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(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)

Archon Basileus

First Post
There you go!
I'll place the spells as I review the sheet!

Also, I assumed you'd hook him through Darrondar, so I used him in my bg story. Please, if that goes against any part of your lore or the adventure lore (I read none of the adventures you are using) feel free to change everything hehe.


Drui Holderhek
Dwarf – Mountain – Cleric (Tempus), Soldier

Alignment: LG
Armor Class: 14 (Scale mail + Dex)
Hit Points: 11 (1d8+3)
Speed: 25 ft.

Str: 12+2=14 (+2)
Dex: 10 (+0)
Con: 14 + 2=16 (+3)
Int: 13 (+1)
Wis: 15 (+2)
Cha: 8 (-1)

Senses: Darkvision, passive Perception = 13
Languages: Common, Dwarf
Acrobatics (+0)
Animal Handling (+0)
Arcana (+1)
Athletics (+3) (War)
Deception (-1)
History (+3) (Cleric)
Insight (+2)
Intimidation (+1) (War)
Investigation (+1)
Medicine (+2)
Nature (+1)
Perception (+2)
Performance (-1)
Persuasion (-1)
Religion (+3) (Cleric)
Sleight of Hand (+0)
Stealth (+0)
Survival (+2)
Passive Perception: 12

Tools: Mason tools

Saves: Wisdom(+2), Charisma (-1)
Prof. Bonus: +2


Warhammer +5 to hit, 1d8+3 bludgeoning (2 lb.) – versatile 1d10



Warhammer – 15GP

Armor: Scale mail – 50 GP

Adventuring gear:

Abacus 2 GP
Bolts (20) – 1GP
Case, bolts – 1GP
Case, scrolls – 1GP
Chain – 5GP
Chalk – 1CP
Chest – 5GP
Clothes, common- 5GP
Clothes, traveler’s – 2 GP
Crowbar – 25GP
Hammer – 2GP
Sledgehammer – 2GP
Parchment (1 sheet) 1SP
Pick, miner’s – 2GP
Piton – 5 CP
Pot, Iron – 2 GP
Pouch – 5 SP
Rope, silk (50 feet) – 10 GP
Shovel – 2GP
Torch – 1CP
Whetstone – 1CP
Priest’s pack – 19GP
Mason’s tools – 10GP
Dragonchess set – 1GP

Donkey – 8 GP
Saddle 10 GP
Saddlebags 4GP

Total spent: 193 GP 6 SP 8 CP

Coins: 5 GP 3 SP 2 CP

Class features
Armor: heavy
Weapons: Simple, martial
Expertise: Cooks Utensils, Thieves Tools
Sneak Attack: 1d6

Racial Features:
Speed: 25 feet
Darkvision: 60 feet in the dark
Dwarven Resilience: advantage for save throws against poison, resistance to poison damage
Dwarven Weapon Training: battleaxe, handaxe, throwing hammer,
and warhammer
Tools: mason tool proficiency
Mountain Dwarf
Dwarven Armor Training: light/medium armor
Learning his craft from his older brothers, Drui had an early start as an itinerant mason. The three Holderneks helped rising many buildings throughout the Sword Coast, to the point they began making a name for themselves. Eventually, they got their big break: a contract to fortify the base of an old set of towers in the noble quarters of Waterdeep. The commissioned work, though, was not to be. Having lost the contract to the dwarven brothers, a local architect plotted their deaths, hoping to take by force that which his talents would not ensure. Only Drui survived the assassination plot. Lacking options and unable to prove the architect’s involvement in his brothers’ deaths, he became a field engineer for the army of Waterdeep. He was allotted with Darrondar’s unit, and participated in the skirmish that claimed his comrades’ lives. The only reason he managed to survive was Darrondar. Drui fell unconscious during the attack and, to his knowledge, it was the priest that took him from the battlefield, tended his wounds and made him better. Still, he’d accept no gratitude. He simply said that Drui was blessed, protected by Tempus in two different occasions that would otherwise have claimed his life. Rising from his sickbed, after days of meditation, Drui decided that Darrondar was right. He sought out the dwarf and, through his contacts and influence, he became a cleric of Tempus, devoted to the intricacies of just and sacred war. Despite embracing his faith, though, Drui still feels indebted to Darrondar – if not for his life, then for his being accepted among the priests of Tempus. As any man of honor, he’d go to any lengths to pay such debt.

