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[OT-Rant] What is UP with Talon Comics??


novyet said:
Well now that he's back and most of the trouble is over with I do believe it's time to place an order. :)

To, Paladin and Wife: Will you be posting here or on ~D's site when you've figured out the 15% thing on the bags? Because I've been really wanting to get one and that pushed me over the edge! :D
Hi Sean! We will be posting on ~D's site and here to let everyone know. It'll most likely start early next week, as we are spending our weekend with Derek to help him get as many orders out as possible. When we regain consciousness :D we'll get the 15% off sale up and running.

And can you tell Derek that Sean Ridener from Michigan sends his best to him and his wife for me?
We will let Derek know, I know he appreciates the sentiment.

Also, Derek has been working like a mad-man to get caught up. I know he was up until 4 AM yesterday and was up until at least 2:30 AM this morning (when I went to bed) so he's really pushing himself to catch up. He sincerely appreciates the support from all of you.

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LcKedovan said:

Have you ever let me down? :D

Hirst Molds, Spycraft, Feng Shui....etc.

Mind you.. if you DO ever let me down, I'm comin' to Brest to kick your butt!!!! ;) :p :D


Oh :eek:

So Do you liked Spycraft too... Good!

About Talon, if you can afford the extra $9 for shipping over the 25% discounted books, buy ftom Talon (when he will be ready to receive your order).

With the discount, even if you pay $9 for shipping to Germany, the game will be almost cheaper than in a German store, and it will arrive faster.

But, IMHO, wait some weeks before ordering, let him some time to finish current and delayed orders.


First Post
Kaptain_Kantrip said:

It's not his devoted loyalist crowd of customers I'm worried about (however many that may be, and I'm sure it accounts for fair share of his business). It's everyone else (like potential new customers who heard bad things) you have to watch out for. Call it an overreaction if you wish, but a bad reputation can haunt you forever, so why run the risk?

Because some of us still retain a soul, maybe?


First Post
for the record, my original post in which i advised against making an inflammatory post about derek over at nutkinland was not intended as a threat. i was simply advising against it since it would really serve no purpose other than starting a flame war. who wants that? derek is aware that various people are upset about the status of their orders, and he's working on them as fast as possible. is a nasty post on a board he frequents going to speed that process up? no, not at all.

do you have a right to be upset if your order is taking too long? yes. do you have to be rude or insensitive about it? no.

that's all i was saying...


First Post
Paladin said:
You don't get the "business" side of our company, you get the personal side, and that is what you get with Derek as well...it may seem like poor business to some of you for us to go through Derek at a risk of losing business, but for us, for now, it is a decision we are proud to make as people, as Texans and as Americans. Let's not lose sight of the humanity of our great country, but you also have a right to happiness, and if you are not happy with Talon, then don't use him, but treat him with respect, because we all deserve to be treated with respect, and in saying this I apologize if anyone was offended in my previous replies to these boards...Paladinwife

The next time you order something from Amazon.com, which you expect to arrive in a week, and it takes 4 months to get to you, and repeated emails are not answers, and you are beginning to wonder if you have just lost that $150.00 and who are you suppose to contact to get it back, remember that they are people too, and your money really isn't that important, and that you are a good American and Texan, and so should just not worry about it. :)


NLP said:
The next time you order something from Amazon.com, which you expect to arrive in a week, and it takes 4 months to get to you, and repeated emails are not answers, and you are beginning to wonder if you have just lost that $150.00 and who are you suppose to contact to get it back, remember that they are people too, and your money really isn't that important, and that you are a good American and Texan, and so should just not worry about it. :)
They're the Corporate America we were talking about, so we'd be mad at them. :)

Also, we'll be at Talon tomorrow all day, if you need us, drop an e-mail, and we'll get back with you late Saturday or Sunday. If you need a bag, e-maol Derek, and we'll still get back with you to confirm...thanx
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Once A Fool
So, how goes the Very Long Weekend?

Thank you, by the way, Paladin and Paladinwife, for your care and attention for the man behind my favorite gameshop, online or otherwise.

Good luck!


Woo-Hoo!!! We're done!!!!!!

Rune said:
So, how goes the Very Long Weekend?

Thank you, by the way, Paladin and Paladinwife, for your care and attention for the man behind my favorite gameshop, online or otherwise.

Good luck!
Thank you all for the great comments and advice, and of course all of the support for Derek...you will all be pleased to know that we worked our butts off and got everything caught up!!!

You should have all received response or confirmation e-mails from Derek in the last couple of days, and if you haven't, you need to send him a new e-mail address because some of the responses bounced back to him.

As for all of you folks out there waiting patiently for your orders...we processed approximately 50 orders today and they will be shipped out Tuesday (Monday being a holiday). There are some exceptions to this, as Derek is waiting for a few items from distributors including some back issues of magazines or some of you have ordered items that haven't even been released yet (Farscape RPG, D20 Modern, etc.). Note that we decided to send out some partial orders, as the wait for the distributor could be up to two weeks on some items.

Derek would like to thank all of you for being patient and kind in his time of need, and he is now ready to receive new orders from those of you waiting to place them (and, don't forget...your "Gamer's Bag":D)!

Undead Pete

First Post

I'm the one who started this post and yet I didn't receive any alleged reply.

The only my email would have bounced back is if he didn't hit "Reply". He certainly had more than one email from me to respond to.

I'll email him again, but my address has not changed in the interim.

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