• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Outsiders of Aera


First Post
I had a dream

For the first time in months, I awoke to find myself in control. Not of my destiny for that I entrust to Bryle, but at least of myself. Soon, hopefully, the group would come back together and I would have a chance to regain Namarra.
We met at Star’s home, which he had purchased as part of his cover in the city of Aenith. Although I agree with Tarmus about Star’s silent disappearance at the city of Qualin not being in the party’s favor, I believe that Bryle had a hand in Star’s decision. Bryle would have known to have Star go into hiding since the Dark Wizard would be looking for him.
At the beginning of the three months that Yeric, Remus, and I had been under the influence of the Dark Wizard, we were interrogated. The Dark Wizard thus knew that Star had two amulets of the gods and that I had one. I was soon without my medallion and Namarra. Yeric and Remus did not lose much, in fact Yeric gained better equipment. For the rest of the three months, after getting tattoos affiliating us with the Mithral Blades, we did the dirty work for the Dark Wizard. We killed the governor of Kilinay, whom aspired to replace King Doombringer (the Dark Wizard’s boss… well, more like his employer) and we stopped an attempt on the Dark Wizard’s life. Most recently we were at Ralanov fighting with the Sulimarin (the secret ethnocentric elven agency apparently were taking an interest in Ralanov).
So our rescue was most fortunate, given the circumstances. I had thought that Tarmus and Star would assuredly be dead. I suppose that Tarmus was safe, since he had nothing of value and that Star was safe only because of his drastic actions.
I slept near Star, still considering his safety to be endangered. We spoke before we slept. Star had stayed at Aenith to keep an eye on Lore and Gale. If anyone had contacted them, Star would have investigated and would have responded if any of us had been doing the contacting. I trust Star, I have more dirt on him than anyone in the world and I’m not dead yet (there is a problem with being the priest for an elven thief, if they aren’t faithful you end up with 200 years worth of things to confess).
Yet for some reason, as we all sat around the table listening to Tarmus condemn Star and Star defend his actions, I could not help but think of all the bad things Star has done. How could I trust this follower of Bryle who has gone so astray. Maybe the last three months had affected me. I thought Tarmus was feeling awfully important since he believed that his loss of contact with Star condemned Star.
Yes… Star had bought a house with party gold.
Yes… Star had disappeared without a trace.
Yes… Star didn’t drop his disguise when Tarmus and Lugtee came knocking on his door.
For some reason I didn’t really care what Star did or didn’t do. He was either with us or not, and he was useful most of the time. Tarmus had the problem with him. Star proposed plans of setting a quest upon ourselves that we might hold true to one another. Tarmus replied that if half the party is mind controlled than both sides are betraying the other. After plenty of argument, I bored of the bickering and proposed that I cast zone of truth, which would mean that Tarmus would get the truth he wanted and would either accept or cast away Star. Everyone accepted the plan and soon the truth was upon the table. Tarmus didn’t trust Star. Star thought Tarmus too long winded and thought safety was not in numbers but in shadows. In the end, Star spoke his loyalty to the group and Tarmus was reassured. So I proposed we go into town to get supplies to make Remus a ring enchanted with Remove Paralysis and then go after Treespire and find Lugtee. Armathon and the Dark Wizard would come later (though being a good cleric, I certainly have a hit list).
While at Alfgar’s shop of crafting necessities, Star overheard some paladins talking about guards falling asleep on the job and the oddity of the incident. Remembering the last time something was amiss the Summersword was stolen. I approached the paladins and asked about what they had said, but they knew no more. We went to the Temple of Bryle and I asked a guard and he did not know. I then went to Olon, who was in the company of Milo, and asked him what was going on.
Apparently, and this was hush-hush, there was concern that Lugtee had keys to the portals under Aenith, since there was no reason for him to know their existence. The church placed some paladins to guard the portal. Lugtee had today popped in, looking rather worse for wear. Katrina and Olon were there quickly and tried to pry information out of him but he was evasive. One of the more zealous paladins decided to detain Lugtee and so Lugtee knocked the paladins unconscious and left (after throwing a bag of gold to be delivered to his informant whom had returned with us to Aenith the day before).
During this conversation, Milo quipped, “Gee, the moons are gonna align tonight.”
“Align? What does that mean?” I said.
“The moons align once a year in front of the constellation for one of the gods. This year it happens to be Balahnin.”
At that point I decided that I should tell everyone about the dream I’d had (Olon already knew since I confessed to him yesterday). I had dreamt of a ritual taking place with many acolytes and a main priest who looked like Armathon and sounded like Armathon. Suddenly all the acolytes died and Armathon, wielding a great purple magic, tore a hole into another plane. A dark shifting shadow that had been beside Armathon went through the portal and entered a statue on the other side and the statue started coming to life.
Then Remus spoke, “I too had a dream. My sister appeared to me and warned me that a great evil would happen when the moons align.”
At this point Tarmus gave his brother a questioning look to which Yeric replied with a shrug. Not everyone gets a visionary dream.
Olon then looked at me intently and said, “But where?”
“Tarmus, can you play that image again of the Citadel of the Eye?”
“Sure, it might be a bit fuzzy, but I can manage it. Here we go…”
“That’s it. The stonework and vague vile feeling is the same. It must be below the place where you went.”
At that point we left with all haste and I invoked the holy words that would dissipate us into clouds and whisk us away to the Citadel of the Eye.
We materialized next to the entrance to the underground temple and descended.
Star scouted ahead and found that there were many undead blocking the stairs that lead deeper into the temple. The party dealt quickly with them, many of them being vanquished simply by the holy aura I channeled against them.
Descending the stairs we saw two giant minotaur looking creatures beating a Deva into the wall. One of the minotaur things struck a mighty blow and the Deva, nearly crippled, drew a scroll and escaped through a rift that appeared. She left behind her glowing white mace. The minotaur things started dashing toward us, but the distance was great. We sat and waited while Star pumped them full of arrows. Before they reached us, they were so wounded that they turned and fled around a corner at a four way intersection far ahead. I raced over to the mace and pledged to return it. Yeric reached the intersection before the rest of us and was battered as both the minotaur-like behemoths charged him. The rest of us arrived and Yeric fell back. One of the beasts ran around me and started stomping with its tremendous hoofs. Rocks started falling atop us all and the other minotaur thing fell dead. Soon we dispatched the second minotaur creature and headed to the intersection and chose the direction that chanting could be heard from.
Laying before us was a statue with a holy symbol of Balahnin and beyond that was a large pit with a thin bridge that crossed it. Written on the statue were the words, “Unbelievers shall be burned.” Star tried to cross but intense heat rose from the walkway and scorched him. So, I channeled divine energy to create another stone bridge. We crossed unharmed and reached the chamber where the ritual was taking place. Before we opened the door, the screams of people dying could be heard.
Inside the room were four giant columns at the corners of the room and an altar at the side farthest from the door. Floating a little above the door were three gems and Namarra. Circles of cold blue flame ten feet high surrounded each column and the altar. We rushed inside to find the Dark Wizard on the left side of the room so we attacked with haste. In terrible pain, he escaped through his spellcraft. Inside the circle of flame around the altar were Armathon and a large black skinned humanoid with green eyes (a familiar face, hey… didn’t we kill him? Uglies never stay dead). The humanoid fell quickly amid the onslaught of the party, but Armathon, which I realized was no longer alive, proved a much greater challenge. After charging at him, running away from his blade barrier, shooting at him over the flame circle, and charging him when he came out of the circle, he finally fell. Armathon was now a dead lich. I had almost died during the attempt to kill (re-kill) Armathon, and yet he could easily revive if we did not find the item holding his soul. We searched, but to no avail, though I did get Namarra back. A large explosion went off as the ritual spell finally unraveled. Tarmus quickly dressed us in the robes of the dead acolytes and we rushed out of the temple.
Soon we were safe inside a hiding place for Silver Swords and wondered, “If I were Armathon, where would my soul be?”

