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Opinions wanted on my Hybrid Assassin/ Monk Venomed Soul, Perfect Slayer build


First Post
This is my first attempt at a build for flavour, as I am going to be starting a new campaign soon and I've had this idea kicking around for a little while. I was trying to creat an Assassin/Monk who uses Ranged Poisoned attacks in the form of darts or shuriken, who also uses power over the shadows to assist in his mobility and taking out his marks. I made it for the Forgotten Realms Setting as that is the Campaign setting I usually play in. I am however not sure how playable it would be, please feel free to pick it apart and suggest changes to make it more optimized from a playable standpoint.
[sblock]====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&D Character Builder =====
Alain DuShade, level 30
Human, Assassin|Monk, Venomed Soul, Perfect Slayer
Hybrid Assassin: Hybrid Assassin Fortitude
Monastic Tradition (Hybrid): Stone Fist (Hybrid)
Hybrid Monk: Hybrid Monk Will
Hybrid Talent: Guild Training (Hybrid)
Guild Training (Hybrid): Bleak Disciple (Hybrid)
Background: Netheril, Human - Heir of the Forgotten Gods (Netheril Benefit)

Str 18, Con 17, Dex 26, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 18.

Str 10, Con 13, Dex 17, Int 8, Wis 10, Cha 15.

AC: 43 Fort: 41 Reflex: 41 Will: 41
HP: 144 Surges: 9 Surge Value: 36

Perception +21, Insight +21, Stealth +32, Thievery +28, Athletics +24

Acrobatics +23, Arcana +16, Bluff +19, Diplomacy +19, Dungeoneering +16, Endurance +18, Heal +16, History +16, Intimidate +19, Nature +16, Religion +15, Streetwise +19

Human: Silent Shadows
Level 1: Disciplined Killer
Level 2: Hybrid Talent
Level 4: Weapon Proficiency (Parrying dagger)
Level 6: Implement Expertise (Ki Focuses)
Level 8: Defensive Mobility
Level 10: Improved Initiative
Level 11: Starblade Flurry
Level 12: Venom Hand Killer
Level 14: Venom Hand Master
Level 16: Death's Pall
Level 18: Effortless Motion
Level 20: Killer's Insight
Level 21: Epic Fortitude
Level 22: Epic Will
Level 24: Stone Fist Master
Level 26: Soul in Shadow
Level 28: Walker Through Shadows
Level 30: Superior Initiative

Bonus At-Will Power: Inescapable Blade
Hybrid at-will 1: Shadow Storm
Hybrid at-will 1: Five Storms
Hybrid encounter 1: Shadow Darts
Hybrid daily 1: Masterful Spiral
Hybrid utility 2: Supreme Flurry
Hybrid encounter 3: Eternal Mountain
Hybrid daily 5: Heart of Dust
Hybrid utility 6: Slayer's Escape
Hybrid encounter 7: Shadow Jack
Hybrid daily 9: Twilight Touch
Hybrid utility 10: Iron Dragon Defense
Hybrid encounter 13: Spectral Assailants (replaces Shadow Darts)
Hybrid daily 15: Dancer on the Sea of Battle (replaces Masterful Spiral)
Hybrid utility 16: Gloaming Call
Hybrid encounter 17: Whirlwind Kick (replaces Eternal Mountain)
Hybrid daily 19: Guild of Shadows (replaces Heart of Dust)
Hybrid utility 22: Indomitable Technique
Hybrid encounter 23: Obsidian Spiders (replaces Shadow Jack)
Hybrid daily 25: Watchful Hydra Stance (replaces Dancer on the Sea of Battle)
Hybrid encounter 27: Shadows of Doom (replaces Spectral Assailants)
Hybrid daily 29: Three Shadow Venoms (replaces Twilight Touch)

Adventurer's Kit, Thieves' Tools, Bloodstinger Poison (level 3),
Cat Tabi (heroic tier), Tattoo of Bloodied Chains (paragon tier),
Ring of Shadow Travel (paragon tier), Ring of Shadow Guard (paragon tier),
Casque of Tactics (paragon tier) (2), Skull Bracers (paragon tier),
Gloves of Accuracy (paragon tier), Backbone Belt (paragon tier),
Shadowdance Starweave Armor +6, Lucky Charm +6, Death Shroud Ki Focus +6,
Assassin's Shuriken +6 (6), Rhythm Blade Parrying dagger +6
====== Copy to Clipboard and Press the Import Button on the Summary tab ======[/sblock]

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