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[OOC] Ethend Game: The Hunt for Cantus [Recruiting]


Legildur, your IC post is up. Sorry it took so long.

Sorrow, either of those sound plausible and fine. I like the vision one the most and could have some interesting subplot behind it, although, an even odder twist would be that you were told to seek out a specific Mythar seer (part of the upper caste) who would give you guidance as to what you were supposed to do.

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Coolness. I'll flesh that out. I can email you the sheet as i've worked out the numbers already. To me, half the fun is chargen! Or we can wait until I write out the BG, desc, and personality.

As a side note, just how oriental are we talking here? Should I be looking at Japanese and Chinese names?


Sorrow The Man Bear said:
Coolness. I'll flesh that out. I can email you the sheet as i've worked out the numbers already. To me, half the fun is chargen! Or we can wait until I write out the BG, desc, and personality.

As a side note, just how oriental are we talking here? Should I be looking at Japanese and Chinese names?

Zoduka is a mixture of Japanese and Middle East culture into a more Chinese setting. Think somewhere around Tibetan with heavy Chinese overtones and some Japanese/Indian caste ideas.


Here's something I'd like you all to add to your character sheets if possible.

Also, an interesting thought that I got from Deuce Traveler's game is a Combat Preferences part of character sheets. So if combat happens and you are not posting due to being unavailable, I can take your preferred course of action.

Here's an example from my Kobold rogue from DT's game.

Combat Preferences
Rix prefers to avoid melee combat at almost all costs. If anything he'll resort to using his longspear from behind a meatshield (ally). If he gets closed on, he'll Withdraw (35 ft. speed) or Tumble away. He will try to work anything to a tactical advantage (cover, concealment, high ground, rough ground, etc.). If he can he'll attempt to maximize sneak attack potential (hit-and-run hide tactics with his crossbow preferrably, although flanking with his longspear works too). He always focuses his attacks on important figures letting his companions deal with lackeys (spellcasters are often his primary target). He uses his small size to his advantage, he is only 2 ft. tall basically so will hide under tables, chairs or get up on the top of dressers, beams, etc. He likes putting something between him and his enemy that keeps his enemy from getting to him, whether that's companions, rough ground, a wall, climbing whatever.

Combat preferences emphasize the characters normal choices and thoughts in battle, Rix for example looks out for himself first and foremost, willing to put his companions lives before his own. He is also brilliant (18 Int) and puts that to good use in his tactical planning. So, write your section up according to personality, not just to preserve your character in your absence.

Sun Ao-Li HUman Ninja 7, for your perusal.
[sblock]Sun Ao-Li
Human Ninja 7

Age: 24
Gender: Male
Eyes: Heavy hazel
Hair: Dark brown
Skin: Russet-brown

STR: 14 [+2] (6 points)
DEX: 15 [+2] (8 points)
CON: 14 [+2] (6 points)
INT: 12 [+1] (3+1 points)
WIS: 15 [+2] (8 points)
CHA: 10 [+0] (2 points)

Wound Points: 14
Vitality Dice: 7d6 + 14
VP: 51
Armor Class: 10 (10 base + 2 Dex + 3 Class + 3 Armor)
Class Defense Bonus: +3
Initiative: +2
BAB: +5
- Melee: +7
- Ranged: +7

Speed: 30’

FORT: +4 (2 Base + 2 Con)
REFL: +7 (5 Base + 2 Dex)
WILL: +4 (2 Base + 2 Wis)

- Ki Power 6/day
- AC Bonus: Wis bonus +1
- Sudden Strike +4d6
- Ghost Step (invisible)
- Poison Use
- Great Leap
- Acrobatics +2
- Speed Climb
- Ghost Strike

1st Level
- Dodge: +1 AC against designated attacker
Human Bonus
- Point Blank Shot: +1 ranged ATB within 30'
3rd Level
- Mobility: +4 AC vs. movement AoOs
6th Level
- Spring Attack: Move before and after melee attack, no AoO from target

Balance +9 (5 ranks, +2 Att +2 syn)
Bluff +6 (6 ranks, +0 Att)
Disable Device +6 (5 ranks, +1 Att)
Hide +12 (10 ranks, +2 Att)
Jump +16 (10 ranks, +2 Att +2 misc +2 syn)
Listen +10 (8 ranks, +2 Att)
Move Silently +12 (10 ranks, +2 Att)
Ride +12 (10 ranks, +2 Att)
Search +7 (6 ranks, +1 Att)
Slight of Hand +9 (5 ranks, +2 Att +2 syn)
Tumble +11 (5 ranks, +2 Att +2 Misc +2 syn)

- Common
- Zodaku
- Agorian

Melee weapons
-Shortspear +7(8 thrown) (1d6+2(3 both hands), 20, 20') (1gp, 3lb)
-MW Shortsword +8 (1d6+2, 19-20,) (10gp, 2lb)
-Sai +7(8 thrown) (1d4+2, 20, 10ft.) +4 disarm (1gp, 1lb)

Ranged weapons
-Shuriken (x5) +8 (1dX2+2, 20, 10ft.) (1gp, .5lb)

Mundane equipment
-Monk’s Outfit (-gp, 8lb)
-Masterwork Thieve's Tools (100gp, 2lbs)
-Caltrops (1gp 2lbs)
-Tindertwig x5 (5gp, -)
-Backpack (2gp, 2lbs)
--Silk rope 50'(10gp, 5lbs)
--Grappling Hook (1gp, 4lbs)
-Bandoleer (5sp .5lb)
--Acid Flask x2 (20gp, 2lbs)
--Alchemist's Fire x2 (40gp, 2lbs)
--Holy Water (25gp, 1lb)
--Tanglefoot Bag (50gp, 4lb)
--Oil x2 (2sp, 2lbs)

