• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Open Source dilemmas...(AKA Creature Catalog/Tome of Beasts/Tome of Horrors etc.)


CR 1/8
I can just see myself saying in a spooky voice....."Oooh...worse tha ghasts..there are some Petersen ghasts hopping to attack!" :LOL:

It kinda fits the dusty academic scholar type character in a Cthulhu game, doesn't it?

"But, Professor, what are these abominations?"
"Ghasts, I believe, but of a sort I am unfamiliar with. Let us consult... the Field Guide."

* feverishly runs finger down index of forbidden tome *

* madly flips through book *

* stops at page *

* desperately reads to bottom of page *

* flips page *

* desperately continues reading at top of next page *

"Oh dear! It's worse than I feared. They're not just ghasts...."

* face pales in terror *

"They're Petersen ghasts!"

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