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First Post
The party is narrowing down the Medallion pieces, but do they know where they all are? There are six Medallion pieces, can any of the party members account for them all?


First Post
Quick rundown of the different pieces (Note: there are additional clues to the whereabouts of the missing pieces, but this is what the party can be sure of):

Oakleaf Pendant (Mist, +2 Con): The original medallion piece given to the party. Up until recently, Canthor was wearing it. It is now in the Dark Wizard's possession (last it was seen).

Fire Chain (Balahnin, +2 Dex): The second piece the party came across. Originally discovered by Lady Quickwater, the party acquired it from a raid on Armathon's underground shrine to Balahnin.

Glowing Sapphire (Edina Runeway, +2 Cha): Originally adorned the neck of Devon Treespire of Ralanov, this piece is currently around Canthor's neck.

Mithral Hemisphere (Bryle, +2 Wis): Katrina retreived this medallion piece from the north, as the party thwarted her followers on her way back to Aenith. It is still around Katrina's neck.

???? (Loraloren, +2 Int): Whereabouts unknown.

???? (Valeya, +2 Str): Whereabouts unknown.

And since the party seems to have forgotten previously provided info....

· Each piece is protected by a mind blank spell.
· The wearer of a piece is protected by a nondetection spell (DC 31).
· Once per day, the wearer of a piece can sense the number and general direction of each piece within a 3-mile radius. Similarly, the wearer of a piece can feel if he is being sensed and from what direction.
· The wearer is instantly “aware” of any other piece that comes within a 60-foot radius and can locate any individual piece within the radius by concentrating for 5 rounds. This works much like other detection spell, and is blocked similarly.
· While wearing a piece of the Medallion, servants of the piece’s deity (outsiders, chosen, servants, avatars, and clerics 10th level or above) can determine the presence of the artifact by making a successful Will save (DC 25) when within 60 feet of the wearer. (Works like the "detection" ability above)

The party also knows the following powers when combining multiple pieces:

· 2 pieces: +2 attack bonus, +10 competence bonus to Spot and Listen checks
· 3 pieces: +2 bonus to AC, +2 to all saving throws

Gathering all the pieces of the medallion entitles the wearer to release anyone from any kind of binding (dismissing any “intervening” spells used to keep the target contained) or open any seal or imprison one target within 1200 feet (as per the 9th level spell, no knowledge needed, spell resistance does not apply, activated on command). In addition, the Medallion will automatically save the wearer’s life, preventing anything that may cause death or imprisonment and at the same time restore the character’s hit points, ability scores, and XP (if level drained). If any of these powers is used (release, open a seal, imprison, or life saving), the Medallion splits into its individual pieces and only one piece remains with the wearer while the rest scatter across Aera (roll a d6 to determine which piece).


