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Overcoming the "Center of Attention"


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I started thinking about this when I saw the post below about players not roleplaying....

Ok, my friends and I play about once per month. I am one of the players and we really do have a good DM. The game slows down when he gets to into the rules details. I wish he would just "wing it" every once in a while, but he is probably the best DM I have played with. The problem is with one player. He always plays in character, the problem is his characters are always the center of attention (at least he tries to make sure they are) and they are always, always non-conformists (just like he is in real life...hehe). For example, one of his characters was a CN dwarf cleric named One-eyed Jack who had a split personality (sometimes he was a pirate and sometimes Capt Kirk). Now that game was pretty funny, but if you ever want anything serious to happen it gets old.

The current game we are playing, he is an atheist half drow monk. It seems that he always gets so into detail with the DM or just does something out of no where that it blows the whole scene out of wack and by the time anyone else gets to do anything I think the DM just would like to move on. This last time we met, his character ran off without the rest of the party (who happen to be carrying an extremely heavy artifact) to catch up with a boat so we could escape out of the city unnoticed. Well he got to the boat (being a monk and able to move so fast) and well got into a fight with the watch and barely got onto the ship as it was getting the heck out of dodge. Well it turns out that the DM was hoping we would all be on that same boat so we could move along in the story.... These are just a couple of examples, but you probably understand what I mean. In every scene he must do everything he can to be the center of attention.

Now the rest of us are not as outgoing as my friend is, but if given the chance tend to roleplay VERY well. In fact, another member of our group ran a Call of Cthulhu scenario recently and the disruptive one was not there. Everyone played their characters to a tee. And it was a blast! Now, the question..hehe. How as players can we try to take control of the situation? Are there things we can do that would pull some of the attention from the one? I told our DM, well looks like the rest of the party is going to have to make the trip over land....guess the Monk waits for us.

It's either that or wait until the DM starts getting my characters background involved more so it will take some of the focus off the monk.

Any suggestions?
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Dwarven Guardian
Talk with your DM and express your concerns gently. Chances are the DM has noticed the same thing. Perhaps by discussing a few things out of game, your DM can draw up some scenarios that do focus on the other characters.

As a DM, one of the things that can be done is to interrupt the action. A friend of mine tends to play characters who can quickly take over the game with roleplaying due to the fact that he can have an overwhelming presence (in a good way) in real life. In the last game session with another group, he attempted to take over the action because it was in the best interest of his character and his clan (Vampire game and he was a Tremere).

His DM made sure the other players had a chance to be involved by stopping action and saying, "Before <Character> does that, is anyone else planning on doing anything?" This gave the other players a chance to act if they wanted to. It's a tactic I've used when I've needed to, especially when I have a quiet player who tends to get quieter as others get louder. I've also done the go around the room to ensure everyone gets a chance to declare they're doing something.

Aaron L

Ugh. I know far to many people who only play these types of characters simply to be odd, cause trouble, and be the center of attention. I would tell the player to stop hogging the groups time. The fact that his being overbearing actually subtracts from the other players roleplaying (and fun) makes this a pretty big issue.


First Post
Thanks for the feedback...

Heimdall, I am going to try to suggest to the DM that he try to maintain control by asking a simple question like "before the monk does X, is anyone else planning on doing anything?"

And Aaron L, yes unfortunately my friend is one of those people. Don't get me wrong, he is a very good roleplayer, but likes playing troublemaking types of characters. His favorite of all time was a KENDER! But, unfortunately he is also my friend, I know what he is like, and I want him to have fun as well. I just want everyone else to get involved too.

Hopefully we can come up with a happy medium.

Aaron L

I'd say be diplomatoc about it, and explain that some of the group aren't as outgoing as he is, and his boisterousness is making it difficult for them to get into character. If done right he could actuslly help draw some of teh others out in roleplaying scenarious, and help get the whole group involved. My main point is that you should let him know that he needs to tone it down, while trying not to make it sound insulting to him. maybe suggest he help the others out and interact with them more.


kdanger said:
In every scene he must do everything he can to be the center of attention.


Any suggestions?

Egg Timer.

kdanger said:
Heimdall, I am going to try to suggest to the DM that he try to maintain control by asking a simple question like "before the monk does X, is anyone else planning on doing anything?"

That sounds better but make sure to have the Egg Timer available...


Ourph said:
Step #1: Give him the brownies made with Ex-lax.
Step #2: Everybody pretends not to hear when he calls out his characters actions from the bathroom. :)

...or when he requests the toilet paper that has been mysteriously removed from the room... :]

(You might even simply slide his character sheet under the door! :p

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