Description: Drui was the tallest among his brothers, going 4’8’’ feet, with large shoulders and a heavy body. Age made his body thicker, and forced his long, dark hair to retreat a bit on the sides, giving him a more respectable air to go along with his braided, black beard. It is said that he was quite outspoken and friendly in his youth. After his brothers’ deaths, though, he became increasingly reclusive and silent, taking to work long, solitary hours, or dedicating himself to unusual forms of study. When socializing, the dwarf becomes blunt, often rude, and demonstrates little patience for anyone that does not respond in a straightforward manner. He tends to consider social gatherings a waste of time. Nonetheless, he seems to be a good problem solver, and sometimes can offer sound advice – despite the brutal way of conveying his words. He is stubborn, and tends to be adamant about his own decisions, but never intrudes someone else’s field of expertise – he holds anyone that knows a trade of choice in great respect. As for his faith, he holds a very pragmatic view of his conceptions. He took to history to learn strategy, and even as he delved into religion and metaphysics, his main interest still revolved around the political scene that allowed Tempus’ faith to spread throughout Faerun.


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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Tommi, Jyn’s boy, Rogue 1


HP 9, AC 14, Move 30.

[sblock=Rogue 1]Tommi
NG Human Rogue
Level 1

STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+2, save +4)
CON 12 (+1)
INT 8 (-1, save +1)
WIS 16 (+3)
CHA 14 (+2)

Size M
Speed 30
AC 14
Init +2
Hit Points 9

Proficiency bonus: +2
Proficiencies: light armor, simple weapons, rogue weapons
Saves: INT, DEX
Skills: Acrobatics, Deception, Insight, Stealth, Perception, Persuasion, Athletics
Tools: Thieves’ tools, Cards, Lute
Languages: Common, Thieves’ Cant

Sling (+4) 1d4+2 bludgeoning (30/120*)
Magic stone (+5) 1d6+3 bludgeoning (30/120* or 60)
* eligible for sneak attack

Background (trait): Urban Bounty Hunter (ear to the ground) [SCAG]
* contact in any city

Race abilities:
* Variant Human: extra skill, feat, +1 dex/wis (incl. above)

Class abilities:
* Expertise (double proficiency in Deception and Insight
* Sneak Attack, +1d6 damage.

* Magic Initiate (Druid)
- Cantrips: Magic Stone [EEPC], Guidance
- Level 1: Goodberry

+4 (dex) Acrobatics
+3 (wis) Animal Handling
-1 (int) Arcana
+2 (str) Athletics
+6 (cha) Deception (Expertise)
-1 (int) History
+7 (wis) Insight (Expertise)
+2 (cha) Intimidation
-1 (int) Investigation
+3 (wis) Medicine
+0 (int) Nature
+5 (wis) Perception
+2 (cha) Performance
+4 (cha) Persuasion
-1 (int) Religion
+2 (dex) Sleight of Hand
+4 (dex) Stealth
+3 (wis) Survival

Personality: happy go lucky. I've always got by so far. Odds are I will tomorrow as well.
Ideal: Being pleasantly drunk on a hot afternoon with a new friend.
Bond: Jyn, his mom; Sheren, his sometime sweetheart and parole officer.
Flaw: A sleeping bear? I should poke it.

Studded leather (13#, 45gp)
Sling x 2 (2sp)
sling bullets (4cp) (20/20 left)
Thieves’ tools (1#, 25gp)
Lute (2#, 35gp)
Burglar’s Pack (16gp)
Mistletoe (x2) (2gp)
Cards (5sp)
Traveller's clothes (2gp)
Clothes, common (5sp)
Healer's kit (5gp) (10/10 left)
Signet ring (5gp), from Sheren Miller.
Chalk x3 (3cp)
Bedroll (7#, 1gp)
Hourglass (1#, 25gp)
Pouch (5sp), containing: 38gp 2sp 3cp.

Weight: (150 lbs carrying capacity)
[sblock=Backstory]When you wanted a blanket for a newborn in Daggerford, every new mother wanted one by Jyn. The widow made them constantly, but they took time, and Jyn had a rule that she would only ever make one for a baby. There was prestige in being the one to commission one of Jyn's blankets for a baby, and as a result, Jyn was often the first to hear when someone was pregnant, sometimes before the father himself.

