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Dances with Gnolls
Well, you see, there's this army of undead that's slowly growing on the outskirts of a kingdom, and adventurers were sent in to figure it out. Each group that was sent in never came back* (they were all killed by the CL + Sim), until a high enough level group shows up.

No one has ever figured out his goals, but they do know he indiscriminately kills anyone who comes near to build up his army of undead, so he must he taken down.

*The rare survivor has told you of the equipment and tactics the enemy uses.

From where were these corpses and piles of bones, that this undead army comes from? Plus, awful. You have to command them to do anything. If you need to quickly change what you want them to do, you have to be within like 60 feet of them, or at least the ones you want to do a different thing. And undead army without any strong willed undead is not a difficult task for a group of high level adventurers, let alone a whole kingdom.

Again. This tells me nothing of what this forgotten man even wants. Or who he is. Apparently he is moving from graveyard to graveyard. So it is easy enough to set the stage for his defeat. Stake out and prep the largest nearby site where he might be able to spend hours raising more dead, and eliminate him. Or, don't. Remove the army. If it is that vast, there is no way he can protect its entirety. Strike the flanks, as he responds, strike where he left.

Out of context, the spell user seems strong, but within an actual game, where scouting, information gathering and smart tactics would exist, he is made vulnerable by his own perceived strengths.

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I can't log

You were specifically asked not to post in this thread again. Since you won't do it willingly, I guess I have to make you.

To be very clear, my account Hygor Haas is giving a fatal error, I can not enter. And I also can not start a conversation with the moderator, since I need 5 posts.

Hygor Haas when I try log"Fatal error: Class 'EnworldMobile' not found in /var/www/virtual/enworld/forum/enworld_mobile/hooks/style_fetch.php on line 3"

I'm going to vent: I'm getting a punishment I do not deserve.

Well, I made a thread with affection and well done, illustrated and harmless, I did not offend anyone, The only one I was rude was "mgshamster" that offended me and said I was a troll, attack without motives.

Yes, I was rude to him alone, but I did not offend him.
"Are you a troll?" or "Can not you read?" it is no offense. I was just rude.
I said I would not answer that specific guy.
I answered more than 100 posts with all the education and

gentle and even so I was prohibited from posting here.
I really do not know if I've been banned, but I can not log in.

I no longer feel like posting here or even playing D & D, because even if you act correctly you are persecuted. If the goal is to attack or harm me, congratulations.

Sorry if I was offensive to anyone.
It's time wasted and stress with something that should be fun.
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First Post
From where were these corpses and piles of bones, that this undead army comes from? Plus, awful. You have to command them to do anything. If you need to quickly change what you want them to do, you have to be within like 60 feet of them, or at least the ones you want to do a different thing. And undead army without any strong willed undead is not a difficult task for a group of high level adventurers, let alone a whole kingdom.

Again. This tells me nothing of what this forgotten man even wants. Or who he is. Apparently he is moving from graveyard to graveyard. So it is easy enough to set the stage for his defeat. Stake out and prep the largest nearby site where he might be able to spend hours raising more dead, and eliminate him. Or, don't. Remove the army. If it is that vast, there is no way he can protect its entirety. Strike the flanks, as he responds, strike where he left.

Out of context, the spell user seems strong, but within an actual game, where scouting, information gathering and smart tactics would exist, he is made vulnerable by his own perceived strengths.

Oh, I completely agree.

In a previous thread on this same topic, the battle took place in a mountainous terrain and the CL had an unknown artifact that made him evil. We still didn't know what his goal was, and it has been pointed out before* that no one knows why they're even attacking this villain, because he seems to be the most placid villain ever in existence. He's spends 99% of his time in hiding, and only comes out once every few (weeks, months, years?) for a maximum of 10 days** and more likely just a few hours***.

*The previous thread where all this was pointed out was deleted by the mods of that site
**10 days is the maximum his contingency lasts
***He has stated that he returns to his hiding place when he runs out of spells, and sorc point calculations put him at maybe an hour or two before he's out with all his buffs up.


