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Pathfinder 1E [Pathfinder] airwalkrr's Rise of the Runelords Reborn! IC


The healing seems to bring the goblin back to renewed vigor. The creature still looks dirty and matted with old blood, but the wounds have closed. It now appears the creature will survive unaided if left to be. The goblin appears surprised at the dwarf's actions.

(in goblin) "Urk. Dwarf beard not so long after all," which you imagine is as close to "thank you" as you can get in the goblin tongue.

In response to Jamir's questions, however, he remains quite unfriendly, though not as openly disdainful as he was in the cell, likely due simply to Jamir's association with his enchanter. "Why me need answer you question, longshanks? You not goblin friend. You not even heal goblin like dwarf do."

Nevertheless, as you each proceed to question the goblin, it quickly becomes apparent the creature knows nothing more of value. He appears low on the totem pole even within goblin society, and you surmise he never even so much as spoke with the "leader" he referred to. Although he led a small squad of rank-and-file into battle, that seems to be the extent of his influence.

There are still three other goblins you might interrogate. The guard explains that, to his knowledge, the two unconscious ones were found knocked out, but still breathing in the Cathedral Square, while the other he actually witnessed being brought in, obviously bound, and carried squealing through town in a large burlap sack by another team of guards. He claims this goblin was found skulking about Cliff Street on the north side of town (just west of where your group encountered the commando and his squad).

The two injured and unconscious goblins are in various states though the one lying in a pool of blood is clearly in a very bad way. (Heal) The other conscious goblin is badly bruised, but spitting curses at you from within his cell. He is bound in irons, but nevertheless is in a much more fit condition than the commando.
OOC: If you all wish we can continue with goblin interrogation. Or I can summarize the information you can get out of the others by letting you make any skill checks you like and volunteering how many spells/healing you would be willing to use, then we can move on to something else.

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OOC: I'm fine with summarizing. Nuko's willing to use his second charm spell and his bonded item spell for a third. He'll also ask the guards to move the goblins to a cleaner cell and better conditions, explaining that they have begun to cooperate. After we're done with the goblins, I think a trip to the cemetery is in order.


Guest 11456

OOC: I am fine as well. Thrindar will go ahead and use another channel. But this time he will do it when he can get all of the goblins within the range. Channel Energy for healing (1d6=1) He has two additional channels shouold they be needed. Also he has the ability to cast up to three CLW spells should they be needed. And he is willing to cast those.


Jamir Rolande

~ In the Garrison ~


“You're welcome, Kelvyn.”

Jamir looked to Nuko to ask the same questions after the recalcitrant goblin refused. He would have bribed the little bastard with some food, but it soon became clear that he did not know the answer. Once the finished, he suggested to the half-orc, “The other ones are unlikely to really know more about this alleged traitor that helped them. But perhaps we can figure out where they got into the town and that might lead us to potential suspects on who the traitor might be.”

Leaving the Nuko to finish up, Jamir spoke with the other two, “Depending on what we can learn further, we should probably visit with the Sergeant canvassing the neighborhoods and compare information. Then we can talk to the priest about the cemetery. Maybe the attack was a diversion to cover up some grave looting. The longer I think about the attack, the more futile it appeared as a true invasion. There just did not appear to be enough of them.”

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: 30ft ranged Aid Another (+1 only) for 24 hours

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2
Javelins Remaining: 5/5

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock][sblock=OOC]I am fine to summarize the rest of the scene in the Garrison, because we have mostly played it out now. But after that, I prefer to role-play to decide courses of action IC instead of OOC. If we are to build team chemistry, we could try to do it by interacting with each other. ;)

Btw, we have not dealt with treasure yet.[/sblock]


OOC: The main reason I figured we could resolve interrogating the other goblins with a summary from me is because the other three, assuming you could get them all to talk, would be the same song-next verse type situations. They are all hostile, a bit crazy, and have the same opinions about "longshanks." That's not to say you cannot gain any more information, but I figure if you guys tell me what resources you are willing to expend, we can move on to more things. There are all sorts of things you can do in the town that could easily take up our IC time for a month IRL. :)

Since no one decided to roll Intimidate or Diplomacy as I requested, I still imagine you would have used one and/or the other, so I provided you with some information from the goblin that resisted the charm.

As for treasure, that is up to you guys. Discuss it OOC here or in the OOC thread. All you really have to divide up besides the money (one of the players will have to total the value of that stuff and divide it; I trust you) is the potions IIRC.

The guard tells Nuko that all the cells are the same, and if the goblins don't like it they are welcome to adorn the stockades in the market. He says the only reason the goblins are at the far end is so they don't stink up the whole place and make things "unpleasant" for the more "civilized prisoners." A cursory glance at the other empty cells shows this to indeed be true. They are all fairly dirty and have only straw mats for sleeping on. They generally only get used to hold brawling drunkards overnight so they can sober up. This is a small town, and violent crime isn't common. If there ever were any serious criminals, they would be sent to Magnimar for long-term detention.

