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[OT] Am I being to hard on my Local Gaming Store?


Myself and about 7 or 8 people that I know of have been boycotting our Local Gaming/Used Books Store. I was hoping to get a some feedback as to wither this was fair or not.

Here's the Story:

The original store was in a ok area of town. I mean it wasn't upscale but you could walk around the neighborhood. It was about 5 minutes from a major highway and I could easy walk to it from the GF's apartment, which is owned by the same person.

So after a while the owner decided to open up a downtown store. It was a little hard to get to but was simple and organized. It had 3 or 4 tables, lots of books and minis all squished in a very small store. The Manager of the old store, who knew everything about minis and role-playing, ran it. He'd played everything he could since 1e D&D.

At this point I'm thinking things are great. I've got one store to walk around and buy used books. Although at that point the used book prices got strange. A-lot price changes. Then I have the other store with all the books and stuff I need to play without the loud ccg players and a-lot of warhammer players, that talked a-lot softer and average age was much higher.

2 and a half years later, it was announced that the owner wanted to move the main store to a new location farther downtown into a smaller store. Which was at least a 25 minutes drive from the highway near the airport. So on top of the strange location, the drive was filled with cars going to the airport.

Then since the move and she ran into money problems. The old store, and lot across the street were not selling for the price she set, no one was going to the new store because the second store was easier to get to, and she had jacked up the price of the used books to a ridiculous price. ($40 for a beaten copy of 1e Players handbook!). She decides to close the second store in favor of keeping the new one open. Plus she fires the Manager that ran the other store. I really respected this guy and was sad to see him leave. He knew what would sell and what wouldn't and always took care of his regulars.

She also tried unsuccessfully to sell my GF's apartment. Which has a-lot of problems and has taken damage from a fallen tree 4 months ago, which hasn't been cleaned up.

So all that is left is the new store near the airport. Am I crazy to feel betrayed? And to top it all off she doesn't even like gaming. She has said many times she wanted a book store not a gaming store but the gaming side was the only thing making money.

Sorry for the rant, I'm just wondering if I'm completely off base boycotting the store or what?

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It's hard to say. It seems like she's having a rough time financially, and (large-scale) boycotts could shut her down. But if her actions are malicious, by all means, show her the error of screwing her customers.

I notice you are from upstate NY. Are you refering to a store called "Flights of Fantasy" in Albany? I used to frequent that store, and the owner always used to say that she would prefer to sell used paperbacks than RP material. The only thing was that I recall the owner as being very friendly, even if she thought us RPers were freaks.


First Post
Let me offer two points of view.

View1. It's your money; spend it as you want. We live in a capitalistic society, and a retailer needs to meet the needs and expectations of its customers. A little economic pressure can effect change (Jello boycotted purchasing commercial time on the original Love Boat TV series because at the time there was too much "morally objectionable" content and Jello was being boycotted by religious groups who wanted to clean up TV; in the end, Love Boat episodes had fewer adult innuendos and shorter views of bikini-clad women on the promenade). Withholding your dollars can effect change.

View2. If it's gaming materials that's keeping her in business, a total boycott could either put her out of business or make her search harder for something else that sells; either way she might lessen or eliminate gaming products. Do you have other places to obtain your hobby supplies? if yes, then this isn't a concern; if no, weigh your actions and decide if it's worth the risk. You say she hasn't found anything else that sells, but since she's got something that sells, maybe she isn't searching all that hard. Yes, you can always buy online.

I'll also offer some advice. Tell her how you feel, express your viewpoint to her. Let her know your thinking about not purchasing from her store and keep it from your viewpoint. Even if your friends say they are going to boycott her, don't offer her that tidbit; if you say it and it doesn't happen, she'll dismiss your claims as bogus or trivial. If you don't say it, and sales drop off sharply because you and your friends do boycott, it sends a strong message of how valuable your business is to her.

She may not agree with your opinion (and don't bother arguing with her, if she gets argumentative, leave -- even if you can't get all your points across; try later after she's had the opportunity to think about it).

If you do boycott, give her a month and see if things change (you'll orobably also want to visit her store and do a price check).
See how she treats you; if it's the same or worse, then you've got no reason to support her business. Either way you go, remember that it's not your job to keep her in business. It's her business to keep you returning to buy her merchandise.


