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Order of the Stick: How long will they put up with Miko?


Teflon Billy said:
Kinda sad to see Belkar dead or unconscious and Durkon a dirty turncoat :eek:
I think Durkon knows something that the others don't. He keeps saying "No, wait, don't...!" Kinda out of character.

Why he hasn't shared that information...no clue.

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ForceUser said:
I think Durkon knows something that the others don't. He keeps saying "No, wait, don't...!" Kinda out of character.

Why he hasn't shared that information...no clue.

Obviously xykon's crown has perverted his nature in some way, and he is merely a helpless pawn in events...

Ooh, or he could be a polymorphed clone of redcloak sent on a long-term infiltration campaign.


First Post
ForceUser said:
I think Durkon knows something that the others don't. He keeps saying "No, wait, don't...!" Kinda out of character.

Why he hasn't shared that information...no clue.
He thinks this is Thor's will.

Teflon Billy

Aloïsius said:
He thinks this is Thor's will.

I'm semi-familiar with Thor and the Norse Mythos myself...

I can't imagine "Surrender to someone who holds you in utter contempt, and face your judgement on your knees" hews very close to his mindset.



wingsandsword said:
I do have a personal problem with the "wrongfully accused and must prove your innocence" cliche, it's always bothered me for some reason.

The OotS is accused of one thing:
"You are charged with weakening the fabric of the universe by destroying the magical gate located in the Redmountain Hills."


Which, well, they did. No question about it.


boolean said:
The OotS is accused of one thing:
"You are charged with weakening the fabric of the universe by destroying the magical gate located in the Redmountain Hills."


Which, well, they did. No question about it.

It doesn't matter, because Lord Shojo has no right to level accusations. The gate was not on his lands, the OotS are not his subjects and not subject to their laws. He was arrogant enough to send someone to render his judgment on people in another land, imposing his will on the soveriegnty of others. Now Miko is hauling the OotS in chains along the road, you'd imagine she'd get arrested for slaving or kidnapping trying that, except the DM is openly railroading at this point.

Also, it is being wrongfully accused, not falsely accused. They may have destroyed the gate (Elan did actually, not the entire OotS), and that may have had consequences on magic, but that doesn't mean that anything that the charges are just, only that Shojo has taken offense to this and ordered a minion to kill or capture those who did it.

In the big campaign of the OotS, I don't think the DM understands the concept of "jurisdiction" and how it relates to a highly lawful society. A lord who sends his servants to enforce his will in other countries, arresting their subjects is one who is likely to get a war started. How would Lord Shojo and Miko reply if the actual King of Nowhere or the President of Someplace Else sent knights in to arrest Shojo's subjects and haul them away because things they did offended him? The players understand this however, note Roy's speech about how they aren't part of her society so they don't have to respect her as a Samurai

Teflon Billy

Seravin said:
It's plausible - though the dice favored her.


Did Roy ever land more than one attack per round? Miko was landing 4 and 5.

Had it been me playing Roy at the end, I'd have gone for the kill and expected Durkon to back me up or "Grab the Standard" once I was down.

but I've been accused of wrecking DM's stories by not playing along before:)


Lazarous said:
Repeat to yourself 'Miko is part of a joke...Miko is part of a joke'

Thing is, it's a joke that has ceased to be funny. As players themselves, many readers identify with the Oots "players". So they have an immediate visceral reaction to "DM railroading" that is entirely and unavoidably negative, and spoils the strip.

If Roy had said "Stupid dice." that might have been funny. This ... not.


Capellan said:
Thing is, it's a joke that has ceased to be funny.

Um, no; no, it's still very funny.

The funniest part was the completely misplaced over-confidence of the team; Roy's grumbling about railroading is just icing on the cake, since Rich demonstrated that Miko's victory was neither implausible or impossible.

Lots of funny stuff still to come, methinks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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