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Order of the Bow, Close Combat, and AOO's, oh my!


Spiked armor + bow = threatens an area.

I wonder if one could use Quickdraw and Rapid Shot to get extra attacks... (stick with me on this).

Since you can mix melee and ranged attacks with your iterative attacks, and Rapid Shot gives an extra ranged attack by taking -2 on all attacks and a full attack action.

BAB +6/+1,
with RS = +4/+4/-1
Stab, throw knife, stab

Full normal number of melee attacks, +1 missile attack. That against the rules for any reason?

Rapid Shot is a full round action and specifies that it uses ranged attacks in its description. While it does not specify that you are unable to switch weapons in the middle of the attack routine (i.e. with iterative attacks), you are locked into the feats weapon routine of a ranged attack. I do recall reading somewhere (possibly in the Quick Draw feat) that Quick Draw will allow you to use Rapid Shot with thrown weapons. Given this knowledge, I would be inclined to disallow the use of a melee wepaon at all in the attack routine, but since I am unable to support the argument with the reference, perhaps someone else can recall it?

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Per the FAQ, armor spikes will allow the AoO. By the same token, a spiked gauntlet will also suffice.

FAQ said:

Is a character wielding a two-handed reach weapon
(such as a longspear) and wearing spiked armor
threatening all squares within 10 feet? Assuming he has
Combat Reflexes, can he make an attack of opportunity
with his longspear and then with his armor spikes in the
same round?
A character wearing spiked armor threatens all squares
within his normal reach (5 feet away). If he also wields a
longspear, he would also threaten all squares 10 feet away.
Any time a character wielding more than one weapon is
allowed an attack of opportunity, he may use any weapon that
threatens the opponent who has provoked the attack. In this
case, imagine an enemy who charged the character and then
tried to disarm him. The charge attack would provoke an attack
of opportunity from the longspear as the enemy moved out of a
threatened square (in order to move adjacent to the character
and deliver the charge attack). Then, the disarm attempt would
provoke another attack of opportunity (assuming the enemy
didn’t have Improved Disarm). This attack of opportunity could
be made only with the armor spikes, since the longspear

doesn’t threaten an adjacent enemy.
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Thread necromancy is on the rise! This one was 7 years, eleven months, and 1 week gone before it was dragged back to shambling life.

There's only one thing to do to combat this spreading menace -- go down to the local tavern in a hooded cloak, sit mysteriously in a dark corner until a band of hardy adventurers come, toss them an adventure hook, and pay them a nominal fee (plus all they can loot) to put an end to this necromantic pandemic!

PS: the ensuing nearly eight years saw several weapons and magic items produced -- Magic Item Compendium has a bowstaff and three flavors of swordbows, and I think Races of the Wild had some non-magical implements, too.

PPS: There's also the spell arrowmind, though you would have to find a way to use it (i.e., be a ranger with a wand or at least 4th level, or get your GM to come up with magic item).

PPPS: The thread necromancy has infected me! Aieee!
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First Post
Magic Item Compendium has a bowstaff and three flavors of swordbows, and I think Races of the Wild had some non-magical implements, too.

I saw this thread at work and vowed to find the very items that coyote is talking about:

Races of the Wild, pg. 166: Elvencraft bow. The shortbow works as a club and the longbow works as a quarterstaff, and the player (or npc) can interchange melee and ranged attacks during a full-round attack action. The swordbow (pg. 171) works the same way, except the wielder changes the bow into a sword and vice versa as a free action.

Also, when wielding an elvencraft bow, the user threatens melee area around him (5 feet, as normal). The swordbow has no such rule written in the text.

Hope that helps and/or hinders! haha!


First Post
If your player has ranger spellcasting he can use Arrow Mind spell. The benefits are that he doesn't provoke AoOs when shooting while in another's creature threatened square and he threatens the squares within his normal melee reach and can make AoOs with his bow.


First Post
I know exactly what your player wants and how he can get it and be even happier than he would be with the feat you have allowed.

It is totally up to you on whether or not you allow it, especially because it's 3.0, a 3rd party publishing, and a quintessential book, which have never been known for their fine balancing act.

The Quintessential Fighter, pg. 20 The Master Bowmen. 2nd level ability of a 5 level PrC, with a +12 BAB requirement.

"Shoot the Opening: Whilst armed with a bow of any type, the Master Bowmen threatens an area around him of 20 feet. He may make attacks of opportunity as normal against any target within this area with his bow."

That is a direct copy of the ability (sh... nobody tell), take combat reflexes and watch the blood bath ensue.

Go forth and do with this knowledge what you will.

Voidrunner's Codex

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