Order of M.A.C.E.


First Post
Order of M.A.C.E. (Malevolently Alligned Council of Evil)

The storm was getting worse, much worse. The north had not seen such a storm in a decade or more.

“Wind, lightening and hail.” chided the Crinti female. “The only thing missing is a tornado and the wrath of Lolth! Oh, but Lolth is “silent”!” she sarcastically added.

“Annalia please, she may be silent but it doesn’t mean she doesn’t hear,” Zafnir rebuffed. It was his job to watch over the half-drow priestess. A job he was so beginning to hate. But it kept him away from the others. They mocked and ridiculed him for the path he had chosen for himself. He remembered the last words he had with his father, “What’s wrong with wanting something better for myself?”

“Zafnir think, a druid! It will be a disgrace,” his father answered. “Fortunately your mother has found a way for you to serve Lolth and not dishonor her family. You are to take a young Crinti Priestess, from above, on a fact finding mission. She is stirring up trouble at the Lolth temple above. Her raving of Lolth’s stillness must be quieted. If the Dambrathan’s found out the truth, we might lose control of the populace. She is not to know the truth of your mission. Besides, it will allow you to hone your abilities where none may scoff at you. Will you be able to do this?”

His “yes” had made his father very proud, his mother was another matter. He as might as well be dead in her eyes.

Lightening struck a mile away and the sky lit up. “Annalia, there’s a cave opening ahead. Let’s run for it.” exclaimed Zafnir.

The opening turned out to be a broken doorway in the side of a tor that a long ruined tower stood atop it.
Zafnir quickly went in and surveyed the large room. Sensing no threats, he signed for the priestess to enter. “We should be safe in here. I’ll get a fire started.”

“Great! Another night in a cave! Oh, how I long for the comforts of home and a good servant to whip!” Annalia blurted. “Where are we again?” she asked.

With as much politeness he could muster he answered, “Impulter, lady. Thay lies just a few hundred miles to the southeast. We should make it….” His response was cut short, surprised that a dwarf had been able to sneak in on him.

He was short, yet stout for one of his race. “You darkies be holding to the Storm-Peace?” his defiant voice and stance said volumes as to his character. A low growl could be heard from just behind him. A large dog, the likes that Zafnir and Annalia had only heard stories of, was crouching waiting for a chance to pounce.

Radgar could see the male drow motion something with his fingers quickly, “Speak plainly servant of a witch, I be standin right here watching you.”

“How dare you…” Annalia started, cut off by Zafnir’s laughter.

“Hold on priestess,” Zafnir motioned with his hand, “sir dwarf, Storm Peace it is. Come rest by the fire.” Zafnir motioned for the dwarf enter and sit by the fire he was preparing.

Annalia’s disgust was more than apparent. The dwarf could see her rage boiling inside her. He wasn’t quite sure how to approach this pair. But the storm was too dangerous to weather outside. Cautiously he entered, motioning his dog near his side.

Zafnir knew that the two of them could take the dwarf, but maybe they could gather some information from him first. He signed to Annalia his thoughts, when the dwarf took his eyes off him, “We could use some information from him. Besides, wouldn’t you like to play with it before killing it?” Her demeanor changed, she sat down next to the fire, a little smirk on her face.

Radgar was troubled with this sight, but proceeded to sit also. His hands clung to his weapon keeping a constant vigil on the two drow. “Have ye poked around a bit? Is it safe, I mean aside from you two?”

“We were just about to when we heard you enter.” Zafnir wasn’t about to let a dwarf know it had snuck in on him. “Would you care to join us? As you can see we have a set of double doors behind us and one door on each side. What would you suppose we check first?” Zafnir eyed the dwarf calmly. “My name is Zafnir of T’lindhet,” he bowed and motioned to Annalia, “and this is the Priestess Annalia of Cathtyr in Dambratha. Perhaps you have heard of Dambratha, jewel of the south?”

“Never ‘eard of it! By south you mean underground?” Radgar pointed to the floor.

“No, it is a country far to the south and where are you from?” Zafnir was using all the diplomatic skills he could.

“I be Radgar of the Glacial Rift, to the north. And this be Rations.” He pointed to his large dog, still barring its teeth.

Small conversation ensued, easing the tension between the three adventurers. Lightning flashed and they saw a giant standing at the entrance. Nearly seven feet tall, he made no threatening moves and seemed very calm.

“Qwergain need rest. Storm Peace?”

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First Post
As the name of the story implies, the PC’s are of assorted alignments, mostly of the “evil” variety. Each character has an agenda and a major character flaw, which they role-play very nicely. Hopefully their character flaws will not offend anyone, as it shows in their dialogue with each other.
There have been a couple of players come and go and a number of NPC's joining the party.
The NPC's will be addressed as they enter the story.

