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(OT) Wrestling

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First Post
just got done watching it and putting my little girl to bed. it was kinda weak IMHO. lemme rethink it and I will try to help with the match posting if it is needed


Hogan/Rock was a way better match than I had it tagged. I can't believe Hogan's left the NWO already. "NWO for life"? More like for 1 month...

I figured HHH was due. Decent match.

The Hardcore "match" was pretty funny. Golddust vs Maven, Spike Dudley wins, then Hurricane wins, then Molly wins, then Christian wins. Hehe. Someone beat Christian after that, too, I think (Maven?), not sure I was on a bathroom break.

The best part of the tag match was Stacy's butt. :D How long are Chuck and Billy going to hold the belts? Their...erm...gimick is getting old.

Are Hall and Nash going to remain NWO? Just change to the Outsiders? Anyone else going to join? Raw should be interesting tomorrow...
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Agamon said:
Are Hall and Nash going to remain NWO? Just change to the Outsiders? Anyone else going to join? Raw should be interesting tomorrow...

I'd at least expect Sean Waltman to join them soon. The nWo merchandise is still selling huge, so I don't think they'll eliminate the faction just yet. Waltman's still defending the Light Heavy belt at house shows, so I'd also expect him to unify Tajiri's WCW Cruiserweight title upon his return to TV.

As Hogan is rumoured to have worked with broken ribs, it's no real shock that he's been removed and turned face.

The split between the RAW Franchise and the SmackDown! Franchise starts tomorrow as well, so splitting Hogan from the nWo may have to do with which program they wish to market them in. Another rumour is that RAW will be aimed more at adults and Smackdown will be marketed more toward a younger audience. Toy figures would be made utilising the Smackdown brand name, while Diva DVDs would be marketed under the RAW brand name, for example.


Hogan had sore ribs? That's why he was holding his chest like that. Geez, I thought he was just really overselling Rock's elbow finsher. :)

Wrestlemania X8

Hi all! :)

I stayed up until 4:45am here last night to watch it all.

I have to say I enjoyed it a great deal more than I thought I would after having seen the card!

Highlights for me:

Regal folding RVD like a concertina. Ouch!

The Rocks interview with the Coach. :D

Hurricanes sketch with the Godfathers ho's. :D :D

Mighty Molly twatting the Hurricane. :D

Mighty Molly getting that door in the face. Ouch!

Christians immediate response, a giggling "Stand back, there’s a new champion coming through", then getting the hell out of there! :D

Ric Flairs hair turning red with his own blood. Ouch!
Not a great match but definately better than I expected!

The crowds immense *pop* for the Spineroonie.
Good match between Booker T and Edge too, I liked it when the Book dodge the first spear attempt.

I thought Hall wrestled well against Stone Cold, certainly made himself look a legitimate threat.

Stacy Kiebler dancing with the Saliva frontman. Stacy looking even better than usual - must be the spangly new outfit!? ;)

Tag match started well, Bradshaws 'Clothesline from Hell' on Billy Gunn spinning him a full 360. Ouch!

Rock vs. Hogan

Simply legendary!

I think the crowd split was even although the front rows did seem to be stacked with Hogan fans who were very vocal (especially with the Rock-Y-Sucks chanting). The crowd were electric the whole match. In any other event in history this match probably would have headlined it.

I have to say, when Hogan kicked out of the first 'Rock Bottom' and started 'Hulking Up' I had goosebumps!

Great match, that alone would have sold me the event!

Great after match nostalgia for the fans, then Hogan getting stomped by the NWO, Rock coming in for the rescue and the two of them fighting off the NWO - with Hogan getting a deserved face turn in the process! Rock then insisting Hogan pose for the crowd with HUGE crowd *pop* the whole time. Great stuff!

Maven reclaiming the Hardcore title from Christian just as he is about to leave the arena! :D

Jericho vs. HHH

Good match but definately overshadowed by Rock/Hogan.

I suppose Jericho had to lose at some point.

Closing thoughts.

- I wonder will HHH get a Heel Turn?
- Hopefully Jericho won't get lost in the mid card again?
- Where is Big Poppa Pump - no more excuses WWF; we want the genetic freak!!!

Overall: Not the best ever wrestling matches but the Rock/Hogan match alone takes the event from simply good to great! Lots of humour, all of which I found funny; especially Hurricanes antics and Christians sketches. Definately a successful event.

Good job WWF...and how many times do you hear yourself saying that lately!

Holy Bovine

First Post
Overall I was disappointed in Wrestlemania 18. No real 'epic' matches like TLC 2 last year.

Rock and Hogan was definately the 'heat' generator and, to my view, the crowd was more behind Hogan than Rocky. Even taking out the huge front row 'cheerleaders' Hogan had even the 'nosebleed' seats didn't react very strongly when Rock Rock-Bottomed Hogan.

The tag-team elimination match was intertesting but seemed to end quickly - I thought this one would go to the 45 minute+ range.

Undertaker-Flair. *sigh* It was great seeing Flair back in the ring and looking pretty sharp overall (some missed moves but a good performance). Just knowing that Taker won't job to anyone anymore made this less exciting than it could have been. Taker looked like he was falling alseep by the 3 minute mark. And he couldn't even get Flair into the power-bomb. Flair isn't that big or heavy so I thought that was pretty feeble. Taker needs to either get back into the gym for some strength training or stop trying to do 'power moves' that he ends up embarrassing himself with and endangering the other wrestlers. Grrrr Taker suXors! ;)

AUstin-Hall wasn't bad although I felt the storyline leading up to this was a little weak. Hopefully this was the 'finale' between Hall and Austin.

ANyone notice the sign during the Edge-Booker T match? Right at the begining someone holds up a sign that says "They are fighting over shampoo". That was funny!

The intercontinental and european title matches were good - nice to see RVD with some gold again, but I fear the euro belt is going to stagnate with DDP holding it (anyone else get the feeling that he's got it just to placate him?)

Women's title match was sloppy overall - a lot of missed moves and Trish nearly broke her leg going into the corner. that looked ugly. Loved Trish's outfit though :) I noticed that the match only got exciting when Jazz wasn't in the ring :D

SO not the best PPV I've seen and certainly not the best Wrestlemania but Rock-Hogan made up for a lot - I just wish that it had been one of those 'marathon' matches - Hogan's done them before (Bash at the Beach vs/ Flair in 94(?)).

Oh and the Hardcore title match WAS funny as hell!!

Triple H

First Post
LOVED Rock vs Hogan and like UK had goosebumps when Hogan hulked up. Crowd was behind Hogan. Anyone want a history lesson? In '94 Hogan refused to lose to Bret Hart. Thought he had a weak chracter and all that crap. ANYWAY!!!! Did you see him tap to the sharpshooter? Made me kind of chuckle.

Weird booking of nWo. Raw should be intresting. Flari/Undertaker was good as well.

Oh and the genetic freak still ahs a damamged foot.

Cor Azer

First Post
The Hogan pops weren't just from the front row people - it was from all of the arena. I had a seat in the lower stands and the crowd went crazy with every Hogan move and booed every Rock move.

It was strange to not hear JR and The King, so I don't know how they were selling the match. I didn't notice any pre-Wrestlemania hints at a possible face turn for Hogan, so I don't know if the bookers expected that reaction from the crowd, but if not, Hogan and Rock picked up on it great - even while staying a face, the Rock knows how to play a heel well in a match.

And it was great to mark out for Hogan Hulking up after some many years...

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