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Owod Expanded and rebuilt

Ok, first yes I have N WOD books, and have played it. This is not an edtion war thread (I hope).

One of my newer friends mentioned he never got to play wod, even though he owns most of the Owod books. Back in the day I ran multi campaigns, both paper and larp, and I found out 2 other players in my normal group never played any wod (one had never even herd of it). So I pulled some books out of storage and started looking.

I could not find my old changling books, and only one or two of my Werewolf books, but most of my Vampire and Mage books are still around. I showed them all the basics, and was asked if I would run a game. SO I started thinking, Owod ended like 5-8 years ago, alot of updateing was needed (virtuel adepts with i phones).

So I started to rework the stories, and I got to thinking, I could rewind to any point in the metaplot, and then rewrite from there. I started by just saying the world didn't end, but is still on the brink.

[sblock=idea so far] This is based on the old world of darkness before the Gahanna story kicked off. Basically the world of darkness form the 90’s but not the books that came after. Main rules books are Mage the Ascension, werewolf the apocalypse and Vampire the masquerade. The Camarilla is still intact, the Tremere antribu are still at large. No Antediluvians have been heard from since before the anarchy revolt. The traditions have not yet lost the ascension war, and there is no avatar storm.
Everything still points to this being the end times though. Many believe that we will not see Christmas 2012. Now is the time of the thin bloods, and Gaia is dyeing. There is no ‘True hand’ guiding the sabot.
Secondary sources. Hunter the reckoning is not yet happened (although may start in game), so hunters are more of the hunters hunted variety. Gypsies and hedge wizards, kinfolk, ghouls all exist. Damphyre (aka reverent ghoul children of 15th gen vampire) are a maybe.
This is a MAGE story. It is about inner enlightenment, and coming to terms with hubris and ego. Even when other factions (Vampires, Werewolves, Aliens, Elvis) show up it is to supplement the MAGE story. So anything that needs to be dropped, or modified MAGE rules take precedent.

Other WOD types: We are folding anything not above into the above. Mummy will just be hedge wizards, kindred of the east are VotM bloodlines, Demons use spirit rules, wraith doesn’t exists…ever. Fey will be duce ex mechna.
Using just MtA, WwtA, and VtM main books should be able to stat the world, adding in the small extra WoD books adds just enough flair and story to give us the game world.

Rules Mixability: Samuel Height can not be made…ever, don’t even think it (matt stop thinking it). A kinfolk might be able to awaken, but it is unlikely. A ghoul might a waken, but not often. 3 big setting never mix though. No werewolf can awaken, no vampire can awaken… I even have spirit stuff to assure it.

2nd string supernatural are still witness for sleepers, 1st tier are not. So if you do a vulgar effect in front of 2 vampires, it is vulgar no witness. However infront of a vampire and his ghoul it is again with witness.

[sblock=story idea's and outline]Book 1 The Spirit Gates-
13 Sites around the world are locked using spirit keys. Three groups are searching for the sites to unlock them and to claim the power at the end. The sabot wants to find the remains of the second city of Cain, the dark riders are trying to resurrect the darkness, and Pentex is trying to find the original entrance to the spiral.
The 7 dark riders are people that have been through what I call the Dark Awakening. It kills them giving them basic vampire powers (ofcource without the flaws) and mage magic. Each one has 1 chosen sphere that is at 5, and that makes them unique. None of them have prime, and they use Sleeper souls as quintessence.
The sabot pack was made to be quick and powerful. The pack leader is a rich influenceal Lasambra. His two hands are a city gangral with a group of cyber terrorist/hackers, and a Ravnos with her rom followers. Under them the pack is small but powerful, with a tzmisy and his reverant family, an assamite, 2 gangral, 2 nosphrutue, and 6 brjuha and some ghoul bikers.
Pentex is sparing no expense, with a corrupt archeologist, and a pack of spirals backed by bane spirits.
Technocracy has 2 sets going after this. (need to go through my techno books to stat) one will be able to be worked with if things go that way, othere will be plane evil

so I am looking for some help form people who are just as geeky as me. I am trying to think through, useing the old setting what changes should I make for it being 2010? what do you think I shouldn't touch?

any ideas or thoughts would be helpful... not even just for my game, but in general thoughts on the older setting staying active would be cool

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first, obviously a lot of the VAs will need to be redone, just to bring the base tech up to current specs, let alone trinaries...

at least that was the biggest change I had to do with fitting the setting into my nwod game

but, tech is the big thing.

also, be aware that as much as we might love the goth/punk feel of rebellion, it doesn't fit the current day since most of those culture wars aren't being fought on hte same level anymore. this really matters in mage, since hte game is completely about hte culture war( at least in my opinion)

I had given up hope of anyone responding weeks ago. And I agree the themes need to be tweaked Too.

I figure in q world obsessed with jersey shore and charle sheen the idea that the technocracy "won" the war was that no one Carew anymore... I even in my primer to the players said " reality tv killed sitcoms because no one escapes anymore" .

The really sad part is how easy it is to picture a world on the verge of loading all hope

So any ideas still welcome...


First Post
I actually still run my Vampire and mage games using oWoD because those are the books I own (I'm not a fan of buying new books once I own a system that I've been using for ages).

Definitely the technology needs to be updated a little. I personally found reading the new rejigger of Shadowrun helpful in this - because they faced the same problems in making Shadowrun look futuristic again.

Rethinking what the dots represent in skills like computers doesn't take much, but is worth remembering to do.

As to the culture war, I think what you say is right - hopelessness is a huge issue. I find that my Mage games these days tradition mages spend most of their time hiding, scurrying, and trying to fight a subtle guerilla war against blandness. I find that my players today are as prepared to stand up for the freedom to believe what you want and the postmodern ideal as much as ever. Getting them to realise how intolerant they can actually sometimes be in terms of that is a fun challenge. The nephandi also factor large in my games, because it's nice to have old-fashioned bad guys who aren't trying to cure cancer.


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Biggest "change" is the VAs infiltrated both Apple and Google then somehow convinced the $yndicate into helping its plans on equipping the Sleepers with smartphones for the believability needed so their mages could openly carry/operate far more advanced gear without Paradox. Likewise the conversion of typical Apple users from rebellious graphical-musical artists to Sheeple eager to embrace, nay worship, their adoptive protective Big Brother censoring not only their choice of apps, but also what they can do/create/read obviously screams NWO involvement, which begs the question why to lock-down Android to similiar degree continues to fail?

Continued growth among the neopagan communities implies a minor victory for the Verbena offset by the Celestrial Choirs continued disminishment; esp following the numerous Church scandals revealed/planted by the Technocracy to weaken that front ... or was it? Perhaps another source was involved - seeking to alter the Council's existing power structure/makeup for further its own agenda. Hollow Ones seeking a seat? Vampire/werewolves seeking to weaken a perceived enemy? Other??

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