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(OT) Wrestling

Triple H

First Post
Well waht is a new board without wrestling in its topic??:) Well folks Japan is great. I am back in the land and I have joined a RPG group. Playing witha laptop is pretty damn cool. By the way we use Jamis Buicks tools and PCGEN:) Great stuff.

Ok I want to keept his thread as the definitive wrestling resource. I am looking for anyone intrested doing show recaps,news posting,or even writing opinion articles. If all goes well I may be makng a website to post all this at:) What do you guys think? I can definetly get a messageboard for the site and I know HTML and java and flash:) So if anyone wants to come aboard please post or e-mail me:)

I will definetly want to post recaps of the PPV's:) I love doing those and if anyone does not midn doing Raw as well. I will be posting a Royal Rumble review here as well as befoe that probably today posting a Royal Rumble preview article.

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Triple H mate!

Glad to see you are on your feet again and back in the Land of the Rising Sun!

Be sure and let us know the details if you have any matches, even 'Dark' Matches!

I caught Smackdown this morning, the Rocks comedy sketches (with Angle in particular) were fantastic!

My money is on Stone Cold to win the Royal Rumble, its seemingly the only logical ending I can see them going with, setting up the big Rock-Austin match at Wrestlemania. Maybe I'll be surprised?

Incidently for the first time here we are not getting the PPV for free! Rumble is always my favourite of the year too! :(

Might have to wait until the day after to see it now. :mad:

Hey! We haven't even mentioned the return of your namesake yet! Its great to see the second biggest arms in wrestling back at last. ;)

But is it true hes a 'face' now!? Quite a turnaround considering he was the quintessential 'heel'!

Any rumours for Rumble? Is Nash set to return I wonder?

And where the hell is Big Poppa Pump!?

I don't want to have to go another month without the antics of the genetic freak!





Triple H

First Post
Well UK Nash,Hogan and Hall will not be appearing in the Royal Rumble. They if at all will be appearing on raw the night after. I am not saying they will but definetly before Wrestlemania. Your fav wrestler is still on the injury list and is in preliminary talks with the WWF,XWF,and the WWA. Seems everyone wants to see Big Poppa on their program;)

Well Royal Rumble thoughts:):

Trish Stratus vs Jazz WWF Womans title.

I hate to say it but not one damn person cares for the title. In fact I feel sorry for the preson in charage of writing the divison. Although he does get perks like seeing Trish everyday;) Anyways the match. Trish ahs proven she can have a stellar womans match,but Jazz has proven she can have REALLY short matches. look at her erecord match in ECW. I think it was under a minute. It will be a big night for the womans title. If they have an enteraining match we might see a revolution in the title. If not it is as buried as the cruiserweight title. Prediction to win? It does not matter but a heel going to Wrestlemania tro give the title to Lita or Trish would make sense. The real winner will be the match quality

Which brings me to my rant. Why the hell is the cruiserweight title not brought back. I dont give a damn if Jim Ross says the division is about to pick up. I have heard taht stuff for 2 years now. they have ALL the tols for a great cruiserweight diviion. It just seems Vince does not think they can draw. Hey Vince do you really think it was the nWo who kicked your ass for two yeas and some odd months? No way the cruisers kept the fans alive while Bitch off wrote weird ass angles for his baby(Hogan sees visons of the Warrior in a mirror.) Now they have all the players. The yneed a solid booker who does not ahve anything to gain from it. So I nominate Dean Malenko to get the damn ball rolling. Get him with X-Pac as a consultant and you would have one hell of a divion. Ok end of rant:)

Tazz and Spike Dudly vs The Dudly Boyz-WWF Tag Team Title Match

Ok they are trying. They really are. They are trying to not only get the fans to care about the Tag Title by putting them on a over Tazz and a semi over Spike. They are also trying to spark intrest intot eh only legitamate tag team in the wwf. The dudlys have been somewhat stale for months. this fued has not exactly made them great,but at least watchable. Add in the fact that these guys know each other from ECW this could be a very brutal match. I would not be surprised if this match is changed to be slightly more hardcore on Heat tomorrow. Even not Spike is a world class bumper and Tazz is damn entertaining. if they let both teams actually speak it would be a better feud. Unfortunatly Billy and Chuck are getting a chance at being another legit tag team. Please tell me why Billy is getting anothe push? I dotn know but I feel Tazz and Spike coming out on top then losing to Chuckabilly and then at Wrestlemania have TLC 4. With Dudlys,hardys and tazz and Spike. Intresting no? Prediction-Spike and Tazz

Ric Flair vs Vinnce the Ass man- For weeks Vince has humiliated the nature Boy and only WWF logic dictates that Flair schools him in the ring. Not only WWF logic but just about any other logic in the world. The fans know that Flair could wina any kind of match he was in with Vince. But factor in the no DQ and we might see interference or we might just see a very bloody fight. Either way I go with the Nature Boy. But is it me or is it WAYYYYY to early for him to be wrestling. Seems this angle was a little hot shotted. I could have seen it at Wrestlmania but not ehre. Oh well. Prediction-Ric Flair

William Regal vs Edge-WWF Intercontinetal Title.

Hm wasnt ol' Willy going after the sametitle around this time last year??? Well maybe tonigt he will get it right. Sorry folks I like Edge but him and Regal dont blend well enough in my book. I can see a somewhat entertainign amtch with hopefully Edge going over. Why Edge? to give his belt some credibility back. That damn thing has changed hands 13 times over the past year. DAMN!!!!


