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Paladin Equipments


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Hello again,

I have lv 10 half elf paladin. And I cannot find good items.

My money is 49000 gp and I' m cannot pass over 9500 gp limit (for one item).

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If your paladin uses a mount, I find the horseshoes of a zephyr to be a good buy for 6000. Your paladin can really be devastating with ride by attack and uneven ground where your enemy’s movement is hampered. In addition the paladin's mount can walk on water, lava, or acid without actually touching the water, lava, or acid.

Horseshoes of a Zephyr: These four iron shoes are affixed like normal horseshoes. They allow a horse to travel without actually touching the ground. The horse must still run above (always around 4 inches above) a roughly horizontal surface. This means that nonsolid or unstable surfaces can be crossed, and that movement is possible without leaving tracks on any sort of ground. The horse moves at its normal base land speed. All four shoes must be worn by the same animal for the magic to be effective.


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I have a Diplomacy 8, Handle Animal 6, Heal 7, Knowledge (religion) 5, Knowledge (mobility and royality)5, Ride 8.

Yes, I will my items is magical.

I have one dragon cohort (Bronze Very Young). And expression, honour, love of leaders and not to oppose code of conduct. I have a some follower...
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I' m find one item.

Crimson of Dragon Bracers: These bracers crafted from the armored hide of a red dragon, grant their wearer an enchancement bonus a +1 natural armor and resistance to fire 5.

Price: 5000 gp

What are you think about for this?


First Post
Those look a BIT cheap to me. The +1 natural armor bonus would be 2,000 gp, and fire resistance 10 is 18,000 gp on armor, so fire resistance 5 for only 3,000 gp seems low to me. But, if they're a real item, they certainly fit the character.

Also, I'd suggest a Cloak of Charisma +2 for 4,000 gp, and/or a Circlet of Persuasion for 4,500 gp.


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Eyes of the Eagle: These items are made of special crystal and fit over the eyes of the wearer. These lenses grant a +5 competence bonus on Spot checks. Wearing only one of the pair causes a character to become dizzy and, in effect, stunned for 1 round. Thereafter, the wearer can use the single lens without being stunned so long as she covers her other eye. Of course, she can remove the single lens and see normally at any time, or wear both lenses to end or avoid the dizziness.
Faint divination; CL 3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, clairaudience/clairvoyance; Price 2,500 gp.

Handy Haversack: A backpack of this sort appears to be well made, well used, and quite ordinary. It is constructed of finely tanned leather, and the straps have brass hardware and buckles. It has two side pouches, each of which appears large enough to hold about a quart of material. In fact, each is like a bag of holding and can actually hold material of as much as 2 cubic feet in volume or 20 pounds in weight. The large central portion of the pack can contain up to 8 cubic feet or 80 pounds of material. Even when so filled, the backpack always weighs only 5 pounds.
While such storage is useful enough, the pack has an even greater power in addition. When the wearer reaches into it for a specific item, that item is always on top. Thus, no digging around and fumbling is ever necessary to find what a haversack contains. Retrieving any specific item from a haversack is a move action, but it does not provoke the attacks of opportunity that retrieving a stored item usually does.
Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price 2,000 gp;Weight 5 lb.

Headband of the Ever Watchful Eye - This minor but useful item appears as a metallic white headband. When anyone with evil intentions towards the wearer looks at his face, the wearers' eyes will seem to be looking directly back at him. This may cause a creature hidden in ambush to break cover and attack immediately thus ruining the ambush, because they may think they have been spotted. Similarly, a thief planning to rob the wearer may think he's been seen, and may look for an easier target. The headband functions even while the wearer sleeps. The wearer doesn't actually see the threat; it just seems as if he does.

Boots of Burning Rubber
These red boots have thick rubber soles and sometimes smell lightly of burning rubber. Once a day for ten minutes these boots enable the wearer to put on a tremendous burst of speed, moving at octuple her normal speed. During this minute the wearer can also run up or down any slope, even running upside down, at that octuple speed. While doing this the boots leave behind smoke from burning rubber and black scorched footprints.
Caster level: Sixth
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, expeditious retreat, haste, spider climb
Market price: 8,000 gp
Mass: Five hundred grams (for the pair)
Material: Leather

Carving of the Fascinating Nightingale
This carving of a beautiful nightingale is about ten centimeters long from tip to tip. It is made of tough granite and so can be thrown a large distance without breaking.
Once a day when the carving is thrown onto a surface, just before hitting the ground this carving will turn into a nightingale, sing and soar up one hundred meters into the sky. This nightingale will sing so sweetly that creatures who can hear within five meters of the point where the nightingale started singing whose hit dice total up to 2d4 + 5 will be fascinated if they fail their will save against a difficulty of twelve. Creatures with the fewest hit dice are affected first, among creatures with equal hit dice, those who are closest to the nightingale are affected first. Hit dice insufficient to affect a creature are wasted.
Those affected listen to the nightingale raptly and if attacked will only defend themselves. The nightingale continues to sing for another five rounds, after which it flies down to its summoner and reverts to its stone carving form. Each round after the nightingale stops singing, those affected can roll a will save to break free of the fascination.
Caster level: Eleventh
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, hypnotic pattern
Market price: 3,000 gp
Mass: One hundred grams
Material: Stone

Circlet of Starlight Sight:
This circlet grants the wearer low-light vision, which is the ability to see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination.
Faint transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, low-light vision (see Magic of Faerûn); Price 6,000 gp.