The Players:
Pfröte – played by our own Hairy Minotaur, an Azer, his class has yet to be determined.
There are many avenues open to him. His agenda is unknown at this time but his
flaw is clear – Covetous. He would like to have one of everything. He has VERY
large hands (monkey grip). His home is the home plane for Azers.

Zafnir – played by Doug, a male Drow Druid, heading for Judicator. He wishes to become a
great Drow leader. However, that will be difficult, seeing he is a male! His mission
is to take care of the Priestess Annalia. His flaw is Wrathful. He sees all surface
dwellers as subjects, beneath him. He comes from T’lindhet, a drow city below the
country of Dambrath.

Annalia – played by Samantha, a Crinti Cleric of Loviatar. Crinti are a race of half-
human/drow decent that rule Dambrath. She wishes to expose the secret of Lloth
and gain favor with her deity, Loviatar. She is very Quarrelsome and picks fights
with her party members on most subjects. She takes her “fact finding mission”
very seriously, making sure Zafnir knows who is in charge. What is her mission? To
see how prevalent and strong the church of Loviatar is. Search out potential
allies. She is from Cathtyr in Dambrath. (This is my favorite character!)

Dax - played by Rodney, Human Fighter/Rogue. He’s in it for the money, plain and simple.
He’s also very Inhospitable. His rudeness borders on offensive. He is constantly
mumbling complaints. He is from DaggerDale

Qwergain – played by Chris, Orog Barbarian. Qweergain does not speak often, but when he
does he speaks in the third person. His flaw is being a Warmonger. He loves
the fight and will ”bring it” every chance he gets. This gets him in a lot of
trouble as he charges too far away from the party a lot. He is called “the meat
shield” by Annalia (Sam and Chris are engaged) and she constantly calls him back
to protect her.

Rudgar - played by Phil. Arctic Dwarven Cleric. This smaller cousin to the normal Shield
and Gold Dwarves has a sick side. He is Hedonistic. It’s not known if his riding
dog is his pet or plaything! He hits on every female he sees, no matter what
race. His goal was to become a great war hero and become an overlord
somewhere with many concubines. He comes from the Great Glacier Rift north of

Kara-tor - played by Anthony. Human Red Wizard of Thay. Being from Thay, he is very
Racist. He views all non-Thayan’s as slaves and beneath him. This allows him
and Zafnir to become of one mind on many subjects. A certain admiration for
one another has developed. His goal is to cut out a little kingdom somewhere and
have many subjects to experiment on. As this goal does not meet with typical
Thayan standards, he has been kicked out of Thay. He is learning the art of
Tattoo magic.

Godric - played by Deepak. Tiefling Rogue. A truer rogue has never been played. Not only
did he choose Deceitful as his flaw, but he also role-plays being a kleptomaniac.
The later being a sore spot between him and the rest of the group.

spacehulkster said:
Pfröte – played by our own Hairy Minotaur, an Azer, his class has yet to be determined.
There are many avenues open to him. His agenda is unknown at this time but his
flaw is clear – Covetous. He would like to have one of everything. He has VERY
large hands (monkey grip). His home is the home plane for Azers.

Covetous is an agenda. :p

And my home plane is a little south of the Azer's home plane. :]


First Post
Zafnir notices a glint of steel under the stranger’s cloak. “This one speaks little and is dangerous, be careful.” he signs to Annalia.

A smile comes to her face and she motions Qwergain to enter and sit by the fire, “Storm Peace is in affect Qwergain.”

Rudgar, and his dog Rations, however take a threatening stance, keeping an eye on the dark companions.

Qwergain waves his hand at Rudgar. “Qwergain to tired to fight little one,” he sighs stepping forward.

Nearing the fire his visage becomes more imposing and Rations growl becomes louder. He turns to scan the room without paying any attention to the dog and its owner. Qwergain points at the hole, then at the large spider in another corner, “Room been searched?”

Rudgar pats his pet down, calming the animal, then sits himself down with his weapon at the ready.

“No Qwergain, we have just started this fire. The spider is a pet, he will not harm either of you. Come sit, I will survey the doors and the hole,” replies Zafnir diplomatically.

Small conversation ensues with Zafnir taking the lead. Annalia tries to be on her best behavior, though irritated with the whole affair. Qwergain mostly nods and grunts, stirring the fire and roasting a rabbit he had caught earlier in the day. Rudgar quietly pets his dog, dwelling on the past that has led him here.