World Title match-Rock vs jericho.

Ok these two have absolutly awesome chemistry with each other. While Rock is not as technically profiect as Jericho he can hold his own in their. He is very carryable. Jericho NEEDS to cheat to win. It fits his character. To do ANYTHING to win. Maybe his own personel 4 horsemen come down to help. Christion,Test and Lance Storm. I see Jericho winning by the skin of his teeth. But in truth he is dead at No Way Out.


Royal Rumble

The participants:

Al Snow
Big Show
-Booker T
-Big Bossman
-Dallas Page
-Jeff Hardy
-Kurt Angle
-Lance Storm
-Matt Hardy
-Mr. Perfect
-Perry Saturn
-Rob Van Dam
-Scotty Too Hotty
-Steve Austin
-The Hurricane
-Triple H
-Val Venis

There is all 30 mparticipants. I think the final 4 will be Undertaker,Austin,HHH,and Angle. They all have history and Angle makes it a little fresher in the ring. he has no chance of winnig but freshness counts:) Personally I am rooting for Mr. PErfect one of my all time favs. Two things can happen. The decision is screwed and they do a '97 ad at No WAY OUT they have Final Four. A elimination match for the #1 contender. OR...someone si screwed at the Rumble a la Hogan and Sid Justice and that sparks a fued and a possible double main event.

Prediction-One of thse four guys.

Also anyone intrested in the website idea???

Hello again mate,

I like the sound of a fun orientated wrestling site - although you know my position: I am too busy to contribute and even if I did I don't really know enough about wrestling to do it justice.

One idea for your wrestling website is to work your own personal angle - 'American in the Land of the Rising Sun'. Even if it was like an online journal or something, honest I think this would be a good backbone from which to diversify the site into other 'wrestling' avenues.

...'Rising Sun', could be a cool move name you could develop.

Regarding your Rumble preview.

- Womens Title

Jazz has to win this then they could develop an extensive Jazz vs. Lita feud.

- Tag Titles

The tag division has never been more dead. The Dudley's are only as good as their opponents; and lately there haven't been any worth mentioning. The Hardy's have split; Edge & Christian have split. I'm still not convinced the whole Billy & Chuck thing was a good idea. Palumbo and O'Haire vs the Dudleys would have been a good contrast.

Surely the Dudleys must win!?

- Intercontinental Title

Edge needs 'something' to lift his appeal, a gimmick, a move, a catchphrase, something!? Otherwise I don't see him taking it to the next level.

Regals wrestling ability is being stifled, which is a shame.

- World Title

I want Jericho to retain. I have said it before the Rock is always better when hes 'title hungry'.

If Jericho wins either Austin or Triple H will win the Rumble. If Rock wins again it should still be Austin or Triple H?

Thanks for the update on Big Poppa.

Captain America

First Post

First, allow me to drool with UTTER jealousy over our own Trips, for his locale in Japan. My God. Talk about the Mecca of Wrestling! See if you can get an autograph from Chiparitta ASARI for me.


Now, for the Rumble.

Tag belts will stay on the Duds, via pinning Spike, likely due to Chuck-a-Billy distracting Tazz.

Euro Title is about to slip away from Edge. Regal wears it better than anyone, which would allow either A) the reformation of E&C, to help the sad tag division, or B) spin Edge off to start flirting with the upper card. This leaves Regal in a postion to 'Pull a Honky', and hold the belt for long enough to build up some undercard stars to the next level.

HHH wins the Rumble. Period. It might involve interferance from certain former WCW stars, but, he goes over.

Jericho defends against the Rock, due to chicanary, to set up Rock's future fued for Wrestlemania. More importantly, this allows for Jericho to drop the belt to HHH at the next PPV, leading a hot HHH to defend the belt against someone at Wrestlemania.

Predictions? HHH vs Austin at Mania, with Rock against Undertaker and RVD vs Jericho as highlight matches.

Read it here first.

-- Cap!

Triple H

First Post
I like the predictions everyone. I will be psting results as they happen. It might be hard to post each entry cause of all the action but I will do my best;) Cannot wait:):)


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My predictions...

Vince will beat Flair in their match.... they need to continue this feud through Wrestlemania to set up the split. Therefore a heel win.

Like HHH said, no nWo members in the Rumble. I expect Nash and perhaps Hall to appear at Raw the following night, and Hogan shouldn't appear until No Way Out itself (or the Raw and Smackdown before it, if they estimate lower buyrate otherwise).

As for the Rumble itself.... it's Pat Patterson's last one, so expect a few surprises in terms of order entered and order thrown, but I still expect them to put over HHH.

Rock v. Jericho.... I expect Jericho to drop the belt, and new champ Rock to be jumped by the Outsiders on Raw to set up Nash vs Rock at No Way Out.

Nash wins, setting up Nash vs HHH as the WM18 main event. The WWF and "World" belts are spray painted with the NWO letters. Vince reveals he was "behind" the NWO the whole time and sent them down to WCW to destroy it.

At WM, I expect Vince to "lose" the WWF to Ric Flair. Due to some stipulation, Vince will still retain control through the end of the show, and Vince and Flar will dispute the results of the main event. HHH wins the WWF title, but Nash retains the World belt. The following night Vince, Hall, Nash, Hogan take over the set of RAW and transform it into NWO Nitro. WWF Smackdown remains on the unnegotiable UPN.

Okay why this won't happen.... they (Gerwitz, Heyman, Steph, Pritchard, Vince) book week to week. I clearly think longer term. ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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