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OOC - Mad God's Key

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I thought of a few other guidelines that might help get things moving, and keep them rolling smoothly.

For ease of play, let's assume that you have all met each other and made introductions.
Assume that all PC's are familiar with anything in a character background. If you have a deep dark secret you wouldn't share, mark it as SECRET, and we'll ignore it.

Build character that actively WANT to seek adventure.
Silent brooding lurkers are cool, but nobody wants to waste a day's posts trying to figure out if they're going to bother geting involved in the storyline!
Here's a hint - if it looks like a blatant plot hook, it probably is!

Along with that idea is the notion of evil characters.
I don't mind evil characters, as long as they can play as part of them team, and not resort to in-party bickering, backstabbing and betrayal.
Save your evil for NPC's. Your fellow PC's are your allies. Treat them acordingly.
Evil characters who become disruptive to the game are likely to have large cows fall from the sky, crushing them instantly.
Or they could be eaten by a grue. I always reserve the right to have morons eaten by grue. :D

Loot and treasure distribution can be a pain and slow down the game.
For ease of play, let's assume that any loot not specifically claimed for immediate/personal use by a PC is just arbitrarily stashed among the party's gear for later sale/identification, etc.
I'll keep an eye on Encumbrance, but I'm not going to be obsessed with it. As long as no one tries to walk around with a grand piano in their backpack we can keep it simple.

I have all my maps already, but I really don't want to have to edit them with a grid system.
When calling map coords in a post, call them as if you were reading. move left to right first, then top to bottom.
For example, if the map is 10 squares by 10 squares, and you are in the top left corner, you are in square (1,1); top right is (10,1), bottom left is (1,10) and bottom right is (10,10)
If you wanted to move to a square that was four squares right and four down you would now be at (5,5).
When coutning squares, ignore partial squares at the map edge. Always start with the first full square.
Don't sweat the small stuff. If you aren't sure which square something is in, just tell me what you're trying to do, and we'll figure it out. :D

Snappy Banter pays off!
We're all in this for a good read, right?
In the "Put on a good show and Fate will smile upon you category" I love snappy banter and witty comments. Feel free to insult your foes, shout cliche battle cries, etc.
There will be extra XP for particularly good stuff.

Above all have fun!
If you're not having fun, let me know! I want to work with you all to make a good game.
I'd like to not have people bail mid-game because they don't like my style. I'm a big boy. I can live without being everyone's hero.
If there's a problem, talk to me and I'll try to accomodate you.
That said, I won't be offended if anyone does decide to bail mid-game because they hate my style, or for any other reason.
All I ask is that you give us some notice that you're leaving. Just a quick. "You suck. I quit" is fine.
Please don't just stop posting and make us guess.


First Post
My character will be up tomorrow night just so's you knows. I'll be working most of the day/evening.

snappy banter, eh? I like it. sounds fun.


First Post
sleepystyle said:
My character will be up tomorrow night just so's you knows. I'll be working most of the day/evening.

snappy banter, eh? I like it. sounds fun.

Thanks for the heads up.
I'll be looking for your PC.

Yeah, I love me some snappy banter, clever repartee, and snide retorts!
Plus if I ever got around to posting the game as a Story Hour, good bits lke that really make it stand out.

PS - I changed the thread title again.


First Post
Tinner said:
First, max gold for a 1st level cleric is 200 gp. Thus, you still have 79 gp to spend if you wish! Feel free to change purchases or whatever.

Oops. I'll fix that. I thought it was the max, for some reason.

Tinner said:
Second, I'm not familiar with Chennet. Where can I find a write up of this god?

Chennet' is a god on the Unliving Enworld board. God of the forge or something. I just thought it would be cool to imagine myself as a cleric of a god who's focus is making powerful magical items (particularly weapons and armor) for use in the battle against evil. My take is that he's sorta like Moradin, but not a racial god, simply a god that Dwarves tend to be more likely to indentify with because of his "forgeish" nature.

Tinner said:
Third, you need to list your starting prepared spells.

Will do.


First Post
I'm curious about my fellow players. What sorta background do you all come from? I'm from Seattle, but in Davis California for the next 4 to 6 years getting my PhD in Chemical Engineering. I've been playing since 2001. Half that time as a DM for a couple of different campaignish-like monstrosities and half of that in my good friend's Alternate Earth game (which completely rocked, by the way.)

I was the player in that group that had the honorable title of "most dead characters." I think this was the case because (a) I like to tempt the fates and (b) they can't resist taking the bait.

