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D&D 4E P.C.'s 4e Druid


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Alright, I'm hesitant to put this out into the world, as I can already see the critizism now, but I've gotten many positive comments so far (one of which was, "If the PHBII druid sucks, I'm printing this off!), so I'm confident I did something right. xD

So far, I've only statted out powers till 2nd level, as I'm more concerned with getting the basics balanced before rushing and making powers for every level. So, let me know what you think!

Note: Please don't post this anywhere else. I'd like to keep my work all in place. Thanks.

Class Traits
Role: Hybrid
Power Source: Primal
Key Abilities: Wisdom, Dexterity, Strength

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, Leather, Hide
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple Melee, Simple Ranged
Impliment: Fetish, Staff, Orb (Druids also gain their Impliment bonuses on attack and damage rolls when using Shapeshift power attacks)

EDIT: A fetish is a necklace, bracelet, or a small totem-like wooden object combined with or made of natural materials. A necklace made of bone/claws, a bracelet made of rare and colorful stones, or a wood carving of a mighty bear are all examples of fetishes.

Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges per Day: 7 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Nature. Choose three more from below:
Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Heal (Wis), Perception (Wis), and Religion (Int)
Class Features: Woodland Stride, Ritual Casting, Natural Focus, Nature Speech

Woodland Stride
You ignore difficult terrain if that terrain is the result of trees, underbrush, plants, or natural growth.

Ritual Casting
You gain the Ritual Caster feat as a bonus feat, allowing you to use magical rituals. You possess a ritual book, and it contains two rituals you have mastered: the Animal Messanger ritual and one other 1st-level ritual of your choice.

Natural Focus
As a druid, you connection to nature is unmatched but all druids choose whether they will focus their attention on animals, plants, or the elements (certain powers use the Animal, Plant, or Elements keywords). While you may freely choose between powers that contain all these keywords, when using a power of your focus, you gain the added bonus at the end of the power's description. You also gain a boon, based on your focus, below.
Animal: When an enemy dies within 10 squares of you, you gain a +1 bonus to your next attack and damage roll.
Plant: When an enemy dies within 10 squares of you, you gain your Wisdom modifier as temporary HP.
Element: When an enemy dies within 10 squares of you, choose cold, fire, or lightning. Your next attack gains +2 damage of that type.

Nature Speech
You know the secret language of plants and animals, allowing you to converse with them. Most animals and plants know very little about the trappings of civilization, as they are more focused on surviving and their direct surroundings then larger, more complex things. While animals may know a little about the surrounding areas, a plant will hardly ever know more than what is directly around them. While you may be able to speak to them, they do not know humanoid languages, more often than not cannot distinguish between different types of humanoids, see things in color or in the case of plants, see things at all.


Druid Powers

Produce Flame Druid (Element) Attack 1
Your hand becomes wreathed in flame, allowing you to throw fire at your enemies.
At-Will * Primal, Fire, Impliment
Standard Action Range 10
Target: One Creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier fire damage plus Ongoing 1 Fire damage (save ends).

Shillelagh Druid Attack 1
A staff or mace your are weilding seems to grow in size at the last moment before your strike.
At-Will * Primal, Weapon
Standard Action Melee
Special: You must be weilding a weapon of the Staff or Mace category.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Strength vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength modifier damage + Wisdom modifier damage.

Summon Swarm Druid (Animal) Attack 1
Your hands become covered with poisonous stinging insects, which you direct at the enemies infront of you en mass.
At-Will * Primal, Poison, Impliment
Standard Action Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Wis vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier poison damage and the target is dazed till the end of your next turn.

Storm of Leaves Druid (Plant) Attack 1
A small cyclone of razor sharp leaves surround your enemies, slashing at them from all angles.
At-Will * Primal, Impliment
Standard Action Area blast 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Wis vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Wisdom modifier damage.

Skirmisher Form Druid Attack 1
You transform into an animal known to be quick and deadly, such as a wolf or puma.
Enounter * Primal, Shapeshift, Impliment
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You transform into an animal, gaining special bonuses but loosing any weapon attacks of your natural form. Your magic items still continue to give you static bonuses, but you cannot use their powers. You may also only use powers that have the Shapeshift keyword. You gain +4 to your speed, +2 to your AC and Reflex defenses, and access to the power below. At the end of the encounter (or 5 minutes if not in an encounter) you shift back into your normal form as a free action. At any time, you may shift back to your normal form as a free action.