First Post
Magical Crack

Star here

I can testify that wearing two medalions at once is incredibly addictive. Having a total Spot and Listen of +30 (!!) lets you do wacky things. In the words of T2, "I see EVERYTHING!"


First Post
Slow night...

Note: It was a slow session, the party mostly debated, so most of this is RP info...

Clara welcomed Tarmus and co. into her home. The Silver Sword/waitress/bartender kept a house used to hide other members of her organization, and Tarmus being active within the Silver Swords, knew the right words to secure a safe place to sleep.

The next morning, in beggar's guise Tarmus went into the city to check out the ruckus they heard the previous night. The patrols had been stepped up due to an attack on the city (go party!), and the Dark Wizard himself, nursing a shoulder wound, is leading the search for the party himself. Canthor, calling upon his wind walk spell, takes the party from the city, and heads to the castle where he claimed Namarra.

Galla, the astral deva they saw the night before, lounged by the pool room, and gave the party a warm celestial welcome. Tarmus used his bardic abilities to allow Canthor to understand the deva's language, and she thanked him and his companions for stopping the ceremony. The sword Namarra hold the spirit of a powerful devil, whose body still rests in another plane. Armathon was attempting to restore that spirit. The sword is known to "never sleep" for the nightmares Namarra causes for the weilder, attempting to always work his way back toward his body. Galla insisted that Canthor return the sword to the pool, to which he agreed. Out of gratitude, Galla allowed him to hang onto her mace, for which Canthor was very grateful.

Back in Aenith (using wind walk again), Canthor relayed his story to an attentive Olon. In return, Olon reported how Lugtee is still somewhat of a mystery and how a pair of paladins were lost the previous day. Canthor, a little confused, took Olon's advice, and went to see Katrina Purelight.

The party met her in the Great Library. She reported her mission into Ralanov was met with mixed results. The fighting among the Sulimarin and the Mithral Blades made locating Lugtee difficult, but they managed to find him in a spell battle with several Sulimarin (elven) spellcasters. He was handling them with little trouble when Katrina's company was attacked by a man dressed in black leathers weilding a curved sword (she doesn't know what kind of sword it is). More unsettling than the man's swift attacks, that slayed the pair of paladins, was presence of a medallion piece on the attacker. Star, using his knowledge of all things underhanded, concluded the man was Varrius Afus, leader of the Phantoms.

Troubled by the news the party debated their course of action. They pondered taking on the Dark Wizard or going after Armathon's phylactery, but in the end decided to go to Mydrana, have items identified, and give Canthor some time to craft an item or two.

Meanwhile, Tarmus returned to the Woodblood Farm, only to set out with Yeric again for the town of Derwin. The small town dedicated to Loraloren delighted the bard with several stories and a small, yet cozy, library. Looking back over his recent activity, Tarmus had saved his friends from the Dark Wizard and stopped the return of a powerful devil. Not bad for an old bard, eh? However, he had not been made any richer, despite the fact the party now possessed a great deal of wealth. When called upon by the party, he informed them he would charge for his services (and Yeric's), as he had not gained any monetary wealth during his time with the party.

Canthor, Remus, and Star decided not to pay the bard's fee, and instead go after Devon Treespire and Himoust, associates of the Dark Wizard's. As they searched Ralanov, the party of 3 discovered a meeting between the two at the top of Temorana Castle. After one group left, the party ambushed Treespire's group. Devon flung a couple fireballs at the party before teleporting away. Having lost that objective, the party quickly took off down the stairs after Himoust and Noto (leader of their old Mithral Blade unit while under Dark Wizard domination). In just a matter of a couple breaths, the party brought down the elven sorcerer and proceeded to make short work of Noto and company. Fortunately, the party managed to take Noto and Himoust alive, and can now question them....


First Post
Round One with the Dark Wizard

The party interrogates Noto, their former halfling Mithral Blade leader, yet learn next to nothing. Himoust, their elven attacker, is quite the conversationalist. He provides the party with the location of the Dark Wizard's hideout, the one he knows, and a layout of the first room. The party discusses the information, but the words of magic reach Star's ears, but the party only finds frozen, broken rope. Himoust had good reason to be comfortable with the party, he was able to easily escape his rope binding despite the gag... slightly dismayed, the party decided to sleep on it after failing to find the pair of Mithral Blades.

The feeling gripped Star in the middle of the night. Now that Tarmus had left the party, Star now wore both medallion pieces once again. The amulets told him someone had activated their search power, a 3-mile radius that tells the wearer the direction and estmated distance the probing medallion piece is located.

While rousing the party from their slumber, Star pondered the location he sensed from his medallion pieces. Having lived outside of Aenith for months, he concluded the feeling originated from the Great Library.

