Save DC 13. Spellcraft +5.
Languages: Common, Shoanti.[/sblock]

[sblock=Zarpox Tremen]
Human Male Warlock (CN)
STR14, DEX16, CON16, INT10, WIS08, CHA12
Speed 30 ft. Initiative +3. Perception -1.
BAB +1.
* melee +4 mw falchion (2d4+4)
* range +5 eldritch blast (1d6, 30 ft.)
AC 17 (Touch 13, FF 15). HP 29.
Saves: Refl +3, Fort +3, Will +2.
Skills: Bluff +5, Know (planes) +2, Perception -1, Spellcraft +2, Use Magical Device +3.
Languages: Common.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Looks fine. The range of the arc is 30 ft.
29 HP, no favored class bonus?

BTW: English is the only non-native language I use for hobbies.
The other language I have learned are hebrew, latin and ancient greek. :)
Last edited:


ooc - dogville

WD - 30 ft. Got it. The above details came from the ooc thread. However, there was some chopping and changing, so I want everyone to confirm I have the final version. What should Kaddok's HP's be?

aka thotd

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