Quick Attack Skirmisher Form Power
You move by an enemy, striking quickly before moving away.
At-will * Primal, Shapeshift, Skirmisher Form
Standard Action Melee
Target: One creature
Special: You may shift one square before and then after this attack
Attack: Dexerity vs. AC
Hit: 1d6 + Dexterity modifier damage

Summon Skirmisher Companion Druid (Animal) Attack 1
You summon from Wildhome, a fierce creature (such as a wolf or puma), ready to move about the battlefield, harassing your enemies.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Conjuration, Impliment
Standard Action Ranged 5
Effect: You summon a Skirmisher Companion in any square you have line of sight to, which acts on your Initiative (starting the round summoned, if you have actions left to command it). To command the Skirmisher Companion you must give up a Minor Action to make it use a Move Action and give up a Move Action to make it use a Standard Action. Once reduced to 0 hit points or if it is ever farther than 10 squares from you for more than two consecuitve rounds, the Skirmisher companion dissapears back to Wildhome. If a Skirmish Companion has not dissapeared by the end of the encounter, the druid may have it travel with him--however, if not dismissed (and the power regained during a Short Rest) before another encounter, Summon Skirmish Companion is not available for that next encounter.
Animal Focus: The Skirmisher Companion adds your Wisdom modifier in damage to any attack it makes.

Skirmisher Companion Level 1 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast
Initiative +4 Senses Perception +6; low-light vision
HP 30; Bloodied 15
AC 15; Fortitude 13, Reflex 13, Will 12
Speed 8
(m)Bite or Claw (standard; at-will)
+6 vs. AC; 1d6 + 3 damage
Alignment Unaligned Languages —
Skills Athletics +6, Perception +6
Str 13 (+1) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 13 (+1)
Con 14 (+2) Int 2 (–3) Cha 10 (+0)

Entangle Druid (Plant) Attack 1
You cause vines to appear from Wildhome under and around your enemies, ensaring them.
Encounter * Primal, Impliment
Standard Action Area burst 1 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Reflex
Hit: The target is Restrained (save ends)
Effect: The power’s area is difficult terrain until the end of your next turn. You can end this effect as a minor action.
Plant Focus: Each target also takes your Wisdom modifier as bonus damage.

Lightning Strike Druid (Element) Attack 1
Your hand cackles with blue and yellow lightning before you throw with a loud crack at your foe.
Encounter * Primal, Lightning, Impliment
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 2d8 + Wisdom modifier lightning damage and the target is dazed till the end of your next turn.
Element Focus: Add your Wisdom modifier as thunder damage to the attack.

Hailstorm Druid (Element) Attack 1
You call forth a terrible hail storm, blasting your enemies with ice.
Daily * Primal, Cold, Impliment
Standard Action Area burst 2 within 10 squares
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 1d8 + Wisdom modifier cold damage.
Miss: Half damage
Effect: The storm lasts until the end of your next turn. Any creature that enters or starts its turn in the storm is subject to another attack. You can dismiss the storm as a minor action.

Wreath of Ivy Druid (Plant) Attack 1
Poisonous and barbed vines from the deepest reaches of Wildhome reach up around your enemy cutting their flesh as it squeezes them like a snake.
Daily * Primal, Poison, Impliment
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d6 + Wisdom modifier poison damage and the target is immobilized until the end of your next turn.
Effect: The target takes a -2 penalty to Fortitude defense (save ends).

Wrath of the Den Mother Druid (Animal) Attack 1
You summon a huge bear from Wildhome, which mauls your enemy, tearing into him with primal strength and fury.
Daily * Primal, Impliment
Standard Action Ranged 10
Target: One creature
Attack: Wisdom +2 vs. AC
Hit: 3d10 + Wisdom modifier damage.
Effect: The target takes ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Rejuvenating Touch Druid Utility 2
The growth and healing powers of Wildhome surge through your hand into those you touch.
Encounter ✦ Primal, Healing
Standard Action Melee touch
Target: You or one adjacent ally
Effect: The target can spend a healing surge.