Dances with Gnolls
Oh, I completely agree.

In a previous thread on this same topic, the battle took place in a mountainous terrain and the CL had an unknown artifact that made him evil. We still didn't know what his goal was, and it has been pointed out before* that no one knows why they're even attacking this villain, because he seems to be the most placid villain ever in existence. He's spends 99% of his time in hiding, and only comes out once every few (weeks, months, years?) for a maximum of 10 days** and more likely just a few hours***.

*The previous thread where all this was pointed out was deleted by the mods of that site
**10 days is the maximum his contingency lasts
***He has stated that he returns to his hiding place when he runs out of spells, and sorc point calculations put him at maybe an hour or two before he's out with all his buffs up.

So stake him out for these 10 days, and find where he rests to renew contingency. Wouldn't be hard to do if he is flying around constantly above an army of undead. And if he leaves the undead while he rests, they it wouldn't be hard at all do wipe them out, and make him start all over. Otherwise, take him out as he rests or right after when he lacks the resources a coffeelock would obtain after years of short rests.

The build itself is interesting from a theory crafting perspective, I will grant that. In real game play however, it would not prove to be as invincible. As many have pointed out, with even just going toe to toe without any prior planning than, nuke him.

I can't log

Confirmed, I was banned. Okay,
There was no warning of ban, I was banned directly.
At least let me know why I was banned directly without any warning or infraction? Even not disrespecting any rule?

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Confirmed, I was banned. Okay,
There was no warning of ban, I was banned directly.
At least let me know why I was banned directly without any warning or infraction? Even not disrespecting any rule?


You were temp-banned for three days to prevent you posting in this thread as asked, since you refused to do it voluntarily. You actually had me on-side at first; I thought you were excitable but harmless. Then you proceeded to do *everything* wrong, racking up one thing after another - insulting other members, arguing with moderators in-thread, posting in threads you were asked not to, circumventing temp-bans with an alt account. So now you're perma-banned. Next place you end up, read their rules and follow them, eh?
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I can't log

You were temp-banned top prevent you posting in this thread as asked. Now you're perma-banned.

So I just came to try to understand. Because I could not log in. In fact, I had no opportunity to know whether he had been banned or not. Do not give me permaban because I did not deserve it.


First Post
So stake him out for these 10 days, and find where he rests to renew contingency. Wouldn't be hard to do if he is flying around constantly above an army of undead. And if he leaves the undead while he rests, they it wouldn't be hard at all do wipe them out, and make him start all over. Otherwise, take him out as he rests or right after when he lacks the resources a coffeelock would obtain after years of short rests.

The build itself is interesting from a theory crafting perspective, I will grant that. In real game play however, it would not prove to be as invincible. As many have pointed out, with even just going toe to toe without any prior planning than, nuke him.

I think that's an excellent plan. It's one I've pondered, but never mentioned.

Now that we know the villain is set in stone and can no longer be modified (and I'll note the most recent update was today at 4 pm GMT), we can actually make a build to counter it. Previously, every proposed build to fight the villain was countered with the villain bring updated to stop that specific build. The first one was an Archer who used poisoned arrows, and now the villain has immunity to poison. Meteor swarm was a common tactic, and he uses his wish to make him immune (with a chance of him never being able to cast wish ever again).

And now that I think of it, the use of wish to provide immunity was a huge mistake.

His strength drops to 3 for 2d4 days (making him unlikely to carry all his magic gear), and he takes 1d10 damage per spell level for every spell cast. We know he uses an 8th level counterspell as soon as an opponent casts any spell. So that's 8d10 (44 average) right there. He also puts up all his buffs at the start of combat. That's four spells of 5th or lower. If they're all 5th level, that's an average of 110 damage. This villain just killed himself. Contingency: Revivify takes place, and now he's up with 1 HP. Any more spells or attacks kills him. His clone awakes back at home base with no equipment. Now you have all his legendary equipment.

Easy enough to kill of the army of undead and the Sim at this point - or capture the Sim and force it to tell you where the home base is.

Voidrunner's Codex

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