Boots of Zephyr
"What's wrong with your feet?" "There's nothing wrong with my feet. Like my boots?" "But your feet aren't touching the ground!" "Yeah. Nice boots huh?"
This non-descript pair of boots allows for a person to travel without touching the ground. The person must still move above (always around 4 inches above) a roughly horizontal surface. This means that non-solid or unstable surfaces, such as water, lava, or snow, can be crossed, and that movement is possible without leaving tracks on any sort of ground. Because the wearer's feet do not actually put pressure on the surface beneath him, it must be noted that certain terrain conditions, such as a rocky, shale covered stretch of land, does not put a penalty on the wearer's movement over this terrain. The wearer moves at his normal base speed. Both boots must be worn for the magic to be effective.
Anyone who wears the Boots of Zephyr is treated as though they were moving across hard ground for purposes of being tracked. DMs should feel free to grant a circumstance bonus to Move Silently checks.
Item Cost Weight
Boots of Zephyr 6,000 gp 2 pounds (per pair)

Holy Water Dispenser
A little barrel that dispenses Holy Water.
This is a tiny white barrel with a nozzle. Opening the nozzle causes Holy Water to flow from the barrel. Creates 2 gallons of Holy Water per minute.
Item Cost Weight
Holy Water Dispenser 9,000gp 1 pound

The Gnomish Brewers Guild pouch
Description: It appears as a standard pouch, with the emblem of the Gnomish Brewers Guild on it.
History: The Gnomish Brewers Guild had a large number of these made by a Gnomish Mage who happened to be visiting and is still in their employ. To purchase one of these pouches, one must simply find a branch office of the Gnomish Brewers Guild, and pay the cost of a normal pouch and an extra steel for the Mage's efforts. Also, it will work no matter how many times it has changed hands.
How it Works: The mage was particularly skillful, and made it so that a person has only to place their hand in the pouch and think of a drink, and a flask of the size desired will appear in the pouch. Note that the cost of the drink and flask most be in the pouch for this to work, which are magically removed to the vault of the Brewers guild when the flask appears. Also, the pouch will expand to accommodate larger quantities of beverages, and then return to its original size when the flask is removed.

Whetstone of Keen Edges
This mundane looking whetstone can be used to temporary imbue a magically sharp edge to slashing weapons. After using the stone for ten minutes on a weapon, that weapon gains the keen weapon enhancement for one hour. There is no limit to the number of times that this item may be employed.
Magical Aura: Weak Transmutation;
Caster Level: 10th;
Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, keen edge;
Market Price: 4,000gp;
Cost to Create: 2,000gp, plus 160 XP;
Weight: 1/10th lbs.

ARMBAND OF SALUTATION: [S3] This armband bears the symbol of a fleur-de-lis (a three-petaled flowering plant). When locked on the arm, it causes the wearer to salute his opponent (by bending his arm and raising his hand to the eye-brow) before engaging in hand-to-hand combat. It has no effect on missile fire combat. The victim must hold the salute for one round. The opponent may attack during that round, gaining a +2 bonus on its hit rolls. There is, however, a 50% chance that the opponent is so surprised it will fail to attack
that round. The wearer is never forced to salute any one opponent more than once in any given melee. Once the first salute has been given the armband will not unlock unless a remove curse or more powerful magic is used.
XP value: Nil gp value: 500

Ring of Cleaning and Repairing
When worn, this ring provides a constant cleaning and repairing effect, always removing dirt, and other filth from the wearer and all items in his possession. In addition, it repairs any clothes that may be damaged, ripped or torn, as well as weapons, and armor.

Light transmutation; CL 1st; Craft Wondrous Item, Prestidigitation, Mending; Price: 1,800 gp.

Exploding Arrow of Antioch
The head of this arrow is enchanted with one of the most potent and volatile of spells. When the arrow is shot from a bow, its powers activate. After that time, contact with any solid object triggers the Exploding Arrow of Antioch. Counting to three before drawing the arrow from the holy quiver is optional. Either way, however, thy foe, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it.

The point at which the arrow strikes becomes filled with a quick, sweeping burst of flame, which spreads to fill an 800-foot radius. Creatures in the affected area must make a Reflex save (DC 20 + the bow wielder's Cha modifier). Creatures who fail their saves take 3d6 fire damage, and Large or smaller creatures are knocked back 5 feet plus 5 additional feet for every 5 pts. by which they fail the save. Creatures that move 10 or more feet fall prone (flying creatures begin to fall as if "tripped"). Materials that are flammable, including those that need coaxing (such as wet wood, live human beings, etc.), catch fire in the area of effect (see rules for catching fire in the DMG). [Edit: Forgot to mention that creatures who succeed on the save take half damage, are not knocked back, and do not catch fire.] This valuable arrow is consumed after a single use. It is best employed in wartime and/or the defense of a keep, where it can devastate an entire attacking force. The minimal heat level makes it less effective for widespread property damage (if it's flammable, just use a torch).

Item Cost: 8,000 gp per arrow.
Spell MP Costs: 2 MP fire damage, 3 MP moderate fire side effect, 3 MP moderate wind side effect, 12 MP area.

Shield Ring – This seems to be a rather large and gaudy steel ring, with a symbol of a kite shield upon it. As a free action, the wearer can cause it to grow and become a shield (already worn on the arm) or revert back to ring size. Versions exist that make bucklers or small or large steel shields, and rumors persist that at least one tower shield model was made. Reports from the wild indicate that Druids have made wooden versions of this ring.

Less expensive versions have been found that do the same, but require a movement action to grow or revert.
Cost: 500 GP plus shield cost

Helm of glory
At first, this helm seems to be a simple, mottled steel open-face helm. Upon closer examination, however, the steel is carved with prayers to Oronthon in the tongues of angels.
This helm grants a +2 enhancement bonus to charisma and grants use of the Sacred Vengeance feat when worn—spend a turn attempt as a free action to add 2d6 damage to any blow you strike against undead until the beginning of your next turn.

Estimated Price: 12,000gp

Voidrunner's Codex

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