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D&D 5E [OOC] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr [ENDED]

The two supposedly met during the Reclamation war. The war ended in '69, so Corilo was around 12 years old during the war. Brue must have been 16 or something.
I was more looking for a clarification from you about what side Corilo was on when Brue first met him. My hope is that he was allied with a friendly side when she picked him up and carried him to the medic. Let me know?

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Forged Fury

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I think his intention was that he was still conscripted against his will to fight for Yusef's army when you found him nearly dead. That act of kindness and mercy allowed him to face his fears and fight for Zaranda Star.

Forged Fury

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Sounds like everyone is down for moving out. It'a bout 3-4 PM or so. Unless someone suggests otherwise, I figure you'll be making camp at some point?

I'll go ahead and get the post up.

For future reference, Brue prefers to walk. She'll ride in the cart only as a last resort if it appears her walking is causing the party to have to go slower. I meant to say something about this yesterday but, being busy, forgot. Thanks!

Forged Fury

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The donkey surprisingly has a ground speed of 40' feet, so Joté outpaces everyone. Given their particular special ability as far as pulling stuff, I'm inclined to not decrease it until they get to the point they can't pull. If you've ever been around donkeys or mules, they basically have two modes: go or no-go. You don't see them struggling, because they just refuse to budge if it's going to be a struggle.


Note to self: learn to see in the dark.

Did I mention that Joté can see in the dark (he eats his carrots) and is a member of secret order of were-donkey ninja paladins?

Forged Fury

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Note for the Casters:

I think we're going to do area of effect spells a little differently, but I want to see if you all are down with it or not. Here's the way it would work:

You pick a square (not an intersection) as the point of origin of the effect, the point of origin is not counted as part of the distance. Form there, you measure it normally, except that when you take a diagonal, the next step in any direction costs 10'.

So, let's look at a 10' effect. Under the current rules, I think it looks like this (Centered on the intersection of N-O/10-11):
Curretn AoE Rules.jpg

Under the change I'm suggesting, it would look like this (Centered on O10):
AoE Change.jpg


ETA: I actually haven't looked at the DMGs suggestions for handling grid combat, so I may be incorrect on how it currently works RAW.

Not a caster, but the model up top means that casters get three fewer squares (-18.75%) coverage for their spells. Then again, they also get a bit of extended reach by one square in two cardinal directions.


First Post
I fail to see how moving diagonally could take up 10 feet and not 5. If each square is 5 ft x 5 ft, then it's 2.5 feet from any point along it's sides to the center. If you move 2.5 feet from the center of one square to its corner, then move 2.5 feet from that corner into the middle of the next diagonal square, how is it that this is 10 feet and not 5?

I dislike this idea because as @CanadienneBacon pointed out, it's actually taking away almost 20% of the coverage area for any area of effect spell.

Now, I should like to point out that I'm not opposed to using effect markers such as cubes, cones, and circles to show exactly what the coverage area is. I mean, a 20' circle will be 20 feet from the center outwards, but that doesn't mean it will cover every inch of every square in that 20 foot radius. Just like a 15 foot cone starts at about 1 foot and then spreads out to be 15 feet wide at the far distance of 15 feet.

Voidrunner's Codex

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