Being an Arctic Dwarf was rare in itself. But wanting to search out for treasures and adventure was even rarer for his kind. Arctic Dwarves are a peaceful, reclusive race much shorter than their southern cousins. Rudgar’s magical gift was apparent at birth. His family knew after the second year that he would be a priest. But at the age of rites, he surprised his clan when he chose an ancient god of war as his patron. The clan was appalled and his family disgraced. He was the first cleric of war that the clan had had for a couple thousand years. Rudgar struggled for years to serve his clan or leave for adventure. He had only heard stories of the south and the wars that each race fought. He wanted to know first hand. So he searched the libraries, read the scrolls and listened to the bards songs, for any knowledge concerning other races. He found that most races wanted power. Something he also was beginning to crave. Disciplining himself in the arts of battle, he was preparing to find a war and make a name for himself. But the past month of journeying only proved to be a lonely road. And although he hated to admit it, he was glad to have the company this cold, wet night. Even if it was dark!

After a few minutes by the fire warming themselves up, Zafnir stands and pulls out his hand crossbow. This gets an immediate response from Rudgar.

“Calm yourself Rudgar. It’s time to check our surroundings.”

“I’ll join you, Rations stay!” Rudgar stands and follows Zafnir towards the hole.

It’s a small hole and Zafnir judges that if he needed to, he could fit through it. As he lowers himself level with the entrance, he can see eyes staring back at him and is caught of guard as a giant rat leaps upon him.
The rat tears into his crossbow arm. Zafnir withdraws his arm and hacks the beast with his sword arm.

Rudgar steps in and slices it with his axe, as two more race out past Zafnir. By now Annalia has positioned herself behind Zafnir and Qwergain is behind Rudgar.

Annalia flays wildly missing the rat that has run past Zafnir. However, Qwergain takes his blade with an up-swing and slices his rat in two. As Zafnir recovers himself, two more rats leap upon him. He quickly dodges to his left and shoots his crossbow, hitting one of the leaping rats. Rudgar again slices through the last one.

Qwergain repositions himself and takes a glance at Annalia's fighting style. He shakes his head and swings in a wide arc, slicing the rat and splattering Annalia with its blood.

“Why you insolent worm!” comes her reply. “Couldn’t you see I was playing with it.”

“Rats not good to play with, better to eat!” Qwergain’s simple logic leaves her speechless.

Zafnir checks out the rat lair and finds a few shiny silver pieces, but nothing more. “I guess we should check the double doors in the center then?” He checks the doors for any traps and finds they are unlocked and not trapped. Informing the group, Qwergain steps forward and opens them.

As a well oiled machine, the four move down a hallway. Qwergain and Rudgar side by side, leading the four. Zafnir behind Rudgar and Annalia falls behind Qwergain as they cautiously move forward, using their darkvision.

Zafnir signals to Annalia, “I like the way these two have taken point and given us an opportunity!”

“Let’s play a little more. I’m beginning to like this game!" comes her response.


First Post
Slowly and catiously, both Rudgar and Qwergain move forward. Not knowing what is being said behind them. Both have infravision, but Qwergain can see quite a bit further. The Hallway stretches for 120 feet and ends in with a table and crude benches. Nasty smelling food still sits in plates on the table. Two other exits lead from the room.

“Their still here,” Qwergain whispers while looking around.

“Yep, not too long ago from the looks of it,” responds Rudgar. “This Orc is astute for his race! Not anything that I’ve read about,” he thinks to himself, admiring the giant.

“Looks like we’ll have to postpone our game a bit Priestess,” Zafnir signals to Annalia.

“As long as I get to punish something tonight, I’m in a mood!” The let down was apparent on her face.

“This way,” Qwergain again whispered, pointing through an open entrance on the opposite side of the room.

“How do you know they didn’t head down this passage?” Rudgar points to the only other exit in the room.

“I saw one peek around the corner,” Qwergain comments without a flinch. “Come on, their waiting for us!”

Annalia normally didn’t like anything that wasn’t Crinti or Drow, but she was beginning to admire this Orog. Not only his strength, but his uncaring attitude for his own safety struck her warmly. She looked to Zafnir and he motioned her to stay behind the Orog. Nodding she followed.

As they neared the end of the passage, they could make out a stone slab and a figure lying upon it. A large and motionless figure. Qwergain stepped in to the right of the entrance and blocked a sword coming down upon him. Knocking the sword away, he came down hard with his greatsword upon the skull of the hobgoblin. It slumped to the floor slowly as another hobgoblin stood appalled. It hesitated to long as Qwergain’s blade found its mid-section.

Meanwhile, Rudgar ran to the left and the other side of the stone table. Rounding the corner, he ducks a blade swing and lunges at the hobgoblin, knocking it back 5 feet and startled.

Zafnir leaps upon the stone table half expecting the large figure to rise. Seeing it lies motionless he shoots a bolt into a fourth hobgoblin standing behind the one Rudgar is fighting. It slumps to the floor. Zafnir’s pet spider scampers in and waits at the base of the table for anything rounding Rudgar’s corner.

