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OT: X-Men 2 and The Hulk Trailer (Mild spoilers)


First Post
I thouroughly enjoyed the X-Men 2 movie and firmly believe that it surpassed the first one. I firmly believe that number 3 will feature The Phoenix. The clues were in there. The destruction of the dam is the biggest clue. The only person who's powerful enough to do that is Magneto. And he didn't damage the dam, it was Jean with a power flare up.

My gripes about the movie is the Angelic Script ritual scarring on Nightcrawler and they made Colossus into a less than supporting character. The same thing with Shadowcat. With this kind of rewriting, I can never consider this movie part of the mainline Marvel Univers, but an alternate one. Also Nightcrawler, while he was a Christian in the mainline mainstream, I've never seen him pray so excessively and he kept his faith to himself much of the time. Colossus is one of the leading X-Men characters, even if Secong Generation X-Men.

My other predictions for number three though is that I believe they'll probably rewrite the space stuff with the Shi-ar empire, the Imperial Guard, the Starjammers, chuck those elements out and keep it confined to planet earth. In the comics the Phoenix destroyed an entire planetary system by "eating" an entire sun. I doubt we'll see that in the next movie.

After seeing the Hulk trailer I am absolutely hyped to see that movie. THAT IS THE HULK ("Hulk smash!") FROM THE COMICS THAT I KNOW AND LOVED! Not the Bill Bixby Hulk TV series version. In the trailer we see him pick up a main battle tank and just toss it a few miles out. I feel sorry for those guys in the tank. That is just how powerful the Hulk is, and more. I still enjoyed the Bill Bixby Hulk TV series though. Even the corniest of the corny with Thor and Daredevil.

I realise many have seen the movie but I was only able to see it
for the first time over this weekend.

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First Post
I heard that in X2, there was an X-ray in the room where Wolvie and Deathstrike's claw X-rays were that showed Angel's wings after they had made him Archangel with the wingdarts and all.

I'd love to see more of Colosus too though. And Shadowcat, and Beast, and Gambit, and Apocalypse, and of course Iceman on an iceslide, and Rogue with her full powers of invulnerability, flight, and super-strength.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Well, folks, there's this problem. Only a couple hours of movie, and half a bazillion characters that have at one time or another been "X-Men". Someone's gotta get the cut.

And, btw, I think the biggest hint is actually in the credits, where they have a whole section devoted to "Phoenix Effects"...


First Post
Actually they did show Gambit's name but it was really quick. I believe it was when Mystique was going through Stryker's computers on the list of targeted mutants.

Black Omega

First Post
And let's be honest. They aren't going overboard with the special effects so far. Iceman has never 'iced up', Colossus only held his metal form for a few seconds. The power level in the movie in general has been lower than the comic books, and super strength seems very uncommon indeed.

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