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OotS 393!

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LEW Judge
LoneWolf23 said:
Can't wait for the translation...

Wait no more:
MFGL?? P opvvlu Mfgl? Sry!!
NALE?? I kissed Nale? Ugh!!

Keeeeee! Opno ypv fvv, Euugd Lcclnwpql Lgfm!
Woooooo! Kick his ass, Oddly Effective Elan!


Des'ql rew we il obuupmr al, Lgfm, des'xl mew isdpmr wypv, fxl des???
You've got to be kidding me. Elan, you're not buying this, are you??

Ufam vwxfpryw, yl'v gdpmr!
Damn straight, he's lying!

Yl iesryw al wypv uxlvv! Neal em, kesgu FMD keafm NYEEVL we klfx wypv wypmr?
He bought me this dress! Come on, would ANY woman CHOOSE to wear this thing?

Me! P'a mew! P'a vwsjpu! P'a ve vwsjpu!!
No! I'm not! I'm stupid! I'm so stupid!!

Ec nesxvl mew! Wypv pv fivsxu! P'a Nyfewpn Reeu! Pvy!
Of course not! This is absurd! I'm Chaotic Good! Ish!

Kyd fxl des gpvwlmpnr we ypa?? Yl'v wyl QPGGFPM!
Why are you listenig to him?? He's the VILLAIN!

Me, P yfqlm'w!
No, I haven't!

Des yfql we ilgplql al! Yl'v gdpmr!!
You are to believe me He's lying!!

Kyfw?? Me! ME!!
What?? No! No!!

P nfm'w...
I can't...

P nfm'w gevl ypa...
I can't lose him...

P--P wyesryw...
I--I thought...


P wyesryw--
I thought--


First Post
Bah. The one time-- THE ONE TIME-- I read this post before the comic, I get a major plot point spoiled for me!

Note to self: Comic first-- then discussion. :(


First Post
I must say.. I liked Elan getting the upper hand there for a while.. but what I was really impressed with was Nale's use of the suggestion spell...

Going to have to remember that one..

J from Three Haligonians


First Post
I was personally impressed with how creative Elan's quips were. I mean, he didn't reuse a single one! Maybe the Dashing Swordsman abilities depend on not reusing old quips too often, or something, but seriously- where did he come up with all that? :D And the food segue into "Have some Punch!" and "Kick it up a notch!" was right out of an action movie.

Still, "bull rush tackle hug!" is the best line of thethis strip. :) Doesn't quite beat Scoundrel's going-away thought, but it comes pretty close.
Last edited:


First Post
I wonder if Nale got a bonus to his Suggestion DC from the use of multiple (successful) Bluff checks. I know I would have considered giving him a +1 or perhaps even a +2 bonus for that. It was an excellent setup. Had he used it at the beginning without the buildup I would have been surprised if it had worked, but after several well done bluffs it seemed almost inevitable that it should work (for a while, at least). Haley's speech breaking the spell was also well done. I look forward to future strips.

Voidrunner's Codex

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