Rudgar takes a double shot with his axe upon the lone hobgoblin. Hitting once in it’s arm, the second blow,
an up slice through it’s chest, douses Rudgar with blood.

Zafnir jumps off the table, watching the others loot, he motions to the priestess, “Saved one for you!”

Her eyes light up with excitement. She rounds the table to take notice of the creature sleeping on the floor.
“Excellent!” she draws her scourge and begins to bite her lip in anticipation.
Her delight is cut short by Rudgar’s cry, “Watch out me lady!” He rushes from behind her and pushes her aside as an arm sweeps wide from the figure on the table. The creature rises to a sitting position and flails with its arms.

Zafnir raises his sword in defense as the creature focuses it’s attention on him. Qwergain flanks it and hacks it from behind. For it’s size and apparent strength, the raised dead creature is cut down by the foursome before it can deliver a telling blow.

“Bugbear! A large one at that,” Zafnir looks around and notices what seems to be a holy symbol on the sleeping hobgoblin. “That one must have been raising it.”

“Aye, and this one ‘ere’s got a pertty nice belt!” Rudgar pulls and tugs the belt from around the waist of a hobgoblin.

Annalia gets up and brushes dirt and cobwebs off, “To be dragged down by a dwarf! The best Crinti warriors wouldn’t dare lay a hand on me.” Her disgust was all too evident.

“I was destined to become one of Loviatar’s greatest servants. Now look where I am. Over a thousand miles from home, guided by a druidic drow and being tackled down by the shortest dwarf I’ve ever seen!”

Annalia knew her ravings about Lolth’s silence were causing discontent, but she actually thought that hiding the truth from her people kept them away from serving a god more deserving of their attention. She had the blessing of her temple mother! Surely she would have intervened for her when the Lolth’s priestesses came! There was nothing her superior could do. Or was she merely playing Annalia and feeding her to the wolves to secure her own ambitions? The bitterness was feeding, blinding and controlling her anger. She knew that fear and anger were mind killers, and she had better get control of her senses before they took control. After all, fear was her business. She knew it better than anything else. She should be the one feared! Something better was ahead, and she need only find it and take it!

Rudgar was standing in front of her. She lowered her gaze.

“Priestess, I meant no disrespect. I only saw that you did not notice the creature rise and swing at you.”

His manner was humbling and respectful. She let her anger fade and focused her attention on the live shaman, still slumbering.

“This one,” she said pointing to the hobgoblin, “I want awakened.” She stepped towards Zafnir and held out her hand.

Taking it that he was forgiven, Rudgar pounced on the hobgoblin, shakking it furiously. Zafnir knew exactly what Annalia wanted, “We could use more information!” and handed her his sword. Just as the hobgoblin shaman’s eyes opened, Annalia was there staring back, coldly.

Through her clinched teeth, she commended his spirit as she drove the sword through his heart, “Loviatar awaits you, goblin!” His eyes conveyed all the fear that she needed to refresh her own spirit. “Awe, that was,” she stood and looked at the three faces watching her, “Nice!”

Zafnir looked on with dismay, "or not, I guess!"

Ignoring Annalia, Qwergain asks, “What other goodies goblins have?”

“Nothing more of value, but this bugbear has a well made sword.” Rudgar held it aloft for Qwergain to see.

“Not interested.” Qwergain upholds his own, “Mine bigger!”

Rudgar shruggs and tucks it firmly around his back. Zafnir finishes collecting the gold that was strewn around the chamber and counts 250 pieces.

“Let’s check out that side passage we passed before entering this one,” offers Zafnir.

Qwergain took the lead with Rudgar close behind. They traversed 55 feet when Qwergain suddenly starts motioning erratically with his arms and body. Then Rudgar starts waving his arm in a similar fashion. Zafnir immediately recognizes that they had walked into webbing and quickly moves forward, motioning for his pet to follow.

Annalia helps the entangled warriors as Zafnir and his pet engage the spider coming towards them. After a few tense moments where Zafnir narrowly escapes getting entangled himself, the other two warriors enter the battle and squish the bug.

“I thought you deep Orcs had good dark vision?” Rudgar complains.

Not feeling apologetic, Qwergain responds, “Web strands nearly invisible, even in Underdark.”

Zafnir searches some mummified corpses of a few humanoids, only to find rusted weapons and tattered clothing. Rudgar senses something shiny on the floor and wanders over to pick up a small gum-ball sized pearl and a pouch lying next to it with 75 gold.

“It be the biggest pearl I’ve ever seen!” he says bedazzled.

“As soon as we finish checking all the rooms in this burial mound, I will cast “Detect Magic” and see if there is anything magical,” Zafnir offers.

“Don’t see any more doors, must be done!’ shrugs Qwergain.

