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out of retirement



upon the message board there is a posting

I seek peoples of vast experience of the world, to swap tales and look for new grounds to explore. After the catastrophic upheavals in the planes I find myself alone in this world and must have something to take my mind off of home. Please ask at the bar for Shamchil Evalie. I shall be in most nights. Thank you all.

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Agudo Archmage

All My Tavel Guides In One

Agudo the Archmage of light comes upon a call for knowledge.
He smiles and snaps his fingers leaving a reply.

To Whom It May Concern:

I am sorry I will not be able to grace you with my insights of the Realms personally.
Yet I hope my writings of the Realms, will lift your spirit from your tragic wonderings.


Are you tired of the same old Org infested swamps?
Do you seek a Realm where Elves and Dwarven kind still play?

Then look no further than this ..

(Travel Guide to the Realms by Agudo # 1 & 2)

Allow me to introduce myself, I am Agudo and have been blessed to be an Archmage of the Light.

Yet before I digress, for all those who seek a adventures vacation.

I am so glad that you have taken the time to read this excerpt of my book.
For as a traveler of the Realms, I have been to many a high and low places of interests. Do to my continues studies of history, for my book called humbly enough.

{History of the Realms by Agudo}

With the backing of many places of higher learning, such as CandleKeep and the Halfling League of Economics; to just name a few.
I have had the opportunity to go to some very exciting places.

(Not all safe mind you! But defiantly fun and adventures.)

Now for my favorite Realm Faerun, the Swords Coast…..

The city of Baldurs Gate, started by a famous pirate of the same name. Once in this somewhat civilized city, (if I stretch the truth.) You will see a city port that is doing rather well for it self.

As you enter through the east gate, you will see one of my favorite place to stay at.
That being the *Elf Song Tavern & Inn.* A large and clean place, yet with plenty of intrigue and adventures taking place.
(Some say you can hear the ghost like voice of a haunting female Elf singing)

For your magical shopping needs, I recommend *Sorceress Sundries* plenty of magical items for sale. Such as scrolls, rings, necklaces, staffs hats, to a verity of potions. There is even an upstairs multi meeting room, and laboratory for the magically incline.
(But be careful for old man Ordulinian is not too particular on whom he rents it out to)

For those who seek the rough and tumble, I recommend the *Blushing Mermaid Tavern*
Not for the faint of heart, nor the good folk of the Realms. I had the miss fortune of going in there, and naively believing the woman I met; who said she wanted to show me a good time, was a tour-guide. Well let’s just say after jumping out the second story window, with barely my virtue; and good name intact. She…well…um… put it this way, its not called the Blushing Mermaid for nothing!

If you’re a spiritually high-minded person, a trip to the northern part of the city will do you good. For the *Shrine of the Suffering* is there, and many people have been blessed by giving to the needy at that humble temple.

I for one enjoy a the culture of any city, and the best place to see that in Baldurs Gate is *Hall of Wonders* Full of Gnomish inventions and other Gond like things. A lovely girl named Alora, will be happy to guide you around. She may be one of the happiest Gnomes you’ll ever meet. But keep an eye on your coin purse, she has sticky fingers.

Yet if you get the chance to go to Baldur’s Gate, please stop off at an old collogues house of mine. Ragefast is his name, and he had this infatuation with Abela, the Nymph.
I want to find out if he got my letters, recommending that he set free the poor girl.

Now for the northern land….

Normally I would recommend going to *Neverwinter* but friends of mine who have gone there as of late. Say that the city is having some type of Plague. But nothing to be concerned about. I have heard BlackStaff himself is working on it.

If you seek wield and un-tamed, then no place comes closer as *Ice Wind Dale*
Like the name sounds….. bring a heavy coat! This hostile land is famous for its forbidding tundra’s, and deadly tribes and creatures, of many different races.

But the land does have a well-known Ranger, better known as Drizzet. He is as good as a soul can get. You’ll know him by his dark Elvin features and good nature, if you ever have the pleasure of meeting him.
(Oh! And his pet cat doesn’t bite trust me.)

If you go by boat, then you may end up in one of the small ten towns that dot the seacoast. {More like villages} if you see more than a couple dozen people, then you’re having busy day.

Now sadly the ten towns is more a word then fact, do to constant struggle for survival. Many town are destroyed by tribal attacks, or lack of food, do to the heavy winters.
Yet every so often ,a new batch of brave adventures show up; to set up a colony in one of the ruined places, to start it all over again.

One such place is *Easthaven* probably one of more well known towns, do to the famous battle that took place there, awhile back. A temple of Tempus, probably the biggest structure in town, do to its hand crafted pillars and rock walls. It is often the destination of pilgrims, who seek inspiration from the heroes buried there.

The best, and only place to stay is *Snow Drift Inn* like the town a simple place but it has a warm fire to rest by. If your hungry or in need of a good drink, then the next and once again, only palace in town is *Winters Cradle Tavern*
Good local delicacies, and place to get to know the town folk.

