darkbard - if we had constructive threads about useful techniques, then where would we find the time to argue that metagaming is not really RPGing!
Garthanos - I don't think it would break the game to identify ways for fighters to have strong INT- or CHA-based skills. But I don't hae any suggestions on how to change the system to allow this.
But as the game is currently structured, here is my take: recognising the heraldry of the local realm, or making friends with a town mayor, is Heroic tier or perhaps low Paragon tier activity, and a fighter (especially with training) can be as effective at this as a bard, warlord or wizard.
But once we get into upper Paragon or Epic tier, we're talking about feats comparable to Luthien's charming of Morgoth. These are things a fighter is not likely to succed at (though the upper Epic tier fighter in my game did succeed in an Intimate check in a skill challenge involving Yan-C-Bin - naturally Yan-C-Bin wasn't scared of him, but the threat
was effective against the djinn in Yan-C-Bin's court).
In other words, the fighter's mechanical weakness should (in my view) be narrated in terms of the potency and drama of the situation,
not any in-fiction ineptitude.