“There are still two doors out of the main entrance we came in,” reminds Annalia.

As the group approaches the doors to the entrance, they hear two voices. Their speaking very low, but still can be heard.


First Post
“No, no, no! You’re not listening. Whoever built this fire is through these doors.” The accent was un-mistakenly out-worldly, an outsider from another plane of existence, and a bit annoying.

“So why is it our concern to search for them? Why not enjoy their fire and when they come back, just zap’em.” This voice had a definite accent, the type Rudgar had previously heard before. Thayan!

Rudgar leaped through the doors, his axe within a foot of the wizard’s head, when he saw a sight that stopped him cold. Another dwarf, much taller than he, but its hair looked to be on fire. “What kind of creature/dwarf was this?” Next thing, he was on the ground, his axe in the huge hands of the fire dwarf.

Qwergain rushes in and hesitates as the Thayan wizard holds up one hand, index finger and pinky pointed at him. He had seen Thayan wizards before also, and knew his next step could be his last. The two drow melted into the hall darkness, watching.

“What a strange pair we have here!” the wizard exclaims.

“Yes indeed, a strange pair,” the flaming haired dwarf agreed, eyeing the axe he has just grabbed from Rudgar. “It is fortuitous that I grabbed your weapon from you small one or you would have a burning hole through your armor and chest!”

“Your too kind Pfröte, please go on,” the Thayan acknowledges, still pointing his fingers at the orog.

From the shadows a voice calls out, “It would be a shame to lose two worthy and stout warriors so soon and we were just getting to know them, wouldn’t you say priestess?”

“Yes, a dreadful shame. Can I torture the wizard after you’ve incapacitated them?” Her voice sent a chill through the Thayan and Qwergain’s spine.

The Azer and Thayan looked at each other and into the darkness. The Azer could make out two shapes, but what if there were more beyond? He could not tell. Shrugging his shoulders, he lowers Rudgar’s axe and offers Rudgar a hand to get up. “No harm little one. You have a superb weapon. May I have it? My name if Pfröte.”

The wizard reluctantly lowers his hands and bows to the foursome. “And I am Kara-tor of Thay. Come join us at our fire.” Kara-Tor motions for the shadows in the hall to come forth.

Looking toward Annalia, Zafnir questions, “Our fire?!”

Rising to his feet, Rudgar spits and shakes his head as he reaches for his axe, “Thayan wizards, a troublesome lot they are.”

“Perhaps a hole in your armor and chest would be better?” remarks the wizard. Although a response from Rudgar is not heard, Qwergain’s ears pick up snippets from his mumblings. Kara-tor and Pfröte take seats by the fire as Annalia, Rations (Rudgar’s dog), Zafnir and his pet spider issue from the hallway. Qwergain keeps his eyes on the newcomers as he also sits and tends the flames.

“Look Pfröte, a dog AND a spider! How quaint!” Kara-tor exclaims. He knows they would have had their hands full if he and Pfröte had won initiative, but keeps his cool, calm and dignified repose. After all, he is a Thayan wizard!

Zafnir cuts the awkward silence that follows. “We were just heading south into Thay,” pointing to Annalia and himself. “Perhaps you can enlighten us a bit on your country and what we might find there.”

Staring directly at Zafnir without flinching, Kara-tor responds, “Likely you would of find 10 minutes of freedom, followed by capture, six months of training and finally a two minute fight in the arena before you would be killed.”

“Aye, that likely be it,” Rudgar acknowledges, stroking Rations neck.

Zafnir and Annalia are dumbfounded, but intrigued. A lengthy conversation ensues between the wizard and the Dambrathans. One which puts Qwergain to sleep. Kara-Tor explains in detail of Thayan society and the abundance of slaves and pit-fighters. And how, without letters of intent (diplomatic immunity) or an escort, just walking into Thayan territory could be dangerous and not advisable.

Pfröte and Rudgar spark up a conversation, each asking questions of the others race and home.


First Post
The Two become Six

The Azer ignites a piece of parchment to spark the fire, “Breakfast will be ready shortly.” He begins to cut apart the large rats. The conversation quickly gets to the reasons why each traveler has come to this place.

Rudgar begins, “I’ve come south looking for adventure or a war to become famous in. I feel it’s the best way to serve me god.”

“We’ve been kicked out of our home and are looking for mercenary work. We thought that Thay would be a good first choice to look,” Zafnir lies flatly.

“Thay is always looking for mercenaries,” Kara-tor agrees. “But the two of you would be looked on with some suspicion I am afraid. It would be best to look elsewhere for the time being. Pfröte and I have just left from there and are headed north to the Moonsea. Many opportunities await us. We’ve heard of some wealthy merchants up there, with some coin, that need adventurers for certain duties. We could probably fit you four into the mix.” Kara looks over to Pfröte, who nods eagerly.

