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[OT] Help with annoying co-worker (or...amuse me before I go insane)


First Post
I agree with Nightstorm completely. I have a cousin who works in the govt. 70% of his dept plays the laws so that they do nothing all day and can not be disiplined for it in that its not worth the trouble and law suits to the managers.


Move cubicles for seperation if you can bribe someone to.

Recording a coworker is not necessarliy illegal for business reasons only, alert the HR department and of course check the legality in your area.

Things to make you feel better.....

Take a screen capture of her screen and then set it as background....nothing will then work as she wont click on icons but on Pictures of icons.

Replace the cord between her phone and the outlet with a normal cord, wont work with mutline business phones.

Give her office number and email anymously from public phone/internet access to various spam / phonesex / other undesireables. [this could get her fired]

Find out what she hates.....start doing all that stuff

If she gets calls from friends....forward her phone to VP's office


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Darrin Drader

A D&D solution:

1. First, invite a group of local heroes to the office to give them an award.

2. Polymorph LMB into something that (1) can't speak, and (2) is quite menacing. A mind flayer or displacer beast will work nicely.

3. Watch the innocent heroes "save" your office from the vile creature.

4. Congratulate heroes on their bravery and send them on their way.

5. With LMB out of the way, break into her now vacant house on your day off and take any valuables that belong to her, then pawn them in a nearby city while making up a story of going to the beach. Plant a few items to implicate one of her annoying friends in her diappearance.

Problem solved.


Djeta, I gotta ask and I hope this isn't too forward -

Where the heck do you work that the company doesn't care about employees making day-long long distance calls to Tennessee? You have to wonder how much this lady is costing your employers.

Anyway, if you're serious about trying to get rid of this drain, I'd follow the union steward's advice - especially about the dotting 'i's and crossing 't's. If the company is going to actually do anything, they have to have good reason to do it - and they have to be able to prove that she was not fired for an improper reason, because the way this woman sounds, she'll start yelling 'lawsuit' if she gets a pink slip. Proof that she's been misusing company resources ought to help circumvent that.


Djeta Thernadier

First Post
robaustin said:
So? How'd it go? Any progress?


Well, the boss talked to her , not once, not twice, but three times and she finally shut up. But then the boss went on vacation for a week and she started right up again.

So I told the boss. Now, because they refuse to do anything further, which would be the *smart* thing to do, they are planning on inconveniencingme by making me pack up my entire cubicle and move to a different place.

I will never understand "office politics". I think to most clear thinking human beings, if you have an employee who is constantly breaking rules and not doing what they are told, you fire that person, and hire someone who can actually perform the job without being an annoyance to those around her.

Ah well.

She was on vacation all week last week. Which was awesome. But this Monday, she returns. And I know, oh I know, I shall hear about her trip for months to come...



First Post
Now that's it.
When she comes back get everyone in the office to comment how nice and peaceful it was when she was away and how productivity increased while she wasn't there.

Michael Tree

First Post
Here's another vote for taping her. Or rather, don't tape her, tape the ambient noise of your cubicle. :D While taping her, don't try to provoke her into saying anything, as that would be entrapment, and would reduce the value of your tape. Also, if you tape several hours of the day, and she yaks on the phone for a large proportion of that time, you're showing that she's wasting company time. (While taping, be on your best behavior, but don't bother comparing your behavior to hers. Any fool would know that you're on your best behavior while taping yourself).

Then take the juiciest parts of her tape - you know, the parts where she graphically talks about sex, makes it clear she's phoning long distance, or says other unsavory things - and give it to your boss, or to HR. When speaking to your boss, don't complain about the way she speaks (ebonics), complain about what she speaks about.

In other words, get her fired.

Getting petty revenge would be satisfying, but taking the high road is better in the long run. Don't do it nastily, or unneccessarily go over your boss's head, as that could cause trouble for you in the long run.

Your boss probably doesn't want to do anything because if he fires her, he has to hire a new replacement, and that would be a pain for him. He'd rather everyone just got along.
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First Post
The old take the screws out of the chair and hide them are good 1. Or if she has a set time for the toilet just place cling film over it that'll sort her out for a clean up for a bit :D

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