I've played:

(1) A fascist gnome wizard that stuck his head into an Ankheg hole.
(2) A wood-elf ranger/cleric of Heironeous that was disemboweled while trying to use wild empathy on a dire bear, became a death knight and a Cleric of Dis, who subsequently . . . discorporated.
(3) A half-celestial gnome psion that lasted about two game sessions before he sacrificed himself by volunteering to help someone he hardly knew clear out a den of very powerful vampires.
(4) A 5th to 15th level human psion named Vincennzo Capelli.
(5) A dwarven cleric of Joramy, that survived another friend's mini-campaign only to be tossed into a volcano during the "wrap up" phase of the DM's epilogue.
(6) An exceedingly lawful good maenad monk who was Pholtus' best groupie ever and was eventually torn to pieces by an undead frost giant creature.
(7) A min-maxed goliath fighter with a spiked chain that was killed by the DM's experiment regarding what happens when he sends a CR 10 white dragon against an EL 7 party.
(8) A druidic paladin (home brew class) named Red Rook the Tall who was sent incomprehensible visions by his god and was murdered in his sleep by his own party.
(9) A human sorcerer named Black Bart the Daring who was played during the second half of the same game session during which Red Rook the Tall was murdered, and which turned out to be the last game session of a different friend's minor-campaign.

So yeah, I'm excited to be playing a new character. I hope he lasts more than three posts.
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First Post
Urkulyr's Background

Appearance: He's very obviously a half-orc when not wrapped in his cloak and something very tall when wrapped in it. He's grown his hair long but keeps it tied back in a cleverly knotted braid interwoven with bits of colored leather. He sports a full beard, but keeps it cropped short. Tends to dress in an understated fashion with neutral colors, though the holy symbol of Chennet' (a shining drop of molten metal) appears in all the appropriate places (incised into his Greataxe, worked into the front of his Scale Mail, embroidered into the back of his travelers cloak and worn in the form of an iron amulet around his neck.) When he speaks, it's in a quiet and low rumble. Not prone to loud and obnoxious behavior like other young half-orc males, he's serious, studious and dedicated. He is a man who knows his purpose.

Background: Urkulyr Ashgrod is an oddity is some respects. He is a half-orc not prone to fits of rage and blood-lust. He worships a mostly dwarven god and seeks to adventure solely to increase his knowledge and skill in the area of crafting items of mystical power, particularly weapons and armor. His exact date of birth is unknown, nor where the event occured. A warband of orcs beating a hasty retreat dropped him unceremoniously on the ground, along with other pieces of what they obviously considered unimportant trash. Why they had a half-orc infant with them will perhaps never be known. Taken in by a kind-hearted blacksmith and his barren wife, he was raised as a human and trained in the arts of his father. The father was friendly with a nearbye group of Dwarven smiths, who would visit from time to time to converse about the art and trade in rare materials and components. One of their number included a cleric of Chennet', and from an early age Urkulyr impressed that priest with his combination of keen insight and ability with anvil and hammer. Urkulyr was equally taken with the priest's tales of great deeds done while wielding weapons forged with a shard of Chennet's will, though he was particuarly interested in the weapons themselves and less so in those who wielded them. And thus, an arrangement was made and after one visit, Urkulyr returned with the priest to the Dwarven stronghold and was trained in the ways of his new faith. Living with the Dwarves never felt entirely right though and he came to believe that a series of dreams he had meant that he should strike out into the world and seek his path there.


First Post
helium3 said:
In case it matters, the first name is pronounced (Erk-You-Lear).

Don't be surprised if we call him Urk-U-Lees ... or just Urk. :D

Since you were wondering about your fellow posters.

I'm 34. Marrried. Living in Eastlake, Ohio, about 30 miles from where I was born. I've ben here all my life, aside from a four year stint in Minnesota for college.
I've got degrees in Bible, Art, and Photography, but am currently unemployed. That will be changing soon I hope! :D

I've been gaming since I was nine, when a teacher introduced me to the Dungeon board game. I soon "graduated to the hard stuff" aka OD&D, and have been playing and DMing ever since. I have probably played or GMed 80% of the bigger RPG's out there at one time or another. The big ones would be Shadowrun (every edition, playtested 3e) Warhammer (every edition, playtested 2e), D&D (every edition), everything in the WoD (every edition) etc. etc.

I can't possibly give you a list of all my characters. Recently though I've been playing Calvin Broadfoot, Hip-Hop Gnome Bard, aka Snopp Doggy Frodo. I'm in Peter's Honeymarsh Academy PbP and really enjoying my Half-Green Dragon Ranger Arvin Dargon there.

I'm working as a Staff Reviewer for RPGNow currently. Some of my critters and magic items will be appearing in Dog Soul Publishing's Hurricane Katrina Charity project Suck da Head, Squeeze da Tail, and I'm also slowly working at my eventual goal of self-publishing my own material.

Whew. That's probably TMI/oversharing, but there it is. :D

Lobo Lurker

First Post
I'll post a character later today. My internet connection at home is not stable at all for some reason. I lose it when it rains and I tend to not have access at night. Odd (ADSL connection).

I'm thinking either a Dwarf or a Half-Orc 'cause humans & elves can't see in the dark.

Voidrunner's Codex

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