"We've got to go! Whoever is looking for medallions is in the Great Library," Star exclaimed to the party as he set out the door. Remus and Canthor exchanged glances, donned equipment, and set out after the rogue.

Arriving at the library, Remus tried the door. It doesn't budge, magic is holding it tight. Moving to the side window, Star enters the building and looks about. Three armed men adeptly creep around the bookcases, searching for someone or something as quietly as they can. As Star studies the men, obviously hired, well-trained mercenaries, the shuffle of someone in metal armor moves swiftly on the second floor. The movement, heard by everyone on the ground floor, including Star, attracted the attention of the intruders and they ran up the stairs.

Star could hear many footsteps running up the stairs and on the second floor. Someone in heavier metal armor was being pursued by assailants in chainmail. Star motioned to Canthor and Remus, and the armored pair stumbled their way through the window and up the stairs after the footsteps.

As the trio ascended the stairs, Canthor called upon Bryle's power and sent a message to Katrina, stating he was in the library, the strange men in the library, and asking where she was.

"Get up here and help me!" Katrina's voice echoed in Katrina's head and the party's ears. She was on the roof! As the party emerged onto the roof, the sound of steel on steel rang out as Katrina fended off the first of many sword thrusts on against her. Four men had a longsword and shortsword in each hand, while the remaining six men held longbows on her.

Star wasted no time. Arrows flew from his bow, finding their marks on the bowmen. Canthor stepped forward, calling upon his gods power, while Remus brandished his sword to render his foes into unconsciousness.

As the party engaged the assailants, a fireball rang out among the attackers. Confused, but glad for the help, Star contiued firing. Mysteriously, one of Katrina's attackers fell off the edge of the library roof, and landed on the soft ground below. Moving to press her attack, Katrina moves to strike, but bumps into an invisible form.

The battle is over in the next few breaths. Bolts of energy flew out of thin air to strike the attackers. A small figure in a gold cloak ermerged from magical invisibility.

Rax is a strange kobold indeed. He introduced himself to the party and Katrina, and informed them he was told to help them. Apparently, he got some information from Tarmus as to their whereabouts. His distinguishing characteristic is his gold robe, kobold stature, and a gold gem embedded in his forehead.

Introductions were cut short as Katrina looked into the city. She told the party she placed her medallion piece with Olon for safekeeping, given Canthor and Remus had likely told the Dark Wizard of its location. A fireball exploded upon the Temple of the Spirit. He is here, in Aenith.

The party, along with Rax and Katrina proceed to the temple. A barrier of magic protects the temple from harm, but it could not save the dead people lying outside, casualties of the attack. After a couple more fireballs, all is silent and Star feels a probing from within the temple. Star probes back, and only feel's a medallion piece within the temple as Olon emerges. His explanation is obvious, the Dark Wizard came for another medallion piece, yet failed. He thought Katrina had it, but it was safely tucked away in the Temple of the Spirit.

A few days pass and the party prepares. The Dark Wizard must go down (DM: About damn time). Potions of see invisible are purchased, a couple items are made or bought, and the party flies to Ralanov to find the Dark Wizard. They have no luck with a medallion search, and proceed to Saven, the location of where the Dark Wizard has a hideout, according to Himoust.

Star breaks a cardinal rule of dealing with wizards: never let them know you are coming. He uses the medallion search power once again, and finds a pair of medallions where Himoust stated the Dark Wizard's hideout would indeed be located. The party moves into position, and begins to cast their combat spells. It is only a matter of a few breaths before the battle begins.

The people of Saven are going about their business this fine day as fireballs start to rain down upon the party. The Dark Wizard was using a classic wizard offense: improved invisibility, fly, and rain of death. The party, which now included Rax, accompanied by Katrina, had purchased potions of see invisible, but their range was limited.

Rax drank his potion, turned invisible and shortly ascended into the air. Meanwhile, each time a fireball rang out, Star and Katrina fired into the air, but their efforts were met without success. Meanwhile, Canthor took cover under his near-indestructible tower shield, while Remus got onto the roof of Rama's Courier Service, the supposed location of the Dark Wizard's hideout.

The battle was going badly for our heroes. They seemed incapable of penetrating the Dark Wizard's magical defenses. Finally, Rax managed to dispel his invisibility. Startled, but undaunted, the Dark Wizard continued his assault. He called upon his most destructive spells now....

Finally Rax managed to get his hands upon the Dark Wizard. At 40 feet above the air Rax and the Dark Wizard struggled. If they could bring him to the ground, if Remus could get his sword on him...

Remus called for Canthor to grab on, and the two started to ascend using the immovable rods. At 40 feet, even with the struggling wizard and the invisible Rax (who had assumed the form of a gold dragon), Canthor cast a spell: anti-magic field. It proved to be a mistake. The four people fell to the ground, Rax reverting to his kobold form and releasing the Dark Wizard. The Dark Wizard was quick to get up, move out of the field, and flee the scene via teleport.

Angry, Remus searches for the entry to the hideout, but it is Rax who finds it. Proceeding down the stairway, the party comes to the room described by Himoust, a comfortable meeting room complete with a closet, food, tables, chairs, paintings. Remus steals the paintings, Canthor hangs back with Katrina, who warns the party they should not stay long....

