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Paladin's warhorse


Hi all,

I am about to start running my campaign again soon and I expect that the Paladin in the group may well call for his warhorse.

Has anyone got interesting introductions for such a beast other than just having it turn up sweaty and eager one fine morning?

I'm toying with the idea of a known Paladin in the area falling foul of some critters/bandits and then MY paladin aquiring the steed of this former NPC (who they have previously encountered). Are there are rules regarding transfer of warhorse from one character to another?

FYI: Campaign is set in FR, Daggerdale.



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Moe Ronalds

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One night the Paladin dreams, and in that dream he is visited by a beautiful looking steed. The next morning, when he wakes up, the same glorious beast is neighing in front of him.

I dunno, all I could think up in about 12 seconds. :D

Hand of Evil

Ahhhh, the steed of a paladin. Dreams, hints, seeing it in the distance, hearing the hooves, body displacement is fun (ramdonly switching places with the steed/see from its eyes).

Plot note: Something I did was have a horse throw off its current rider and find the paladin. There it was in full tack, paladin did not even question it, it was expected. He never did like being called a horse thief.:)


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@ wighair

There is a Dragon mag with 101 Paladin quests that addresses this issue. Your idea is fine, however, I would fine tune it this way. If the Paladin's were worshipping the same god then have it be a vision of the Paladin falling and then switch to the mount now captured. Have the party finish the deed and the Warhorse is his. At the very least have him Quest to show the worthiness of having a mount. If you want some other ideas I can drag the mag out later and give you a few if you can narrow it down a little more.

hope this helps:rolleyes:


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As a player

I am currently playing a Paladin in a campaign. So this caught my attention..
My Paladin didn't exactly call to his mount as much as he inhereted it...as part of the story plot. While traveling with compainions he was ambushed by a small desperate child that needed help. The boy had heard that Paladins could heal. His brother was suffering from a disease that the local clergy could not cure...(he finally got to use one of those Paladin abilities that doesn't always seem useful). one thing led to another, and eventually things led to a ruin where the "plague" came from. After fighting zombies and other such creatures, (turning undead really helps when you fall into a pit trap filled with 10 zombies...) They came across an old..very old.. Dark temple with a god's avatar (evil of course) imprisoned inside. After much fighting...with the mage hiding behind a stone wall casting spells and the cleric unconsious on the floor...My paladin leaving an elf shaped dent in several pews..... we finally killed "her" using a sword from a paladin who had died imprisoning her. Spent a little game time returning the deceased paladin to his home for a proper burial. Turns out his mount had returned to his home and no one had been able to get it to respond....(It was an Iron Horse) see magic items.. While taking a tour of the "Tower of Steel" , my Paladin aproached a statue and touched it... Well, it came alive and stepped off the pedestal it had been on. Now when not in use it takes the form of an iron horse head on the pommel of the sword he carries...

Of course this is a condensed version of the gaming sessions...

Anything can work with a little imagination... just make it part of the game, it is more enjoyable for the player and more rememberable....After all it is funny thinking of a short elven Paladin sitting on top of a large iron warhorse..

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First Post
Paladin reaches the 'warhorse-gettin' level and begins to have visions of a beautiful, intelligent, noble, graceful steed galloping effortlessly through places he or she has been. The paladin senses that the animal is getting closer, and looks forward to the day they will meet.

When the warhorse arrives, it is a glue-factory nag, swaybacked, stump-toothed, unshod, with worn tack and saddle, uncurried... basically a nightmare horse.

The mount is a reminder from the paladin's got that they are a servant of the diety's will, and to take what blessings are given. The horse, though ugly and stubborn, is uncommonly tough and unflaggingly loyal. As the paladin comes to accept the steed and respect it for its character rather than appearance, the animal becomes as beautiful outside as it is within, a reflection of the paladin's coming to terms with humility before their god.

Sure, not a great adventure seed, but I'm just pitching the ideas. :)

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