[OOC] The Fifth City

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Looks like we are good to get started.

IC thread will be coming either later tonight or tomorrow morning. I will post a link here after it goes up.


Here we go!

While the PCs are getting to know each other, let us, the players do the same.

I was, once upon a time, a poster here known as crazy_monkey1956. My first play-by-post was Tragedy at Silvergard, which I actually managed to finish (no mean feat in the land of pbp). After that, I started a fair number of other PbPs which all ended prematurely for various reasons. Scott DeWar was a player in a couple of them.

Up until last month, I was also on the community management team for the Wizards of the Coast community. Sadly, that is no longer the case and I'm currently looking for work.

Now, who might you be? :D


Now, who might you be? :D

Hi all. I am Fenris. I will one day devour Odin as I seek to swallow Migard. I am bound by Gleipnir, made from the footstep of a cat; the roots of a mountain; a woman's beard; the breath of fishes; the sinews of a bear; and a bird's spittle. You can pet me if you like, but have to leave a hand in my mouth, just in case:devil:


In reality, I am an old hand at PbP, as well as ENWorld, though not as active as Scotley or DeWar (since I have a life :p). I have played in some amazing games here at ENWorld (and over at Cirvus as well), and it always is a combination of a great DM and awesome players. And it looks like we have those elements for this game already.

In my spare time, I am a university professor. I teach a science class for non-science majors, and we have lots of fun. And yes I can field requests for science question.


I am Scott and somewhere along the way I picked up the nickname Scotley (it is a reference to the movie Gone with the Wind which would only make sense if you knew my last name as well.)

I've been a gamer since the late 70's when I was but a lad. Because I do have a life, despite those nasty rumors Fenris is spreading :mad: , my gaming has largely moved to pbp. I first played here more than ten years ago in a 3.5 version of the old Against the Slave Lords adventures by Karl Green. I've been in lots of games since. I run a few and have had a great time. Unfortunately, in the last couple of years real life has intruded on my gaming time and the games have suffered because of it.

When I'm not gaming I run a small company that provides round the clock services to adults with developmental disabilities. I am a victim of my own success as the company is up to nearly a hundred employees now and it demands lots of my time. We where just a little start-up with me as the only employee about 6 years ago. I play duplicate bridge in competition a little bit as well, but again my bridge game has suffered from RL concerns. I'm also a husband and father to two wonderful kids and that other one too. :p Fortunately, only the youngest is still at home, but will be for at least another decade. Unfortunately, at least as far as the game is concerned, I will be traveling to watch the middle child graduate from college the rest of the week, so just as the game is getting rolling I'm going to be out of touch for a couple days. :.-(


No worries about absences and such. I only plan for a once a week posting rate and anything faster is gravy. A longer absence will just result in your character being off screen for as long as you're gone (its a big city with lots to do after all).


Queen of Everything
If Fenris is being naughty let me know, I'll whip his butt right into shape!! :devil:

As for me, I'm pretty boring. I started playing D&D 2.0 in college with my future ex husband lol. We played at a table game at our house for a loonggg time, though 3.x and almost to Pathfinder when we broke up. He took the gaming group with him that bastard lol. I haven't had a table game since, mostly because it's hard scheduling that kind of thing outside your own home when you have a child.

I like to go to gamedays and cons though because of money I haven't gone super recently. I am a pretty big poster over at CM and even have my own drama story over there "Queeniegeddon" or some other such nonsense. I think it's in the Wiki lol.

My daughter was born very early and has some special needs. Because of that, she spent the first year of her life in the hospital. We had just started a hybrid Wild West table game at a small con we were at (coming home from the con is when I had her out of state!!) so the DM thought it would help me to turn that game into a PBP. He was right, it was super successful and 10 years later we are still playing. There are four long finished modules and we're close to the end of the fifth. That game and character is my other baby :eek:

I have started a lot of PBP, though not as many as some of you, but I am always disappointed when they don't continue. I have a sort of hard time making characters, there are just so many options to choose from and I'm always paranoid the one PBP that goes on will be the one I made the shittest character. Excuse my French! :angel:


Queen of Everything
MV, good luck searching for a job! My understanding is it's still pretty rough out there. So I'm sending you lots of good vibes. :eek:

Scotley, congrats on your kids graduation! That's certainly a super proud moment. My daughter is 10 but to me she is still a baby, then I turn around and she's this little lady. Makes me feel old!!!

Scott, I meant to say earlier that I hope you were feeling good. I actually didn't know you had so many surgeries recently! So I hope you're at least feeling better from whatever you went / are going though.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
All of you have played with me here on en world at some time or another, in some game or another.

As Fenris points out, My only life right now is Recovering from being sick in 2011. I am really David, Scott DeWar is a permutation of Dewar's Scotch, my favorite libation.

I am currently on year 3 of not having a life, enough to cover Scottly actually having a life to simulate lack of life-ed-ness, so Scottley, that's my bad.

**Le Sighhhh**

I want to get back to work soooo verrry bad.

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