-Large scorpion venom x2 (400gp, .5lbs)
-Drow poison x3 (225gp,1.5lbs)
-Giant Wasp venom x2 (420gp, 1lbs)
-Ungol Dust (1000gp, .5lb)

Weight Carried: 36.5lbs (light)
Remain money: 193gp 8sp, 20v, 10c

Sun Ao-Li at full height stands 5"10' but has a tendency to slouch almost imperceptibly, making him seem much smaller. He carries himself with a fluid grace, and his light frame belies his 210 lbs. Dressed in a blend of muted browns, greens and greys, his loose shirt is held around his waist with several sashes (a keen eye may notice several bulges in the waist sash). Loose pants are also held with these sashes, two more wrap his ankles concealing the hems. On his feet, a pair of sturdy sandles with criss-crossed black leather thongs wound around his ankles. Around his neck is a loosely tied scarf. His head is shaven clean, and the only hair on his face is a neatly maintained patch on his broad chin. His lusterless hazel eyes are slightly sunken, and appear to look through you more than at you.

His only visible weapons are a shortsword in a fine sheath on his back, hilt pointing tword the ground and off to his right hip. He carries a shortspear with a matte black haft, and a sai tucked into the sash around his waist on his left hip.

Ao-Li's most prised possesion is his honour. Without that he is nothing. His weapons and those of any other have no actual worth without strong honor behind the arm that moves them. very unmaterialistic, the only object he cares for would be his sword, crafted at the forges in the Sun Ninja school.

He belives that a weapon should never be sheathed without having had blood on it, so to be drawn it must be used. He views combat as an art, the actual motions meaning nothing, more of a contest of wills.

Very introspective, he believes his mind is a tool, and like his sword, not to be presented without being used. He has an almost annoying quality of using proverbs instead of direct speech.

He is honourable, trustworthy, and never lies. His word is strong as steel. If he gives it, it will not be broken.

Ao-Li was born into Sun villiage, in the Miao province, his fate decided at birth. His father had been a Master at the Sun Ninja school, one of the Miao clans best and rennouned for the athletic ability of it's students. Despite the healers best efforts his mother died in childbirth, marking Ao-Li as unlucky. He entered training at the earliest age possible and despite his "unluck" quickly established himself as one of the best. When came of age he executed (literally) his first few missions for the Miao with great skill and success. His future was bright and there were rumors he would be brought to the Imperial capitol to serve the Empire directly.

Several weeks after his 17th birthday, his father woke him in the night, in full battle dress.

"I leave now son, the empire requires my service. I am unsure if I will return."

Stunned, the boy asked where his father was going.

"I cannot tell you, as you well know. Continue your training, make your Emperor, and your father proud. Tell no one of my coming to you."

Looking down for a moment, he said, "I will father. I will make our name great and our honour greater." When he looked up, his father was gone, into the night.

Troubled, yet determined, Ao-Li continued and excelled even greater.

At 22 he had already become an instructor at the school after several missions of high importance. His father had not yet returned.

On a night with no moon, Ao-Li was meditating in the lotus garden. His mind had reached a quiet contemplation, as undisturbed as the rippless pond around him. Unbidden, came to him the words of his father on that night six years ago. "..make your Emperor and your father proud," followed with an image of his father, fighting furiously against many, shadowy foes. Once his mind quieted again, his tranquility was shattered with a powerful vision.

...a floating city, deepest black against a stormy sky with many towers rising...
...a pair of humans, skin and hair fair their resmblance too close to be anything but siblings...
...what could only be a Mythar, sickly yellow skin drawn taught over a thin skeleton, it's ridged back turned to him. The Seer's head whips around and Ao-Li knew it was looking at him...
...and the last image, his town, his school, the entire Empire perhaps, in flames, destroyed, huom marching through the streets of the Capitol...

When Ao-Li regained himself, he was prone, fallen out of his meditation stance. Those images seemed branded into his mind. He immediatly went to the Grandmaster, a sort of surrogate father after his had vanished.

"A powerful vision, that of one's father. And the rest you tell me... strange. You swear this is true?"
"On my honour Grandmaster."
"Then there is no question. Follow this vision. Find your father, he will have the answers you seek. A warning: A vision of this... nature has powerful Ki behind it. Walk gently."
"Yes, Grandmaster."
"Now go, wait not for the dawn."

And with that, Ao-Li equipped himself and left, unaware of the assasins already mobilized against him. By Imperial decree, any speaking or acting against the Mythar were to be executed, immediatly.

Two of the schols Ninja caught him in a clearing he paused in momentarily. The ensuing battle proved to be Ao-Li's victory, but he was wounded. Realizing his mistake, and what this meant, he was even more determined to find the truth, and his father. It has been two years since he left his home unable to return, and still he brings Honour and Strength to his name, and his Emperor.

I'll work on that combat preferances are soon. It was a long, tough day, but 11hours looks good on Friday.
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I'd like something to go on with his shortsword there. Otehr than that, Ao-Li is very movement based, somethign aiding that is nice. As a note, you said you weren't allowinf the FRCS, I've used the bandoleer on a few characters so I just rememebred the stats. i just now went looking for what book it was in and, sure enough, FRCS. Is it reasonable to assume that the bandoleer isn't that exotic an item, or do you need me to remove it/shuffle things a bit?

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