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Release Pathfinder 2 RPG - Outlaws of Alkenstar AP 2: Cradle of Quartz (FG VTT)

Fantasy Grounds

SmiteWorks USA LLC.
New Release
Pathfinder 2 RPG - Outlaws of Alkenstar AP 2: Cradle of Quartz
Paizo Inc.

Time is of the essence when the formula for the devastating explosive pyronite falls into the wrong hands. To secure the formula and even the score with the sinister rival who ruined them, a motley gang of outlaws must brave the weird and wild wastes of the Spellscar Desert. At the center of this mutant-filled wasteland, the outlaws discover an abandoned temple of time called the Cradle of Quartz. But while redemption and a fresh start might be nice perks, the outlaws seek something far more valuable among the Cradle's time-warped halls: revenge.
"Cradle of Quartz" is a Pathfinder adventure for four 4th-level characters. This adventure continues the Outlaws of Alkenstar Adventure Path, a three-part monthly campaign in which a band of outlaws unravels an explosive criminal plot in the heart of the City of Smog, Alkenstar. This adventure also includes an exploration of the magic-warped wastes east of Alkenstar, the Spellscar Desert; new feats, items, and rules options perfect for gunslingers, gearheads, and grenadiers; and new steampunk creatures and mutant monsters to befriend or bedevil your players.

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