If you need supplies then head over to *Pomab’s Emporium* The manager is rather snidely, and may I say greedy fellow, from Calmeshan. He proclaims that he is doing this town a favor for being there. But it seems to me, it’s the other way around! Never the less it the only place to get the basic necessities. That’s why its a bit pricey as well.

Now if you take the long land route, through the rough very tall and dangerous mountains; you’ll come upon a Druid paradise called *Kuldoahar.*
A giant and I do mean “Giant Tree” that sits in the heart, of this mountainy winter wonder land. But whats more remarkable is the tree is always bathed in spring like weather. Green grass nearly surrounds the place, for an hour walk in any direction.

Not surprisingly, a group of Druids have set up a town at the base of the tree. Some of the more interesting places to stop at is the *Temple of Ilmater,* very serine, and one of the better places to go to for medical attention. The next place for any adventure to go to would be *Root Cellar* good food and drink abounds there, plus all the locals stop by for gossip and friendship.

For sleep, the *Evening Shade* dug into the base of the giant tree. A rather fun place to stay, for those who long to live in a tree house. The Innkeeper Aldwin, who if I may say, a rather grumpy halfing if you ever met one. The barmaid Amila, back in the Root Cellar tavern will be the first to tell you. How odd it is that Eidan the original owner of the inn, just left town and gave it that shifty Halfling.

Take the time to stop of at *Conlan’s Smithy* shop, he does a fare job on any weapons, and has been know to enchant a few; if you give him the right materials. You will also see a strange sight, sitting on one of the higher ledges of Kuldohar. A boat like contraption, made by a loveable fellow, who introduces himself as Oswald.

I let you in on a little secret, if your brave of heart, and a little crazy on top. Oswald will take you flying in that thing. That’s right! In the air! He some how uses hot air, and other materials in a large leather sack, to make it rise up.
(For me I need a couple of drinks, before I take him up on it)

(Dorns Deep)
If you fly as mentioned above, or more intelligently walk over several mountain ranges. You will with in a week or more, come upon *Dorn’s Deep* A Dwarfen city with roughly fifty thousand or so of these “tunnel loving dwarfs.” Their good traders, and they have some of the best armor, and axes this side of continent.

If they take a strong liking to you, they may take you through the deepest part of the dwarfen labyrinth. To the *Glacier Temple* of wonders. I had the privilege myself, and may I say it’s stunning! You get to see the height of dwarfen kind craftsmanship. Using ice, rock and strange magical machinery. They have what they call an aquarium, full of the most exotic see life ever seen.

(The Severed Hand)
My next recommendation for you, is about two and half days away from Dorns Deep.
An brave colony of Elves have set up a fortress, in a valley between to mountain ranges.
The leader of the fare folk, is an Archmage Elvin lord, respectively named Larrel.
These Elvis are more open minded to outsiders, than others of their kind; in fact they encourage trade.
Do to hostile region, supplies are always in need.

When you arrive make your way up a couple of levels and shop in an authentic Elvin store. Run by *Lehland* the store named after him as well. This charming Elf, will sale you some of the more exotic merchandise around.. Don’t be shy about acquiring the hard to find Elvin clothing, and jewelry.

For a restful sleep stay at their *Hospice*, run by an Elvin mother and daughter. The young girl Seriha is always running around in there, helping her mother; and one of the sweetest children I have ever met.

Many wizards make the long trek, to study at the Elvin fortress, for it is a great honor and opportunity to learn from an Elvin Lord like Larrel.

(The only warning I want to give, is that outside the fortress, they have had lots of Goblin sighting there of late. But I am sure its nothing to worry about they can handle it.)

Well This is all the time I have for now, yet as soon as I am done shopping I will leave more for you choose from.

Your friend in the Light Agudo and Lady Hoot.

(Finally I beat Volo in recommending places to travel)

(Agudo Travel Guide To The Realms #3)

I now take you, my loyal book readers and intrepid adventures, to the land of Amn.
Just do south of Baldurs Gate and north of Calmshan on the Sword Coast.

This prosperous country of commerce, is a bastion of anti magic in its worst form.
We wizards are outlawed, chased after by glorified government hunters.

Those who practice the Arts, are considerd deviant and dangerous.
The lucky few who still dare to cast a spell, are either Cowel Wizards.
They being the only legal Wizard organization in Amn.
Or the caster has paid an absurd amount of coin, to get a magic licenses from the government.

Yet if you are brave enough or just greedy!
You can make a pretty coin or two, in this bastion of a trader’s paradise.

And with that ringing endorsement, lets go to the heart of this barters Mecca.
That being the capitol city Athkatla.
Here you will be indoctrinated in the finer points of making the Deal.

Everything in Athkatla is for sale, and if you have need to shop, one of my personal favorite spots is…

((Waukeens Promenade))

Talk about a Coliseum!
Yet this place is not full of gladiators, battling each other to death.
But of merchandise.
Let me just name you a few, of their varied products.
Such as exotic foodstuffs from all over the Realms.
Fruits like the famous passion melons from the Black Jungles.
Spicy Garlic Nuts from the Isle of Quelthir.
Lets not forget the Healing Blue Plums of Durpar and their high prices that go with it.