Rax flies down the next corridor, into the next room. A dining table stretches out across the room, and a glowing stone sits in the middle and lights the room. Rax pulls a patch from his robe, and a pair of dogs emerge. He orders them to retreive the glowing stone, and they do so. He then hears footsteps from the next room infront of him. Changing to windform, he flies past a startled Dark Wizard, without his mask and weilding a wand, and proceeds to cast wall of iron: sealing him off.

The tactic does not hold long, as he hears footsteps from another room, again in front of him. He changes to wind form and again rushes down the hallway. The room in front of him this time was completely dark save for the light being given off by a golden blade: the Summersword. Rax placed his hand upon the blade (today was the day to take shiny things!) and uttered his dimension door spell to take him back outside just as a fireball was streaking at him.

Rax appeared among the party, who had heeded his advice and went outside to wait for the kobold. Assuming wind form once again, the party fled as a small army of city guards descended upon the well-burnt neighborhood....


First Post
(Oops, accidentally posted twice)

Since the party has forgotten things before....

Astral Star: These perfectly smooth, hand-sized oval stones give off a soft glowing light equivalent to a torch. Astral Stars are rare occurrences in the outer planes, where these items are typically found. No one is quite sure how to make an astral star, but are treasured by the clergy of good-aligned deities for their effectiveness against undead. Once per day, someone holding an astral star can create a double-strength daylight spell. The astral star gives off a light radius of 120 feet that counts as “natural sunlight” and effects creatures as if they were in broad daylight. This effect lasts for an hour and cannot be dismissed, but can be covered up. In addition, when held in one of her hands, a cleric can turn undead as if she were four levels higher than her actual class level. This effect does not work with clerics who rebuke or command undead.

Caster Level: 10th; Prerequisites: unknown; Market Price: unknown; Weight: 2 lbs.
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First Post
Elves on the move...choosing the least of two evils?

The party has successfully defeated the Dark Wizard. He awaited them in his lair under Rama's courier service in Saven and there he engaged them. Star was killed by his own worst feats (phantasmal killer), Remus and Katrina trapped in a force bubble, while Canthor and Rax barely managed to defeat the Dark Wizard, then carry his unconscious form away from an iron golem. In the end, the party had him turned into stone, and sent him to the ethereal plane....

"Five down, one to go," she smiled to herself, walking out of Aenith's main gates and proceeding to our heroes' house. Katrina dreamed of her husband, whom she has not seen for an entire year, as she strode along the dirt path.

Her demeanor soon sombered as she recalled the sending she had received. Aenith was being threatened once again, but it was not by Polary, it was the elves this time. For months they have controlled the Free Northern cities (or formerly free cities), and taxed them extensively. The last group of elven ambassadors had made threats, at least indirectly, to Olon, high cleric of Bryle and informal leader of Aenith. The danger came as no surprise....

"We should check it out!" Star proclaimed. His sly sense of discovery taking hold of him.

"The message I heard said that we had roughly three days, and that Ralanov fell to a ship. I suppose the elves built a ship and sailed it down the Qizix to assault Ralanov, if that is the case, it does not threaten Aenith, we do not have any rivers," reported Katrina.

"We could use the portal to go to Ralanov and check out the city," offered Remus.

"I'd rather not," Katrina stated quickly. "Alerting the elves to the portal might only cause them to enter Aenith this way. Also, if we seal it off, then we are trapped in Aenith as well, the portal goes to more places than just Ralanov."

"I could teleport!" the gold-cloaked kobold proclaimed. "I could do it tomorrow...."

"We should check it out today," decided Star. "We'll go see Olon, perhaps he can call Canthor back and he can cast that wind spell of his."

"We've tried contacting Canthor. Something is interferring with magical communications..." stated Katrina.

The party proceeded to seek Olon's help, and he agreed to provide them with the necessary spell to allow them to travel to Ralanov and investigate the situation. The gaseous form of the party members raced across the sky, however the sight that met them along the way answered many of their questions....

Sure enough, Ralanov had fallen to a ship: a bloody floating one! With massive metal plates fastened to its underside, over a dozen propellers for propulsion (forwards and back), and a small congregation of elves on the deck the ship appeared capable of leveling an entire city with the amount of weaponry it possessed. Studying some of the elves on the deck, it was easy to make out their chosen profession: arcane magic.

"Guess that answers 'where the money went'", thought Star. As daring as usual, Star floated below the great ship, and carefully made his way into an open portal in the ship's side and started to reform in the presence of a studying elven wizard....

Meanwhile, Remus and Rax were trying to make out what they were seeing, studying the ship closely, and mistakingly thinking Star was that fluffy cloud right next to them....

"Egads! Alarm, alarm!" the elf in gold starred, blue robes exclaimed as Star changed his appearance in his cabin. As he materialized, Star could hear the approaching footsteps of elven guardsmen, and quickly hid in the upper shelf of the closet.

Within a few breaths the room was filled with elven swordsmen. Cautiously the blue-robbed elf entered the room, followed by two other elves (Star could hear, but not see).

