Path of Enlightenment [D&D4E]


I aim to misbehave
"I would listen to Master Jiem, my friend," Kaoru offered with an understanding face. "If we and Master Jiem were unable to face him, perhaps it would be best if you did not try. Perhaps there is something that we may be able to use against whatever it was that attacked our master."

Kaoru put a hand on Leng, silently reminding him to be calm.

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Shen lowers his head as he kneels beside his Master and whispers, "Please excuse my late arrival Master. I fear my tardiness is what allowed you to become injured." Shen stands slowly, stretching himself to his full height; "I will go after this..... spirit with you, but not now good sir. My first responsibility lies with my Master. I have encountered the spirit you hope you battle....... and I can tell you now, you cannot. The surest strikes mean nothing to that demon, blades do not harm it. I managed to distract the creature by smashing a vase, giving us the chance to move my Master."

Shen turns his head to Leng and Kaoru, "You both did very well, I am sure the Master is proud of you."

"Come, let us formally introduce ourselves after we get Master Jiem to a proper place for the attention he requires."

Walking Dad

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"Wang, perhaps we shall help here first. It may be wiser to hunt this spirit with a bigger group." Ziang suggests


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Ziang Yu
Perception: 17 Insight: 14 Normal Vision
AC 18 Fortitude 15 Reflex 16 Will 14
Hit Points: 36 / 36 Bloodied: 18
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge: 9 Surges per day: 9 / 9
Encounter Powers: Healing Infusion (Restorative Formular, Curative Admixture) 2/2, Repair Object, Spike Wire, Fiery Infusion
Daily Powers: Caustic Rampart, Restoratve Infusion


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Wang Chi

Wang sighs. "I suppose you are correct. Let us get this elder to safety. But please, someone tell me more of this spirit, and why it is here."


Shen motions for Leng to pick up the Master, "I know little of spirits or what compells them to do what they do. The one we encountered was in the form of my Master. I would assume it attacked his very essence, possibly even stole some to form itself into the form of Master Jiem." He paused for a moment then added, "Although that does not explain it's attachment to the vase......"

Shen moved to the front of the group, leading the way to the weaponmaster's house. "Come, let us maul over recent events as we walk."


Ban Lu

As the walks, Ban Lu falls into the familiar path of teacher lecturing, "I may have some answers to your questions about spirits, but I fear they will engender even more questions than you have now. Some days ago, my old master visited me. This is more momentous than it sounds, for this master is long dead. In this visitation he told me that a strange and terrible thing has happened as a result of the war in the north. The gates of the underworld are closed. The dead travel the underworld, but cannot reach a place of rest. They wander aimlessly visiting the people and places they knew in life. The wise and strong spirits strive to enlighten as did my master. But other spirits are weak of will and have been driven mad by their failure to reach a place of rest. The numbers of restless spirits grow every day with every death. Eventually there will be more dead than living in our world. This is a terrible disaster with consequences as yet unimagined. I expect the spirit your master Jiem has faces is one of these mad violent spirits my old master warned me about. I was instructed to seek Mastermind Tien, at the island of Singing Spring. I was told he would have answers. Do any of you know of this Tien?"

Voda Vosa

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Wei Dan's house.

The walk to Wei Dan’s house is short. All the townsfolk seemed worry about master Jien, and the strangers that came with him, but said nothing aside from a pray for the old man’s health. Most of them nodded in approval when they saw Ban Lu and Wang Chi. Some of them never had the chance to see a real Imperial soldier.
Koryo and Ziang Yu were mostly glanced with suspicious eyes, specially Koryo. Some didn’t even resisted the gaze of the veteran assassin’s piercing eyes.
Wei Dan, the giant weapon master of the Smiling Spring, hasty opened the door to his hose, to find yet two more corpses inside.
“I must assume this is your doing boys, yes?” the woman took each cadaver from the arms and dragged them outside. “Corpses, corpses and corpses, do they never stop appearing?” you hear her said as she walks away with the remains of the two pirates.
The strange assemble of characters are left in the house, and Ban Lu starts treating Master Jien. Ziang Yu stands behind him, hands crossed behind his back, thinking about a right elixir.
Wang Chi and Koryo are surprised by the great quality of the weapons Wei Dan manufactures, the perfect craft of these pieces is such, they had never seen it, not even in the capital city.
The three brothers crowd around Ban Lu, looking worryingly at their father and master.
As the priest works Ziang Yu helps Kaoru with his injure.
After a moment, Ban Lu has finished stabilizing Master Jien, who now breaths peacefully. But the priest’s question remains unanswered.


"That I could not say. I have spread the word as I made my way here, but I suspect that many do not believe or understand. The important thing now is that we seek Tien."


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mmm... it seems my years in solitude have made me forget how to go unnoticed... mumbles Koryo as he notices the suspicious look of the people glancing at him in the streets.

As he enters the house, he bows, showing respect, and cannot but admire the magnificent weapons there exposed. His urge to try and handle some of them is quite apparent, although the man manages to resist for the moment...

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