When staying in the city of Athkatla, the Waukeens Promenade, offers the…

“Mithrest Inn.”
A noble women’s dream of fine dining, and comfortable sleeping accommodations.
It’s also an excellent place, for the latest ear full, on upper class intrigue.
Pugny the Barkeep and Rebecca the Barmaid, have a superb reputation, for good service to us traveling folks.
They will help give you directions, to where ever you need to go in the city.
Couple of the regulars there are Lorgo and Lady Lasella.
Lorgo is plump but jolly fellow, who likes to tell of his humble beginnings, and his climb to riches.
He is the first to tell anyone near by…. “Don’t let the rich folks push you around.”
Of course Lady Lasella may disagree with that last statement.
Yet she is friendly enough to get the latest goings on.
For example, she happen to tell me the last time I was in town.
A well-known Cleric, by the name of Aya, had disappeared, under strange circumstances.
The Church of Lathender was in a tizzy over her abduction.
It nearly made Lady Lasella miss her tailor appointment!
Imagine the social ramification, if that would of happen.

“Seven Vales”
If your in need of some entertainment then, I highly recommend the stand up comedian; and one of the better Bards of the land … Alata De Bonito!
He can be found the “Seven Vales three nights a week”
Bonito is a part time accountant and mage, as well.
For those needing help with keeping track of their coin he your man.

This tavern located on the upper levels of the Promenade.
But I must worn any men who enter… that the owner by the name of Patricia has this dislike to men.
My feeling is that her ex-husband is the reason for that!
Yet it is the kind of place to meet over some drinks, and enjoy the many talents of Bardic troops, that may be playing that night.

*Adventure Mart*

Located in the middle upper side of Waukeen’s Promenade.
You will find a boisterous young Gnome, by the name of Howker.
Bellowing the finer attributes of the Adventure Mart.
He will practically highbrow you inside the cavernous shoppers paradise.

Once inside you find everything from used armor, to the latest in magic wands.
The owner a rather well known former adventure himself, is Ribald Barterman.
Slick talking, capable of charming you into buying your shoes, salesmen if their ever was one.

His favorite saying when he greets his customers are…

“My Adventure Mart is the finest shopping in all of Faerrun.
Widest selection, lowest prices… and nary a fancy illustration!
Just the goods bare and plain.

Or his more shaper reply to a new customer is…

“A customer is born ever minute, and a Rube soon after!”

Ribald is a charismatic fellow, who has collected, bought, and some would say; acquired shady merchandise, from less than respectable people.

As a wizard, I have found his place to be one of the best stores, to buy Magical items from.
Especially being that its so illegal to have magic in this bigoted city.
But what’s a mage to do?
Your forced to buy at higher prices and questionable people.
Such as one of the independent sales women there, who calls herself Merchant Deidre.
A noble women of some class, who sees her wears as important as her.
How she got Balduran’s Amor and Butter Knife?
From the northern city named after him, I will never know.

Yet I am sure that it was stolen from the Baldur Gate city Museum.
Maybe I should ask Aurora, on my next visit there to Baldurs Gate.
She a lovable Gnome, but has a penchant for sticky fingers.

Those of us enjoy picking up a new magical scroll or two.
Then I recommend Lady Yuth.
She has paid the city guards to turn a blind eye, when inspecting the Adventuring Mart.
And has a very large selection of illegal magical scrolls, to be had by those with coin.

Near by is Ribald guard Lucy. A medium size Wyvern. It seems to look for those who would give them self’s a five-finger discount.

About some of the locals who hand out at the Adventure Mart are…

Gereth a long time if an oddly loyal customer to this establishment.
He doesn’t trust Ribald ever since he tried charging him three coppers for salamander dust.
Also a friend of Ribald who seems to have nothing better to do that hang out at the desk.
Is a talkative Dwarf calling himself Brelm the Brave.
His big fish stories are legendary, and Ribald is more than happy to Verbally cut the Dwarfs Ego down… even lower than normal for a Dwarf.

*The Circus*

When in the Promenade of Waukeens check out the Circus.
The acrobatic performances are astounding and the clown Gnomes are so comical.
Yet I must say the last time I was in town, the circus was temporary closed.
Apparently one of the Gnomish illusionist went nuts and tried to polymorph ever one into bugs and slime.
So that he could be the ruler of his own little world.

{Well Agudo your traveling guide to the Realms, will next be adding further areas of the city of Athkatla such as….

The Bridge District
Temple District.
Government District
And the fallen heroes district, The Graveyard memorials

Just stay tuned and get ready for more exciting places to travel.

Published by Agudo! :angel:





Your stories amuse me as they entertain and inform my travels in that world have been many but, I must be truly lost because I belived myself on Oerth. If this is not the case than I can easily take a jaunt to Shadowdale and trouble Elminster for one of the many favours he owes me to be returned.

You see my story is simple I began my life on a world very different than any you may have experienced and found myself in travelling from hither and yon through mists, planes, and space but, now I find myself here and am not sure of the way back. It seems the linchpin of our multiverse has been withdrawn to a hidden place and travel between here and my home appear to have been cut off.

I shall explore more and establish which world I reside on than I shall return.

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