"What is it Calvis?" one remarked.

"I saw a wind form reshape right in front of me," Calvis, the blue-robbed mage, answered.

The two elves who had entered with Calvis began casting their spells, scanning the room for possible life forms.

"I don't sense the life force of anyone but who I see," stated one elf, silent until now.

"And I see Calvis has a collection of magic items in his closet!" laughed the first elf.

"No, I don't," Calvis protested.

The elves gave a hearty laugh, not believing the elven mage as the patrol left the room. When convinced he was alone, Star decided to leave his hiding place and investigate. Peering outside the room, the blue-robed mage was keeping an eye on the door, but studying his spell book as well. Assuming the form of someone he studied on the ship's deck, Star used his ring of change self to slip into the hallway unnoticed and make his way to the main deck.

On the deck, Star surveyed his surroundings. Enough artillary to severely damage Aenith's walls, not to mention the number of mages. Aenith had no arcane support, the clerics and paladins of Bryle served as its cheif defense. Carefully, Star proceeded to make cuts in several of the larger ballistea ropes, hopefully they'll break during the fight and go unnoitced until then....

Changing forms when needed, Star proceeded down the ship's decks. At the third level, a pair of elven guards stood a vigilant watch. After surveying them for a bit, a bearded male gnome waltzed up the stairs and proceeded up. Assuming the gnomes form, Star proceeded down the stairs.

He did not make it far, for the quickly encounted a runned door. If there were any more magic on the door, it would have bitten Star on the rear, probably literrally... Star removed one of the continual flame torches from the hallway and replaced it with a normal torch, then hid in the shadows and waited.

He waited for about 15 minutes when the gnome returned to find 2 very confused elven guardsmen. Detecting something was amiss, the trio proceeded down the stairs and found an identical looking gnome.

"Grab him, he's an imposter! I'll go get help," Star shouted. The guards responded quickly, and siezed the gnome.

"Hey, wait! I'm no imposter you tree-huggers!" he protested, as Star quickly walked back up the stairs and into the nearest open room. He decided to waste no more time, as he shifted back into wind shape and returned to Aenith with Remus and Rax.

Olon was shocked by Star's tale. The door was obviously heavily magically sealed. The party debated a variety of ways to bring the airship down, but they had access to none of the options they could think of, and others appeared longshots at the very best, suicide missions at worst. Olon advised against going back to the ship, especially since Star's presence was likely reported and security will be much tighter.

The party decided upon a previously open course of action: retreival of the last medallion piece. With that power, they could finally free Cloudgatherer, and he could set things right. With Olon's assistance once again, the party, along with Katrina, proceeded to Kilinay, the home of the Phantoms, the deadliest assassins in all of Aera.

Katrina took up a room in the Inn of the Red Blade, laying low. She was a target in this city, the less she did, the better. Meanwhile, the adventurers proceeded up to the Phantom Estate, and knocked on the large door.

At first, the butler, a stately looking older gentlemen, would not permit them access. Star persisted, he used his medallion's detection ability, which would alert Varrius Afus, to a medallion's presence. The butler rolled his eyes and later returned to say the group will be admitted. Storing their weapons, the party was shown to a table filled with delectables, and seated across from Varrius Afus himself.

With a formal air, Varrius conducted himself while he ate and questioned the party. Star did most of the talking, and asked to "rent" his medallion piece for one month. Varruis looked upon it suspiciously, "only if you have the other five is this one of much value, especially for 30 aquans" (30 aquans = 30,000 gp). Star assurred Varrius that he only had a couple, but in response Varrius scanned the area for himself. He felt the presence of 4 other medallion pieces, the 3 on the party, and Katrina wearing hers once again.

Varrius related a tale of a man who wished to procur his piece: the Dark Wizard. The only way the party could have possibly gathered that many is to have slain him, as he would not give them up lightly. Star admitted to the deed, and Varrius called to his butler, who proceeded to cross off the name of Silven Nightmantle from the wall. In the Phantom Estate, the names of traitors, failed assassinations, and others who have opposed the Phantoms are named upon a wall. Katrina's name is also on that wall, meaning if she were killed, her killer could become a Phantom.

Varrius offered membership to the Phantoms, but doubted the party would accept. Star declined, but said he may join at a later time. Varrius promised to think over the matter, as he had business to attend to, and would see the party in the morning. Star's protests to resolve the matter presently were ignored as Varrius left to take care of some "business."

That night the party slept outside of town, lest Varrius' business included acquiring Katrina's medallion piece. The next morning, Katrina agreed to let Remus carry the piece, lest Varrius discover her in the city.

Returning to the Phantom Estate, they again met with Varrius. He had thought of the offer, and would be willing to agree with one condition: the party recover his blade, the Wind's Edge, that was recently taken from him. If the party produced the blade for him, he would agree to Star's deal of 30K GP, for the loan of the medallion piece. The party agreed, and left the estate.

The party was attacked by some Phantom thugs while debating their next course of action. The arrogant attackers threatened for their money or lives, to which Remus answered with his green glowing sword. In short order, the thugs were routed, but the townfolk looked at them in shock and horror, for they had just slain Phantoms, which one just does not do in Kilinay. As the party walked away, a man asked to speak with them. He inquired if Remus was the "Green Death" and said he was once known under that name (while under the Dark Wizard's control).

