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Oops, is my multi screw up bad?


Rules Monkey
Sounds like this is a campaign with just 2 PC's. In this instance, I would let it stand, because it helps to have the PC's be more powerful when there are so few of them - you don't have to adjust things as much to account for their fewer numbers.

If it's going to stay pretty much 2 players, I'd toss the other player's cleric a bone as well.

If you get more players, I'd talk to her about bringing her character back in line with the normal rules.

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First Post
But Scorching Burst covers an entirely new role.

Sounds like this is a campaign with just 2 PC's. In this instance, I would let it stand, because it helps to have the PC's be more powerful when there are so few of them - you don't have to adjust things as much to account for their fewer numbers.
I agree with Caliban. Sure, it gives the Rogue powers from another Role....but with so few PCs, they'll need it.

Just be sure to tell both players about the mix-up. Honesty is the best policy here.

Kisanji Arael

First Post
I think, in this situation, you should talk to your players and decide whether your rogue should lose her ability or not. And, if not, what would be a comparable bonus to give to the cleric (mozey on over to the House Rules forum for this one, if you should decide to go this route). But no, I don't think that it's very bad.

But, agreeing completely with Nail, honesty is best.


First Post
Thanks for all the replies. I told her what I'd done wrong, and she was like "that explains why it was so good".

I'll go with the RAW for now as its my first 4E campaign and I like to stick to the designers vision for now. I see that she can multiclass at 4th level to pick up a wizard encounter power than makes her explode out with flame, so by the time you have 2/encounter fire ball thingies minions are fun, rather than a massive slog to get through.

I was using the encounters spit out from Asmor's random encounter generator to go with treasure rolled by the random treasure generator floating around here somewhere. For each one I make about 20 results, then pick the most appropriate 5 or so. Don't want to go back to doing everything overboard like I did with my 3.x campaign that went for years and switched editions. That burned me out on D&D for months.

Rogue doesn't seem to be good with the damage output though - less PC's makes it way harder to flank, hence less and less rounds of sneak attack damage and its back to sly flourish or riposte strike (which was a star when she was the only PC!)

I also used the "broken array" method of stat generation for each PC - 4d6 drop lowest, do that 36 times filling in a 6x6 square in order, then picking any 6 in a straight row for scores. That's helping them with the versatility, and the cleric has already been out for the count twice so they aren't broken vs monsters that are each designed to be taken on by a specialist in destroying them. I'm going easy on brutes too because they just seem a bit too capable of killing the good guys.

I'll keep the light hand on minions advice in my mind for future encounters too.


First Post
Hambot said:
Rogue doesn't seem to be good with the damage output though - less PC's makes it way harder to flank, hence less and less rounds of sneak attack damage and its back to sly flourish or riposte strike (which was a star when she was the only PC!)

If she'd having trouble flanking, she needs to start fighting at range with Fleeting Ghost as her level 2 utility.

If she beats the target's perception with stealth (I would suggest Skill Focus too) then she can Sneak Attack them with sly flourish at 5 squares with her dagger.

Or with Scorching Burst.


First Post
Rogue doesn't seem to be good with the damage output though - less PC's makes it way harder to flank, hence less and less rounds of sneak attack damage and its back to sly flourish or riposte strike (which was a star when she was the only PC!)

That is entirely an artifact of the group being too small =(. Rogues tend to have some of the highest chances to hit and when in a full group get sneak attack damage most rounds. Being alone or with just one buddy makes that a lot harder to accomplish. I honestly feel that every extra person in the group ramps up a rogues damage potential, I dislike playing mine in RPGA games with only 4 players, but when we have 6 it's stabitty stab stab fun.


First Post
That explains why Belkar always hangs out with the others in Order of the Stick.

He's into stabitty stab stab fun.

Re fleeting ghost:
Ugh. See those stealth in combat rules remind me of the sorts of things that used to piss me off with D&D. I'm not that interested in reading up on errata. And my wife isn't too into rules either, but she will probably ask from time to time if she can try and hide during combat so I guess I will eventually have to read the errata. But I don't want it to be an every combat thing, that just seems silly.


First Post
That explains why Belkar always hangs out with the others in Order of the Stick.

He's into stabitty stab stab fun.

Re fleeting ghost:
Ugh. See those stealth in combat rules remind me of the sorts of things that used to piss me off with D&D. I'm not that interested in reading up on errata. And my wife isn't too into rules either, but she will probably ask from time to time if she can try and hide during combat so I guess I will eventually have to read the errata. But I don't want it to be an every combat thing, that just seems silly.

Just handle stealth however you want to, as long as it makes sense for both of you and you both have fun.

No one says you have to follow the letter of the errata. Rules are guidelines, not mandates.


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