“Qwergain just want to prove worth with sword. Become great lord,” Qwergain says beating his chest.

After the breakfast, Zafnir points out the two doors which they have not checked out yet in the room, “I would like to check out where these two doors lead to before we leave this place.”

Jumping to his feet, Rudgar grabs his axe, “No time like the present lad!”

The group gathers their weapons and takes up positions on one of the doors. Zafnir opens the door to a long corridor. After forty feet it opens up into a room. There is nothing but a chest located in the middle of the room. As the party begins forward, Zafnir holds up his hand, “Hold, there could be traps! This seems to easy.”

“Nonsense,” Pfröte waves off. “The floor is full of dust. Any traps on the floor would show up. Let me take a look at this chest.”

Pfröte casually walks up to the chest and begins searching it for traps and locks. Zafnir stands well back, as the others begin to crowd in the room. He motions for Annalia to stay back a bit. He also notices that Kara-tor also stands well back of Pfröte.

“I don’t think it’s trapped and it seems to be unlocked,” Pfröte eagerly lifts the lid.

“Twang, twang, twang!” Pfröte is hit by three darts. Two others narrowly miss Qwergain and Rudgar, who huddled behind Pfröte.

“It is most fortunate that I was here to take this damage.” Pfröte turns round to the rest and drops to his knees. “Most painful!” He begins to pull out the darts, while Rudgar begins to heal his wounds.

“You are a curious George aren’t ye?” plies Rudgar.

“No it’s Pfröte. The P is silent, we met last night remember?” questions Pfröte. “I think this mechanism will come in handy.” Pfrote pries apart the dart trap and gathers the all the useful darts while the rest check the contents of the chest.

“Two pearls!” Rudgar cries out.

“Mine, I’ll take those,” interrupts Kara-tor. Stepping forward to retrieve them, he shrugs off the glares.

Grudgingly, Rudgar hands over the pearls to the wizard, “There be a bag and a circlet too!?”

“Nah, the pearls will be enough.”

Zafnir steps up eyeing the circlet, “I could use the circlet.” With no objections, Rudgar tosses him the headband. Zafnir is careful to not put it on and studies it. “There are some old elven runes engraved. They seem to be symbols for health, wisdom and agility. This might be very useful.”

“Good fer you boy! I’ll be counting the coin in the bag back in some better light.” Rudgar plays catch with the bag, as it jingles.

“You coming along?” ask Rudgar of Pfröte, who has sat quietly fidgeting with the dart trap.

“Oh right away. I’m going to fit this into my armor. It’ll make for one nasty surprise for someone,” Pfröte explains.

Zafnir checks the last door, “No traps!” He motions for Qwergain to enter.

Rudgar notices a sly smirk on Zafnir’s face as Qwergain opens the door and walks into a 30 long hallway. He follows, after he notices that Qwergain doesn’t set off any traps. Shaking his head as he passes Zafnir mumbling, “I see that I’m gonna haft to keep an eye on you.” Zafnir tries the “what I do” look.

Kara-tor watches the exchange, as Zafnir looks back at him, he motions, “By all means Zafnir, after you. I see that I’ll have to watch also!”

Pfröte and Annalia are oblivious to the whole exchange, each preoccupied.

“There’s nothing here but a statue,” Qwergain blurts.

“Dats not a statue boy, that be a sarcophagus. Maybe a lord of some type mummified inside. Well! Come on let’s open it,” the dwarf says enthusiastically.

As Qwergain steps closer, he can see the head looks odd, distorted and has bat-like wings. Suddenly its eyes open and flies off of the sarcophagus. It lets out a shriek none have heard before. Qwergain and Zafnir stop dead in their tracks, both paralyzed with fear. Kara-tor lets fly a magic missile, which makes the vargouille flee for cover. Rudgar lashes out, but the creature has the advantage of altitude on him. Pfröte is able to shoot it down with his crossbow, it lands on the dusty floor like a watermelon hitting pavement.

“It is most fortuitous that I rolled low initiative. That’s mine!” Pfröte points down at the vargouille.

“Ye can have it laddie,” Rudgar kicks at it, making sure it won’t shriek again. Then gives Qwergain a shove, “Snap out of it boy!”

Both Zafnir and Qwergain shake the cobwebs out while watching Pfrote opens the sarcophagus.

“Just some dust inside. I don’t see any pan….els…..wait a minute what’s this,” exclaims Pfröte, picking up a shiny object in the dust. “It’s a ring.”

Kara-tor’s eyebrows raise as he whirls around, “Ring? What kind of ring? Let me see.”

He shoves past Annalia (ruffling her feathers!) and Zafnir to take the ring from Pfröte. After a few minutes of inspection, and some toe tapping by the rest of the party, he explains.