The shrouded man made the appointment to meet with the party around noon at a local tavern. Meanwhile, the party returned to Katrina, who did her best to heal the wounds the thugs had inflicted on the party. She mentioned a sad event, the death of a merchant who has funded the Silver Swords for years. He was killed just the previous night, by Varrius Afus. The party was saddened by the news, but being so close to their goal of acquiring all the medallion pieces, they set it aside...for now.

At their scheduled meeting, the plot thickened for our heroes. Ambros, an obvious follower of Valeya, goddess of War, stated his business plainly. He was a leader of an organization, composed of several smaller organizations, mostly thieves guilds, who want the Phantoms displaced. For far too long the Phantoms have been hired and end up killing who they please in the underworld, he wants it to end. Star, sensing the man's dedication, asked about Varrius' weapon, the Wind's Edge, and Ambros confirmed he was indeed in possession of the weapon (not on him, naturally).

Unsuccessfully, Star attempted to persuade Ambros to allow them to use the blade, returning it to Varrius in order to gain his trust. Ambros scoffed at the idea, not only does it make Varrius considerably more dangerous, but the plan Star proposed would mean at least an addition month of Varrius wreaking havoc with the blade! Also, he had no reason to trust the party with such a weapon...

Instead, he proposed the party slay Varrius. If successful, he would give the party the blade as payment after the deed is done. Ambros would be able to secure Varrius' next target, as the trading of this kind of information was rather common among the Phantoms, often for sale for those outside the organization.

The party, considered the deal, and asked for some time to ponder the decision. Ambros agreed, and left them to their thoughts.....


First Post
Fiery Unification

"We agree," Star boldy addressed Ambros, the cleric of Valeya, outside the Cloak and Dagger. Canthor had joined his companions at the table and was being updated as Star returned with the meeting time and place of the Phantom informant.

Without delay, the party set out to meet the informant. Star crept into the appointed alleyway while his companions remained in the street. An old man asked for some spare change, to which Star provided. The old man asked if Star watched the birds fly at night, and picking up on the innuendo, Star stated he did.

"Never thought you would be a hired killer," stated the "old man", who revealed himself as Ellison Lance in disguise. Phantom, and once an enemy of the Outsiders, Ellison Lance is a capable assassin, but tonight he is an information broker.

"Well, you know how it is," Star remarked. "You wouldn't happen to know Varrius' next target?"

"A couple aquans might refresh my memory..."

Commander Idar Haslof, a high ranking Polarian Army officer, was staying at "The Hunted Lord" tonight. Around 1 AM, Varrius is scheduled to slay the officer in his sleep. Idar will be staying on the 4th floor of the inn, with a small company of guards.

After exchanging some lore about poisons, Star emerged from the alleyway and filled his companions in on the situation. The party debated warning Idar, but decided against it. Even if they were believed, the party is not high on Polary's list, not to mention what they do to clerics of Bryle...

Stealth was the action of the day, as the party set up around the inn. Star crept into Idar's room, hiding among the shadows as the Commander relaxed in the room's bathtub. Remus took his rods and positioned himself on the roof, so that he might be able to see a bit better. Canthor positioned himself outside his own room's door, acting like a guardsman for someone important, as two to four similar guards were doing for Idar. Meanwhile, Rax had assumed his dragon form and took to the skies.

At the appointed time, a shadowy figure approached the inn by jumping rooftops. Stopping at the back of the inn, the figure drew his blade, a finely wrought katana, and with a single leap jumped into Idar's room.

Right about the same time all hell broke loose...

Star peppered Varrius with arrows, Varrius caught most of them, but was then confronted by an invisible form attempting to grab onto him. He was hampered by the adventurers as Remus joined his allies and proceeded to attack Varrius as Idar's guards burst into the room, followed by Canthor shouting warnings and orders to the men.

His opportunity ruined, Varrius leapt out the window, and took off with astounding speed. The party attempted to run and gun him down, but Varrius easily leapt over barriers, obstacles, and even up onto buildings with ease. After evading the party, wounding Rax, and catching several of Star's arrows, Varrius retreat to the Phantom Estate.

The party stopped in indecision. Do they follow the wounded assassin into what is most likely the most dangerous place in Aera? At Star's urging, the party broke into a second story room. Fortune was with them, as it was unoccupied.

The party attempted to find Varrius within the mansion, however Star used one of his detection powers to pinpoint Varrius behind the mansion, in the training grounds. Here the battle started anew, as Varrius had had time to heal himself with numerous potions.

For several minutes the party exchanged blows with the trained killer. His defensive and offensive capabilities were excellent, however he was at a stand still as Canthor continually healed his companions and used his tower shield to protect himself from harm. Finally, Varrius disengaged from the battle, fleeing once again into the mansion. Quite upset, Star set fire to the building, and Canthor used a pair of flame strike spells as well. This brought a small contingent of people, who opened fire on the party as they ran, and the Phantoms now were fighting the fire.

