OOC: Tholestia: also XP and GP tracking etc.

Deepwinter 7

First Post
And Wulf

make sure you change the player in the die roller to "Casper" I received 3 e-mails about your die-rolls and I don't like that. This is the only warning you get, next time I'll repay the erred message 100 fold

(i.e. I'll toast your mailbox :))

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Deepwinter 7

First Post
Btw concerning the telekinesis and the wraith, I was as much at loss as you were Rav. I couldn't really find any reasons why it should not work, I also read the "incorporeality" and "telekinesis" descriptions you quoted of course...

Zero is also a number and I could see Darth Vader holding of an incorporeal creature with the Force... But gut feeling tells me you're right, just thought is was worth the splurge


First Post
Ok, Ok, sorry......I see a striking similarity between Mathijs' Character and himself concerning their grumpy nature and sarcasm :)

BTW, Ron I edited my post because I forgot to add Bard song bonusses....I do not think it makes a difference but could you please check just in case? thanx....
Last edited:


First Post
Oke lets say that everyone use 1 standard from now on... Lets say mine (Kheldev's to i belive) You put down:
a - the roll
b - the standard bonus (according to character level)
c - all the other bonussen like str, magic, bardsong etc.

Personaly I don't put the str in the standard and than add bull's str as an extra...

Well wath do you think?


serves Gnome Master
takew said:
Oke lets say that everyone use 1 standard from now on... Lets say mine (Kheldev's to i belive) You put down:
a - the roll
b - the standard bonus (according to character level)
c - all the other bonussen like str, magic, bardsong etc.

Personaly I don't put the str in the standard and than add bull's str as an extra...
Agreed. Take's combat posts have been most easy to follow so far. I know exactly how he came to that number, which is nice. I think not putting in Strength (or dexterity for ranged or finessed weapons) with the standard modifier, especially with the new Bull's Strength spell, might be a good Idea, as the score will change more often. Something along the lines of the following might be the easiest.

(Roll) + (Base Attack Bonus) + (Str/Dex) + (Magical Weapon) + (Bard Song) - (Power Attack)= (result)


First Post
OMG what was I thinking:
the standard bonus (according to character level)
is ofcourse BAB Stupid me...

ps. Don't forget to make the tekst size 1

How you might ask: |size=1|bla,bla,bla...|/size|

| is offcourse ] or [


First Post
For the record, I know in game terms it doesn't matter if you take a rest for an hour. You just boost up everybody with magic and move on. But to be more realistic I thought I would mention it. We have had three combats and I think you would be tired then.


First Post
That's the reason I agree IC. If you wanted to rest 8 hours, I would have kicked your ass ;)

Btw. Can we fastforward the healing proces. Everyone who is damaged and would like to be healed, mention so in OOC. We all know by now how this goes down. Kheldev hasn't had any damage yet ;) Although the CON drain did hurt... a bit :)

(thank you inertial barrier)

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