“Very small runes,” Kara-tor points to the ring, “similar to elvish with slight differences. Like a lizard tongue. I believe they mean Ignan and Aquan. Let’s see if anything happens.” He promptly puts on the ring.

“Pearls and now a ring. Anything else we can hand over to ya?” grumbles Rudgar. He walks back into the other room with the fire.

“I took initiative here to see if the ring was cursed,” Kara-tor legitimizes. “In fact, it still could be.” He looks to each party member, finally locking gazes with Pfröte.

“I don’t want it,” he shrugs. “My fingers are too big for it.” Pfröte holds up his monstrously large hands.

The group heads back to the fire.

“Well Priestess, where should we head, if not to Thay?” questions Zafnir.

Rudgar pipes up, “I hear the Moonsea is pretty this time of year. Besides those merchants these two told us about sound like they have deep pockets. Might be fun too!”

“Yeah,” Annalia mulls over. “The Zhents are nearby too, aren’t they?”

Zafnir can smell exactly what she’s upto. “Direct confrontation may be a little too soon, Priestess.”

“Your right Zaf. But I would like to observe……from a distance.”

“What she be thinking, Zaf?” questions Rudgar

“Zaf,” that just annoys me and she knows it, he thinks to himself.

“The Zhents are trying to move into our area of control down south. So I suspect she would like to see how their operations work closer to their own home.” He says packing, noticing a wry smile on Annalia’s face.

“Moonsea it is then,” Qwergain flatly states. “Storm-Peace be over, but team work good.”

“Well Pfröte,” Kara exclaims, “it appears the two of us have grown to six.”

Thus starts a tenuous friendship. Misfits on a quest for greed, self-honor and power.
They take a ship at Mulmaster for Melvaunt, but the ship drops them off at Point Moonsea, as they catch sight of Zhent ships and retreat.


First Post
Evil has a New Face

“Evil” has a New Face….

This update was written by Hairy Minotaur, enjoy!

The guards stiffened their backs as the trio got closer to the gate. From this distance, it appeared as though from the width of the body that a blacksmith was herding two young children towards the gate. The first child came up to the man's waist and it's head was brightly adorned with yellows and shades of orange. The other child barely rose above the man's knee, but walked on with the determination of a soldier nonetheless.

"Halt. State your business." Sven called out.

"Today is your lucky day, for I have arrived to solve your quizzical quarry quandary." The child with the bright hat spoke up. Only it wasn't a hat, it was it's hair! And it wasn't a child but some oddly colored dwarf who spoke with a thick accent.

"Excuse me? You'll have to speak slower." Sven announced.

"Every man has their place in the world, today is your lucky day. For it seems your place is to usher me within these city walls so that I may initiate investigations with regards to your mine issues." The dwarf continued.

Still heavily confused the soldier eyed the other two individuals; the smaller one was another dwarf only this one appeared more as a common dwarf might. His rugged face was scarred with a life spent for years weathering the harsh tundra of the northern realms.
The "blacksmith" stood straight as the soldier brought his gaze to his level, this added another two feet to the already massive girth of the man. Sven had heard stories of hill giants and if this man wasn't one of those creatures, then he really had no interest in fighting one to the death.

"Sergeant!" Sven yelled out as his trained nose told him something about this trio smelled funny.

A middle-aged man whose belly had long since lost many battles with the bottle, waddled out of the gatehouse and approached the gate guards.

"What seems to be thy problem 'ere Sven, these'a gentlemans causin' a ruckus?" The sergeant spoke with a slight slur of a morning ale.

"We are here to help with the miner disappearances." The littlest one intoned.
"Well why aint ya be'a saying so's, your gonna be needin' ta speak wif the Bruil family 'bout that." The sergeant answered as Sven looked on with disdain towards the yellow dwarf who's hair appeared to sway gently upon an unseen breeze.

"You here to help him too?" Sven asked the yellow dwarf.

The dwarf nodded in agreement and the two dwarves were waived on towards the city proper.

"Now you there, what be bringin' ya to my town?" The sergeant asked the giant of a man, his face cowled and slopped down to afford it the greatest amount of shadow in the afternoon sun.

"Me want in." A low rumbling voice boomed from the shadows of the cowl.

"Well, I not be th.." The sergeant stopped as he felt his belt suddenly get lighter, his hands quickly went to his belt and finding the buckle still in place straining against his stomach, his hands widened their search and found his coin pouch missing.

The sergeant quickly spun on his heels and came face to face with the yellow dwarf. The sergeant's lips curled in a snarl as the dwarf held the sergeant's coin pouch extended in his right hand towards the sergeant.