Thrindar's channeling certainly seems to help the unconscious goblins quite a bit, and a bruise from the other conscious goblin vanishes with the wash of positive energy. You take that one in for questioning next. The goblin likewise succumbs to Nuko's charm and tells you all it knows. Appearing to know even less than the commando, this goblin claims never to have even SEEN the "leader," although the goblin does seem to know him as one of the longshanks. The goblin's story is that it skulked in through the North Gate as well, likely around the same time as the commando, but was separated from its war party. Satisfied that you have squeezed that one for all it knows, you return it to its cell.

Having one more charm spell, you take the less injured of the two unconscious goblins and bring the creature back to consciousness with the application of one more healing spell (or channel). This goblin resists the charm, but through intimidation and diplomacy you learn that this goblin was part of the group that attacked the Cathedral Square. A more clear picture eventually emerges. Two groups of goblins attacked, each from a different direction. One group from the North Gate, another through a tunnel under a building in town near enough to the Cathedral Square. The goblin doesn't know much about the building and didn't pay much attention to it, save to say that it was big with no one really in their way to stop them. From there, they hid near the Cathedral Square until they heard the sound of a thunderstone, which was their signal to attack. This goblin had been given the same orders: kill people and burn the town to the ground.
OOC: Note that for today Nuko has cast three charm spells, including a use from his arcane bond. Thrindar has used two channels total plus either one more channel or a cure spell (your choice, Tailspinner).


After the interrogations are finished, Nuko discusses the findings with the others.

"The first priority is finding that tunnel, I'd say, so we should head over and tell the town guard. An inside job it appears.

I am starting to suspect that an evil priest may be behind the attack. He may be able to animate the dead, and it was on Desna's holiday.

I think we should talk to the priests, then check out the cemetery. Any more ideas?"


Jamir Rolande

~ In the Garrison ~


Jamir nodded, “No, mate. Those are pretty much the ideas I have already mentioned with a little variation. Agreed, first thing is to find Sergeant Vayan and take a look around at which buildings are big enough. My guess is that it is likely going to be a business that was closed for the day’s festivities. From my time here there are only a handful of potential candidates in the vicinity of the cathedral. I think we can rule out the cathedral itself.”

“I will assume the garrison her does not count. But there is the Town Hall, the Glassworks, the Theater, The Turandarok Academy, and the Carpenter's Guild all on this area of town. How many of them were open during the festival, I wonder.”

“Then it makes the most sense to discuss the potential grave robbing in the cemetery with the priests and see if they know of anything disturbed. However, I am not sure about your suspicion of a necromancer, but I am not sure that we need to know for sure on that and can just keep an open mind, eh.”

“What about you, Thrindar? What do you think about a necromancer involved and the cemetery investigation? You have spent time with the clergy; do you have any further insight?”

[sblock=MiniStats]Jamir Harkness
Init +6, Speed 30, Senses: Perception +3
Defense: 14, Touch 14, Flat-footed 10, CMD 16
Crit Def Bonus: +7, Crit Attack Bonus: +0
Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +1
HP 9 (DR3/Armor); Current: 9
Conditions in effect: 30ft ranged Aid Another (+1 only) for 24 hours

Bardic Performances Remaining: 6/6
1st Level Spells (CLW, Grease): 2/2
Javelins Remaining: 5/5

Weapon in Hand: None[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Dr. Jekyll looks at the gate he was assigned to and wonders why it was left open. He asks the leader of the defense of this spot.
[sblock=ooc]not sure who was leading the north gate defense where he was sent to at the beginning of the attack.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Kelvyn watches as the others interrogate the goblins, looming menacingly when needed and otherwise staying out of the way. When talk turns to planning the investigation, he perks up a bit. "Ah yes, a little more adventure is what I'm needing! I'll gladly come along and poke my nose into corners with you, friends." He turns thoughtful once more. "I have a . . . friend . . . in town who might know something of these matters, as well. I don't think he'd be involved, as goblin attacks would be bad for his business, but he's familiar with the seedy underbelly of this metropolis." There's a bit of disdain in the big man's voice as he talks about his friend, but not enough to overshadow the irony as he refers to Sandpoint as a metropolis.


[sblock=OOC]The loot is sold and the value calculated on the treasure sheet. Easy enough to divvy it up. Who wants the potions?[/sblock]

[SIZE=+1]Kelvyn Damonder[/SIZE]
HP: 15/15, Speed: 20' Perception: +0

Defense: 14, Critical Defense: +08, Armor DR: 5/Magic or Large, CMD: 19
Fort: +3, Reflex: +3, Will: +0

Initiative: +3, Perception: +0, Sense Motive: +0

Weapon in Hand: None

Abilities: Str 19, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10

Condition: None


Guest 11456

Thrindar: Initiative +2 / Perception +3 / Sense Motive +3

Thrindar nods to Jamir. "I have some knowledge of undead. If there is a necromancer involved it could mean dire circumstances for the town. We should investigate that as soon as possible."

OOC: Knowledge (religion) check (1d20+6=13), he used his domain CLW spell for the interrogation.

Voidrunner's Codex

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