As people started to arrive at the scene to fight the fire, the party waited for Varrius to come out. He did not, and Star once again used a medallion detection ability to locate Varrius' medallion piece. Against Remus' better judgment, Star entered the burning building, a fire he had created, and followed the feeling of the Medallion piece to the main feasting hall. It was there he could feel the Medallion piece close by. Taking a few moments to pinpoint its location, Star found it resting on Varrius' table with the head Phantom nowhere in sight. Snatching up the piece in victory, Star left the burning building and the party spent the night camping outside of Kilinay. In the morning, the party assumed the form of clouds, and swept across the sky toward Mydrana to free the archmage of Mydrana from his imprisonment and hopefully save Aenith...

Assembling the pieces together, the Medallion of the Gods hang around Katrina's neck. The Mithral Hemisphere (Bryle) contained the Platinum Circle (Loraloren) and the arrangement was held together by the recently acquired Adamantine Pin (Valeya). Inside the Platinum Circle, the Oak Leaf Pendant (Mist) fit snuggly, with the Glowing Sapphire (Edina Runeway) in the center of the arrangement. Lastly, the Fire Chain (Balahnin) attatched to the Adamantine Pin, holding the Medallion on Katrina's neck.

She was happy to do the honors when Remus asked if she would like to be the one to release Cloud. Arriving in the clearing of Mydrana, the party assembled the Medallion and gave it to Katrina. With a firm voice she commanded the Medallion to release Cloudgatherer.

Energy rippled through the clearing as a blue ring appeared above it. Reality seemed to give way as a massive, scaly form with tremendous claws landed soundly upon the ground. It's ugly fish-like head appeared twisted, and almost immediately it raised its clawed hands and started to approach the party. A hasty spell could be heard from behind the party, but as the creature was about to crash against the party in mortal combat, it was swept up in a powerful gust of wind and energy, flung back through the closing gateway that had brought it here.

Lugtee Hardroc strode forward, smiling at the company. The party stared dumbfounded, and noted the Medallion had not scattered in its six pieces as it would if it had performed one of its functions. Trying to make sense of the arrangement, Lugtee pulled a scroll from his cloak, and started a quick incantation. Pressing his hand to the ground, a white circle enveloped the ground and a naked human form started to emerge. With another quick spell, Lugtee covered the naked form in illusory clothing.

The unconscious form of Cloud fell upon the ground, supported by Lugtee. The party ran over to the pair, and Canthor and Katrina started to summon their powers of healing...

"Save your strength," Lugtee ordered, starting to read a limited wish spell from the same scroll. He fused the archmage with healing energy, and color returned to Cloud's face.

"Hi guys," the recently healed wizard spoke, blinking repeatedly.

"You should really be more careful, Diram," Lugtee said with a smile, "but at least I can drop this disguise now..."

Slowly an illusion faded from around Lugtee, revealing the true form of the wizard as (the real?) Cloudgatherer. Katrina, Remus, Star, Canthor, and Rax stared on in shock...
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First Post
Backstory: The Travels of a Wizard

Diram had been conducting his own research into how to free his original (without using a freedom spell, since he did not have access to one). After some extensive research over the course of a few months, Diram had managed to come close to finding a solution. However, he had to make a few deals with some powerful outsiders in order to gain the knowledge he needed. In exchange "he" (being Cloudgatherer) promised to carry out variety of services.

Finally, Diram was ready to make an attempt. The imprisoned Cloudgatherer would be replaced by Diram via a "swapping" spell. While the party defended Aenith from the Polarians and Ellison Lance, Diram cast the spell that set Cloudgatherer free, but entrapped himself in the process (as planned).

There were a few witnesses to the attempt, however due to the "help" Diram had received, a blinding flash of light covered any signs of the swapping. When Cloudgatherer regained control of his senses, he whisked himself away to heal and learn what was going on.

After a few days of study, rest, and healing, the wizard determined a few facts. 1) The Sulimarin, particular Ivelan Diamondflower, had become alarmingly powerful. 2) A band of adventurers were attempting to put the Medallion of the Gods together in order to free him. 3) He owed a lot of favors to a several outsiders. Cloud kept his stealth advantage, no one knew he had been freed, so he could act incognito.

Over the next year he worked against the Sulimarin and "payed back" his debts. The majority of the time he spent off world, in the outer planes performing various tasks due to Diram's bargains. On Aera, he assumed the name Lugtee Hardroc (an anagram for Cloudgatherer), and fought small battles to slow their shady, diplomatic conquest of the Free North. He managed to slow the organization down a little, but since he was refraining from using his more powerful magic to avoid detection, he results were minimal.

In addition, he watched over the party and his wife, Katrina, whenever he could and even lent a helping hand along the way. If knowledge got out about his release, he feared a swift death at the hands of the Sulimarin. Actually, he feared Diamondflower. His magic had surpassed any Cloudgatherer had felt before, and that meant very little could stop him. Fortunately, the Medallion of the Gods could, and he did not even have to wear or use it. The adventurers had been slowly acquiring piece by piece, battling the Dark Wizard along the way....

As Cloudgatherer completed his last "payback", an alarm spell informed him the Medallion was assembled and in the clearing where Diram still lay imprisoned.

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