Paranormal Protection Agency - Night Shift


"Of course, of course. The majority of my race knows that spell. Perhaps a fireball would gather more attention... no that would be dangerous with the explosion and all... Perhaps I could invent some sort of flare... Yes, yes a weakened fireball! Of course! Rascal write this down!" Posh laughs as his familiar's obvious anger at the comment. Rascal apparently sent the gnome a stream of mental curses, for Posh erupted in laughter "Come now! Don't be so angry! I shall teach you to write if that's what you want! It would be grand to see a hawk write a letter!"

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Shard paced, trying to decide.

"On the one hand, griffons are majestic creatures of legend," she said musingly, "on the other...there's a murder mystery afoot! Or will be soon if we don't hurry up. HMMMM..."

She shrugs. "Taking too long, come on! I'll go to bard school first because there's no time to wait for Remedy. When he shows up, or if I can't help I'll head over to the Aerie where the rest of you will be. I can heal too though!"

The sorceress opened the door and looked back at the others, practically vibrating with urgency to go.


First Post
'It's settled then' said Helena, 'and a most clever idea for keeping in touch Master Velastri; your ingenuity does you great credit'.

Waiting for Shard and the others in her group to exit, Helena turned to the halfling with the merest hint of a smile playing across her lips. She offered her arm in his direction, and with a wink said:

'Come then Master Airard. Let us go boldly together!'


First Post
Throughout the conversation, the Touts remained silently shifting from foot to foot. They shared a few whispers, belying their previous quarrel. As the conversation appear to conclude, Ally cleared her throat in an innocent manner yet obviously vying for attention. A glance was all it took for Tyler to cut off anything the girl may have had to say. "We can run messages for you!" He said excitedly. "Hey!..." Ally interjected, her arms crossing her chest in a sign of annoyance. "What?!.." Tyler feigned ignorance and innocence rather poorly. He smirked at her then looked back to the would-be Investigators.

They had a point though, for as much as flashy spells could easily speak of imminent danger or what not - anyone in the region would be privy to the same display. Granted, the Touts weren't servants of anyone. Payment would likely need rendering at some point or in some manner. Here and now though, both Touts had yet to fulfill their current Missive-task as each had to report back to the person responsible for the Missive. Both were obviously eager and rather anxious to complete their work.


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Randell Looks to Shard,
Remedy will be along shortly. If not, Im sure someone has a potion or two that can knit wounds. I could use your strong arm beside me if we have to play with some flying lions.


First Post
Helena favoured the touts with a raised eyebrow.

'Run messages, eh? Almost as ingenius as our friend the archer, it if happens to earn you a supplement to your delivery fee...'

'Very well' she said, with a clearly exaggerated sigh, 'if nothing else having the 2 of you apart will stop you knocking lumps out of each other! Run and catch up with the young woman with the white hair, Ally. You, young man' she said turning to Tyler, 'had best lead the way to the College'.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
With an insouciant wink and a cheeky grin, Airard places his low-crowned, wide brimmed black hat on his curly haired head, takes Helena's proffered arm and heads out the door.


Posh looks around at everyone packing up getting ready to leave, ""Are we sure we are needed? Perhaps they should call the local guard or even a priest?" Posh stood as the words left his mouth, gathering up his cloak and telling Rascal to take his place on his back.

The hawk flew in a circle around the room, then landed rather hard on the gnomes head. A stream of curses flew out of Posh's mouth in Infernal. He found it was the best language to curse in.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Airard gives a start at the stream of invective issuing from his squadmate's mouth, before his grin grows even larger. He tips his hat in Posh's direction.


First Post
Velastri shrugs at Helena's compliment. "I've been on many hunts. Such fast communications come in handy. Of course, working out the meanings of different sigs is the most imporant part of such an endeavor."

The half-elf archer-wizard nods at the suggestion of the kid. "I suppose that could be useful, but you'll be accompanying us anyway, back to your original employers."

Velastri adjusts his bow, strokes his raven once more and heads for the door with Shard and the little girl. Then Posh starts his stream of curses and oaths, causing Velastri's bow to leap into his hand. His eyes narrow when he realizes Posh is saying them, rather than one of the creatures for whom it was a native language. As he stows his bow again, he says rather coldly, "Mind your tongue, master gnome. I've lived among rougher company, so I'll bear listening to such words. But keep in mind that I'm likely not the only one that speaks the language of the hell-spawn in this city..."

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