Tommi would talk of his mother proudly, even if he never quite found the purpose in life that she possessed. Everyone knew Jyn's boy. His tousled hair always askew; dirt always on his chin or elbow; perhaps his shirt is inside out. He was a sweet kid, but was often in trouble. The favour with which the community held Jyn often meant the people forgave his youthful indiscretions.

He almost had a job, once. He was apprenticed to a druid's circle, about thirty miles north (the Archdruid had given birth to a second daughter, and had been given one of Jyn's blankets). He spent eight months with them (past the summer solstice, not quite to the equinox), and had shown some promise, learning a few tricks, but one day he wandered off, and was arrested for mischief three nights later in Daggerford, drunk and walking several dogs he had borrowed from unsuspecting homesteaders.

This was not the first time he had been arrested, but the charges never stuck. Every time had been by Sherlen Miller, which itself was unusual since the constable's responsibilities were many. In their teens, they had dated, but sharpen had already found her purpose in life, and making time for Jyn's boy was always going come second in her life, even if they were each other's first loves. He's regularly on the wrong side of the law, but only for small things, and maybe it's just to spend time with her.

Tommi has always sort of drifted by on being nice and occasionally helpful. He is a sometime informant, a smalltime gambler, a volunteer medic, and a mediocre musician. He doesn't style himself as an adventurer, but he he puts his nose where it isn't always wanted, and he is a very good listener. Those traits tend not to keep him out of trouble.[/sblock]
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Some things I'd like you to think on: As we start the campaign, how long have you been in Daggerford and where do you stay?

Answer options are:

Lived there all my life
Been there for awhile
Grew up there, recently returned
Newly arrived

(Or something I haven't thought of along those lines)

Combine it with:

I stay on the property of an NPC (family, friend, or charity)
I rent a space (Inn, shack, or townhouse)
I haven't found lodgings yet.

(Again, feel free to come up with your own)

Which reminds me, give me an idea of your "lifestyle" expenses.

River Song

Lionel is a local of Daggerford, having been raised in the family business in the Happy Cow. I guess he lives there or wherever the family home is.


Snake has lived in Daggerford off and on for the last 7 years, spending half of the year in town, (usually winter) while spending the other half of the year off adventuring. While in town Snake stays at the Silver Flood Inn. While in town Snake pays for a decent single occupancy room at the inn other than that he tries to keep his expenses down as much as possible, he has no luxury items and most nights he catches his dinner, (rodents in back alleys) on the nights he doesn’t he buys a decent meal.


My noble human, no name yet, is a noble from Waterdeep. He rents space in a tavern, living a Comfortable lifestyle that is paid for by his family.

Sent from my iPad using EN World


Snake is somewhat popular with the people of the Shanties. They call him "Ratcatcher". It may vex him, but they mean it affectionately and often call to him, "I sawr a big juicy one over there!" It would be insulting, but they are honest and friendly (and they really do point him to good ones.)


Dandin is from the city, orphaned and apprenticed to a local merchant. He's become a trader in his own right and has moved out of his lodgings. From now on he's expecting to live out of his cart and off of his earnings.

Squirrels are evil!


Angis Hornack is a gold/hill dwarf, so that means he's "not from around here" (i.e. shield/mountain dwarves are in the North). He is the younger son of a wealthy dwarven noble merchant family. He is in self-imposed exile. I think he gets enough from the family to live at Comfortable level, but I think he actually lives at Modest lifestyle, likely with a room either in the inn or above the family's local shop. He is often out of town, running the caravan route between Daggerford and Waterdeep, and sometimes the whole Trade Way all the way down to Baldur's Gate. But that's as close as he ever wants to come to his home in Westgate.

More details forthcoming as I get the bio done. His Background will be a mash up of Noble and Guild Merchant.

EDIT: I think Angis has actually been in Daggerford for years, enough to be considered "local" enough. But he's in and out of town a lot, too. He is SUPPOSED to be running the business on this end of the Trade Way, but in reality he leaves that to the business' steward and prefers riding as a caravan guard.

Voidrunner's Codex

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