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[OT] To All Who Know Me ... Sad News

Damn, man.

The best advice I can give you is that the Internet is a powerful tool to educate yourself on HIV and AIDS. Listen to your doctors, but be sure to ASK QUESTIONS. You'd be surprised at what they don't know sometimes, such as recent medical findings and research. Some doctors are jerks about it, but most appreciate a patient who takes charge of their treatment and asks tough questions.

Warm feelings and sympathy to you and your fiance.

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William Ronald

Ryan, you have my prayers and my deepest sympathies.

Do whatever it takes to remain healthy. (As Henry advised, getting a second test might be wise. I pray that somehow the test was a false positive.) Remember, this is an age of unparallelled medical advances.

A good diet and good exercise regimen can help to improve the effectiveness of most medications. Hope also helps. My father had several severe illnesses, but his positive attitude and a strong will seemed to help him pull through when his doctors were pessimistic. Ryan, you might also consider joining a support group. Remember that you are not alone.

I pray that a cure to HIV and AIDS will be found soon. Many of the best minds on the planet are striving for such an end, so do not give up on yourself. A lot of people here are pulling for you, and will be here if you need us.

I wish you strength of body, mind, and spirit and peace as you face your illness.

I'm A Banana

It's late, so excuse me if I get a bit overly sappy here.

Ryan, I hope whatever power you hold close to your heart enwraps you in secure arms. I'd do it myself if you were here, man. You're a great guy, and your suffering makes sinners and saints cry in unison, I'd imagine. I wish you enjoyment and happiness, which are hopefully sharp enough blades to ward off fear and pain. Live bright and long, falling star, and leave a trail that will blind those who look up to the sky.

Carpe Deim, Ryan.

Okay, so it kinda sucks. I'm broken up. I'll...see ya around, man. Smile.



First Post
This is sad news AB, I really hope that your illness will be either neutralized or cured some day. I'd hate to not see you around anymore. :(



The EN World kitten
My deepest sympathies go out to you Angelsboi. Don't let this bring your life down...live, and live well. I'd pray for you if I believed in god.

Aitch Eye

First Post
I really am sorry to hear this. Though I haven't had that many deallings with you, your posts have always stuck in my mind as a huge part of what I think of when I think of EN World.

Good luck with this, and everything else in your life.


I'm dumbstruck. Be strong. Take care of yourself, and make sure you styay on top of things. I wish I knew how to say more.

Voidrunner's Codex

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