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[OT] Sad: the man in black is dead... (merged)


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Tarrasque Wrangler said:
But I'm afraid no teenager will know what it is that they're rebelling against.

Yeah, but they'll rebel anyway. Teenagers will always rebel - it's part of growing up. A teenager is, truly, a rebel without a cause. (Or, as an older girlfriend from my past used to call me, a "rebel without a clue".)

Back on subject, though...

I was saddened to hear of John Ritter's sudden, untimely death. (Johnny Cash's death did not sadden me much, since he at least lived to be 71; and besides, Johnny was not only very sickly, but he was devestated and greatly depressed by the loss of June Carter Cash, a few months ago; so, I believe Johnny's better off and happy, now.)

Although I grew up watching Three's Company, what I remember most about John Ritter was his performance in the movie Skin Deep. (Who can forget that scene with the opposing glow-in-the-dark condoms, like dueling light sabers?) Also, nowadays I hear his voice often in the cartoon series, Clifford the Big Red Dog, which is one of my 3-year-old daughter's favorites.

And now, for John Ritter to have been cut down so suddenly, just when he was making a comeback...

Ah, life is so unfair and so fleeting. What a vale of tears this is, indeed.
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Oh, man, this is terrible news. I was busy all day and no where near a tv, so this is the first I've heard. Anybody know what happened to Ritter? Cash was getting up there in years and lead a hard life t'boot, but Ritter...? I only recently got to see Sling Blade and I thought John Ritter did an awesome job. I watched the movie three times on three different Starz/Encore channels in one night for his character alone. I was just talking to my father not long ago about Johnny Cash and Folson Prison (sp?) And Charles Bronson just passed recently too and he was from right here in Cambria County where I live.

The one thing that really gets me about getting older is I feel like I'm always loosing and I can't catch up.

gunter uxbridge

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I only became a fan of Johnny Cash in the last year, and I'm afraid that I missed the heyday of a great and eternal entertainer. To say he will be missed is an understatement. However, I and my other co-worker have had a grand time this evening listening to "Live at Folsom Prison" and "Live at San Quentin." Two wonderful albums.

As for John Ritter, run, DO NOT WALK, and go rent "Real Men" with Riter and Jim Belushi. A very lite movie not to be taken seriously, but it has some great one liners and physical comedy. That is how I will always remember him.

It just kills me every time I open up my new Rolling Stone and, without fail, there's a picture of Eminem flipping the bird (Don't believe me? There's one right in the latest issue). Johnny Cash was doing that 30 years ago, back when it was cool. When Eminem does it, it just looks like a guy who lived with his mom well into his twenties who's trying way too hard to look cool.

That was the great thing about Johnny Cash - he never came off as an act. The black clothes, the downbeat lyrics, the attitude, it all could have been so gimmicky. When he talked about wearing black to show his sympathy for the poor and working-class people that listened to him, it didn't come off as overly earnest, either. He was a genuine artist who seemed to lack any shred of artifice. There aren't too many like him left. Neil Young's one. Springsteen's another. And crap, they're getting on in years too. Ugh.

Jeez, three posts in this thread so far. Can you tell I'm upset about this?

Oh, and Ritter was the bomb as the evil robot boyfriend on Buffy. I think that was the first episode of Buffy I ever watched, so I always think of Ritter when I think of my favorite show of the past ten years.

He was great when he guested on TV's Funhouse too. One of the most surreal things I've ever seen was when he put a gun to the head of the terrorist rabbit puppet and said "I've waited my whole life for this moment" through gritted teeth. :D


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Dang, dang, dang!

I was just listening to Johnny Cash last night, and singing one of his songs this morning. (Last Gunfighter) I am going to listen to some music now...

The Auld Grump


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Djeta Thernadier said:
Within the last year and a 1/2 , Peggy Lee (my idol) and Esquivel (a cookie and a kiss on teh nose to anyone who knows him) both died and I cried.

I won't cry when the guy from the Bachelor or rapper 50 Cent dies. I mean, it's sad when anyone dies, but to be brutally honest, I don't care.
Am I mean?

Will anybody care when 50 Cent dies? Aside from Eminem and the people who make money off of him? Oh wait, they'll make more when he's dead. Look at Tupac(but come on, we all know that Pac and Jim Morrison are off hangin' on some island together laughing it up at people thinkin' they're dead).

Frankly, this flat out sucks, Johnny Cash and John Ritter going. I was just getting into Cash after he covered "Hurt", and I was just watching John Ritter the other day with my friend Beth in the movie "It", he was really good.

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