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OOTS #629 is up

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Some people who were looking for certain answers about V will be disappointed greatly by this comic.

All I can without spoiling it is that it is really intresting and dramatic.


This is where V sells his/her soul to the imp in exchange for a way to stop the dragon, right?

And I predict that he/she will still be too late to save his/her family.


What, and ruin a perfectly good running joke? :D

Exactly. The "Parent" and "Other Parent" bit feels clumsy, but it keeps the joke going. However, he should have given V's mate a more gender-neutral appearance, since the mate looks kind of female. No a big distinction when talking about elves, but still.

Also, why do V's kids look like wood elves, while V and the mate have the lighter complexion typical of high/grey elves? Are they adopted? (Which conjures up a crackpot theory in my head).


Also, why do V's kids look like wood elves, while V and the mate have the lighter complexion typical of high/grey elves? Are they adopted? (Which conjures up a crackpot theory in my head).
The kids are Fourth Edition elves:

They have the same range of complexions as humans, tending more toward tan or brown hues. A typical elf’s hair color is dark brown, autumn orange, mossy green, or deep gold.

Note that both are browner-skinned than either Varsuuvius or their other parent, and that one has autumn orange hair and the other mossy green. :)

It's subtle, doubly so because all the elves in the core rulebooks are drawn to be as pale as your typical European human (which has always bothered me), but I'm sure I'm right.

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