Animal Instincts Druid (Animal) Utility 2
You tap into the feral instincts of your animal kin, letting them guide your actions.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Minor Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +5 power bonus to your next Acrobatics, Athletics, or Endurance check during this encounter.

Barkskin Druid (Plant) Utility 2
You become covered in the bark of the mighty oak, protecting yourself from harm.
Encounter * Primal
Standard Action Personal
Effect: You gain a +4 power bonus to AC till the end of the encounter.

Like the Wind Druid (Element) Utility 2
You become near weightless and translucent, letting the wind carry you to your destination.
Encounter * Primal
Standard Action Personal
Effect: Shift up to half your speed.

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First Post
long time lurker, first time poster:

This is the best druid write-up I've seen on these boards yet. I would however set the shapeshift powers to sustain minor. I think that would be more like what druids are supposed to be like.

Anyways, great write-up, keep em comin!


First Post
Great Druid. If wizards mucks things up, this is a great start for something else.

I agree that the implement should be holly, sickle/scyth, and possibly wooden staff.


Nice druid! I have 3 suggestions. First, do as others say about implements. Second, give druid Terrain Walk and allow player to choose/switch what terrain it applies to. Third, get rid of the warlock-esque pact boons - druids are not reapers of souls, it's just incongruous. I think some benefit is fine (and a good balance), just not one that activates when an enemy dies.

Hey, you've got me curious, what is Wildhome?


First Post
Thanks for all the replies folks, I really appreciate it. =)

As for implements, I picked Fetish over Holly or Sickle, because Holly makes me think healing (which would be a perfect implement for a leader druid), and Sickle doesn't make me think druid. When I think druid, I see them covered in claw necklaces, stone bead bracelets, and the like. Also, when I think druid, I think awesome wooden staff that looks like it's been grown by the druid himself. However, that's just my take.

As for Wildhome, I forgot to mention that it's my take on the Feywild. I'm not into the fey, and I'd prefer my wild plane of never ending wilderness to be more primal and natural. Again, my take. Just replace Wildhome with Feywild if you like. ^_^

As for the druid boons, I really couldn't think of what their trigger could be. If anyone has any good suggestions on changing the 'enemy dies within 10 squares', I'll be happy to hear it.

Also, Monty24, what did you mean by set the powers to sustain minor?

Thanks again!



First Post
I didn't get to read everything, but what I saw made me happy. I particularly liked the way you split each druid build like the warlock pacts.

But perhaps the druid boons could be encounter powers, like implement mastery for the wizard. They could be more powerfull, but would only be activated when the druid is out in the wilderness (for plant "pact"), in the presence of animals (animal pact) or (for the elements pact) near a patch of natural element like outdoors, under bright sunlight, near a lake, or whithin a stom - each environment or condition giving a bonus to a specific element (it might sound chaotic, but I think druids should benefit from being in the wilderness and commune with the weather and the four seasons).

Also, Moon-Lancer suggested implements look like a good replacement.


First Post
The 2 most importamt symbols to a d&d druidare holly and a sickle. I think having "orb" as an implement is kind of forced and doesn't fit.

Holly (and mistletoe) comes from the idea that historical druids seemed to hold these plants in high regard- so those should be an auto-include.
Though I do like the idea of fetishes...I can see my druid licking the feet of his captive midget submissive now.


First Post
ethandrul said:
The 2 most importamt symbols to a d&d druidare holly and a sickle. I think having "orb" as an implement is kind of forced and doesn't fit.

Holly (and mistletoe) comes from the idea that historical druids seemed to hold these plants in high regard- so those should be an auto-include.
Though I do like the idea of fetishes...I can see my druid licking the feet of his captive midget submissive now.

As I've said--this is my take. I'm sure it'd take just a small amount of time to create holly and sickle implements of your (general your) design.

For the orb, I've included it because this druid class is part controller, so it seems that they should get the controller implement. =)

Fetish...sigh. If I could find a better word for it, I would.



First Post
MatrexsVigil said:
Fetish...sigh. If I could find a better word for it, I would.


Instead of implements they could have totems. OR a totem figurine could be an implement.

Another possibility is a medicine bag.

In any case Fetish is at least somewhat appropriate. I like what I am seeing so far, keep it up!

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