"You dropped this, I thought it only prudent that I should return it before someone of a less honorable nature pilfered it from you permanently." The dwarf spoke.

The sergeant ripped the pouch from the hand of the dwarf and quickly began to reattach it to his belt. The sergeant watched the dwarf turn and head in towards the gate before turning around to speak with the hooded man again.

Another individual walked up behind the man, this one was human, usually a welcome sight though not in this case as the man wore his telltale red robe as a badge of honor declaring for all who laid eyes on his that he was a man of Thay.
The sergeant motioned for the guards to block the Thayan's path as he continued to speak with the large man.

"What bizness do ya be havin' wif me town?" The sergeant slurred.

"Me want in!" The man pointed at the town.

"I find this impediment to my progress most disheartening, I would have thought the mere notion of you people being enslaved would have brought out the manners in you dirt farmers. I can see by your reactions however that it's going to take a lifetime of servitude to break you of this nasty habit." The Thayan spoke to the two guards that now blocked his progress.

"I ain't going be lettin' ya in me town laddie." The sergeant spoke to the large man who stepped up to peer straight down at the sergeant, his chest bumping into the sergeant's nose with every forced breath the man took.

The soldiers, seeing this intimidating action, broke off from impeding the Thayan's passage and surrounded the large man.

The sergeant heard an arcane word come from behind him and as he turned to see from where it came from, he caught the motions of his two soldiers as they plummeted to the ground in a deep sleep. He finished turning and stared into the eyes of the yellow dwarf again.

"You dropped this again." The dwarf said as he held out the sergeant's coin purse again.
Bewildered and confused the sergeant took the purse and looked back at his soldiers splayed upon the ground, then watched as the hulking man strode diligently past him and towards the gate. The sergeant raised his hand in protest, but was cut off by the yellow dwarf.

"Oh he's with me, I'd take care of your men though, they look awful." Spoke the dwarf.

"You'll be'a lookin' out for him then?" The sergeant asked as he pointed at the quickly disappearing hulk.

"No need, he's so big you can't miss him." The dwarf smiled as he fell into line behind the orog and the Thayan wizard, who smiled briefly at the chaos he had wrought.

"Why did you try to take his pouch twice? Surely even though you are small in stature, a brain of sufficient size resides between your inferior ears, there you would be able to ascertain that a man of experienced years would not fall for such an amateurish move." The Thayan inquired of the yellow dwarf.

"I wanted it, I don't have one of those. His breeches looked nice too, maybe I'll get me a pair 'fore we leave this place."


First Post

The four men made their way into the town proper where the faint scent of dust permeated the air. Pfröte's miner's nose picked up the odor of precious ore, iron mostly with a few gems mixed in as well.

"This town seems to be doing well for itself considering all the problems their mine claims to have." Pfröte the azer commented, his brightly colored hair slowly turned dull in the dusty air.

"Why's the air so thick in this backhole town, haven't you northerners heard of bathing? It's a concept we Thayans developed over time as we learned that stink and dingy are acquired frailties." Kara-tor spoke to both dwarves in general, having seen the large orog in action he was keen to not turn that man's attentions towards himself.

"It's the mines, they pull out the ore in a big lump of rock and then put it in big tumblers to flake off the dirt and bring more of the ore out." Pfröte answered

"Absolutely filthy business, I shall not abide by these standards. You three may inquire without me, I shall retire to the finest inn, or whatever passes as one in this dirthole." and with that the red robed wizard ducked down a side street and disappeared amongst the throngs of busy townsfolk.

"How should we go about locating our potential employer?" Rudgar asks.

"Me thirsty!" The orog blurted out as the smell of stale ale and burnt flatbread wafted into his massive nostrils

"This looks like as good place as any." Pfröte announced as the trio looks up at the sign above the building's entrance.


Rudgar shrugs his shoulders and the three men walk into the tavern.

The tavern is separated by a thin aisle that separates about a dozen long tables on the right of the aisle, with the long bar which covers nearly the entire left wall. The orog ambles up to the fullest table and plops his seat in the only empty chair on the near side of the table, immediately causing the man on his right to spill his tankard, while the man on his left has his elbow jerked into his mouth along with the leg of veal his was munching on.

"Hey watch it pal, don't make me make you move!" The patron who spilled his tankard yells at Qwergain, as he stands up and wipes the spilled ale from his breeches.

Qwergain, who had sat hunched down in his seat, sits erect and turns his head slowly to his right, even sitting Qwergain head is still taller than the standing man. Realizing the uselessness any confrontation with this giant of a man would be, the patron quietly excuses himself and leaves for another table. Rudgar seizes this opportunity and takes the vacant seat next to Qwergain.

Pfröte scans the tables, and notes that most of this assemblage is from the lower class, with a few exceptions which were probably supervisors to the majority of patrons.

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