Here's my diagnosis of ths situation, and as someone who's had this happen before, I'll give you my input. (Actually I'll give you my output, but that's not a relevant discussion)

First, leave the part about your GF's apartment out of it. Has nothing to do with the store.

Second, this economy is not good right now. People have to jack some prices up, as both MSRP's are getting higher, and your profit margin is getting mighty slim.

Third, realize the rent they're going through. Here in PA, in a city of about 110,000, rent is about 11.50/sq foot per year. Try and factor in just how much space they have, multiply it by 11.50 and divide by 12 (actually, considering the math is so close...just say that they pay $1 per square foot, per month). At a 1200 sf store, which is by no means large...it's $1200 per month. Quite expensive, and considering the economy stated in #2...she has a right and a need to raise prices a little. (That said, $40 for 1e handbook is quite rediculous...it's a relatively uncommon item, but not quite that much IMHO)

Fourth, they're probably going smaller to reduce costs per month, as well as inventory if the market's getting slim. As someone who's opening a gma store soon, I know that CCG's are the money maker, the rest of it's part of the hobby that we enjoy. But you have to give them their CCG's to make the big bucks.

I would find another store if you can, but don't rule her out completely. She's just trying to make ends meet. If she really didn't want to have the store she would have just closed it.


Yes I was talking about "Flights of Fantasy". I think the owner is a very nice person. I like her its just her business sense that rubs me the wrong way. I'm told she was selling the conversion manual for a few dollars at one point.

But that’s beside the point. I've just got the feeling that she doesn't care much about gamers. So at that point I might as well game in the mall next to "The Game Keeper".:(

As for the boycott, I was only talking about a small group of friends. Maybe 10 at most but the majority were regulars.

Most of the things I was talking about happened a few years ago. So it was before the economy took a good nose dive.

Finding the books isn't a problem but finding a place that I would like to call "my gaming store" is.


I would point her to a few of these boards where people talk about gaming shops. She can see that gamers are very loyal to their FLGS, and love to have that one good shop that they recommend to anyone and everyone.

Try explaining to her some of those theories and see if the'll give you and your fellow regular gamers a decent discount or something.

Try talking nice, and if she doesn't care...then don't go back. No big deal. I was just giving you some hard knocks information that I had that you can think of before jumping to conclusions...but from what you said...I think you should talk to her and see how she feels. I'm sure there's another store somewhere...or if you're in my case, start looking to open your own with a few of your friends.


That's an incredible coincidence. You see, I used to go to that store in about '96...during a brief stay in upstate NY.Going to Flights of Fantasy was the highlight of an otherwise miserable time. It's uncanny (to me) to hear it mentioned here.

I met great group of gamers there.Can I email you on the off chance you could help me to set something right?

I agree with jezter6, let her know how much of an impact her decisions are having. It's likely too late for her to get her old store back, but she might be willing to reconsider other drastic changes in the future.


First Post

Here is what I would do. I would attempt to talk to her and express the following.

1) Having a gammer in the store works greatly to her benefit as they can acctually sell gaming products to other gamers where a non-gamer would not be able to do that.

2) Here OOP products are over priced. Do up a comparison chart between her store and some other ones (www.titangames.com is a good one) and give her some resources to price things comparitivly.

3) Explain the reasons that you liked the old shop better, baring getting that shop back maybe she can move to a location that is almost as accomodating.

4) Offer her alternative ways to make money off of the gamers. My local store has a sound proofed room set up stricktly for role-playing costs $5.00 per person per hour. That's a huge money maker for the store.

If she is receptive and willing to work with the gaming community then work with her if she is not check out www.rpgnow.com


RSKennan feel free to email me. I'll see what I can do.

I'll see about talking to her. Tho, like I said its a pain to get over there. Plus she keeps strange hours so it will take some work. I don't beleave she'll be up for moving the store any more. Maybe in time I'll start to warm up to the new place or find something better.

I brought up my GF's appartment as an example of some of the other frustration that is mixed in. Where my girl friend lives now is a former gaming store that was converted into appartments. There are just so many problems with insulation and electricity with that place. She's no slum lord but she leaves alot to be desired in a land lord.

She lost alot of trust with all the moveing and changes.

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