[Pathfinder] [DS] Dangerous Beginnings RG

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Guest 11456

Reena Half-elf Gladiator

Female Half-Elf Gladiator 3
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Str: 16 (+3) 5 pts, +2 race
Dex: 14 (+2) 5 pts
Con: 14 (+2) 5 pts
Int: 14 (+2) 5 pts
Wis: 10 (+0) 0 pts
Cha: 10 (+0) 0 pts

Hit Points: 35 (12+7+7+6+3)
AC: 12 Touch: 12, Flat: 10
Init: +2

BAB: +3
CMB: +6 (+8*)
CMD: 25 (27*)
Speed: 30'
* Grapple

Fort +5 (+3 base, +2 Con)
Ref +5 (+3 base, +2 Dex)
Will +1 (+1 base, +0 Wis)
* +2 bonus against illusion spells and effects.

+6 Melee, Unarmed Strike, 1d3+3, x2, Bludgeon

Acrobatics +8 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +2 Dex)
Bluff: +6 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +0 Cha)
Intimidate +6 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +0 Cha)
Perception +8 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +0 Wis, +2 race)
Perform +9 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +0 Cha, +3 skill focus)
Sense Motive +6 (3 Ranks, +3 TCB, +0 Wis)

Language: Common, Elven, Giant

Defensive Combat Training (1st level)
Exotic Weapon [Wrist Razor] (bonus 1st level)
Skill Focus [Perform] (race bonus 1st level)
Latent Power (campaign bonus 1st level)
Improved Unarmed Strike (bonus 2nd level)
Improved Grapple (3rd level)
Improved Feint (bonus 3rd level)

Class Abilities: Gladiatorial performance 3/day,
mercy, exotic weapon, unarmed strike, arena guile,
improved feint.

Racial Abilities: Low-light vision, adaptability,
elf blood, elven immunities, keen senses,
multitalented (gladiator & fighter).

PP: 2
Power: Inertial Armor

Background: Being born in the arena pits of Urik, Reena grew up eating and breathing the life of a gladiator. As she has honed her skills she has become somewhat of a crowd favorite. However, it was this same fame that caught the eye of a wealthy merchant from Tyr. He has booked passage on the caravan. He hopes to recoup his investment in the arena of Tyr.[/sblock]
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Kline Landfryd, mul psion (kineticist) 3

[sblock=stats]HD 3d6+6, hp 20

BAB +1; CMB +3

saves Fort +3, Reflex +1, Will +5; move 30', AC 10 (14/15 with inertial armor; 18/19 w/IA + FS)

attack unarmed strike +3 (1d3+2 nonlethal, 20/x2, draws AOO from armed foe)

str 14 / +2 (2 pt, +2 race)
dex 10 / +0 (0 pt)
con 15 / +2 (3 pt, +2 race)
int 16 / +3 (10 pt)
wis 14 / +2 (5 pt)
cha 8 / -1 (0 pt, -2 race)

feats: Latent Power , overchannel , talented, expanded knowledge (entangling ectoplasm)

skills (15 pts) (ranks/total): psicraft 3/9, autohypnosis 3/8, bluff 3/2, survival 3/5, perception 0/2, knowledge (psionics) 3/9

concentration check (3 + ML + Con mod): +8

languages: Common, Dwarven, Elven, Giant

mul: +2 Constitution, +2 Strength, -2 Charisma: Combining the human height with the Dwarven musculature, muls end up stronger than either parent race, but their status as born-to-be slaves makes them insecure in their dealings with others.
Medium: Muls are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Darkvision: Muls can see in the dark up to 60 feet.
Dwarven Blood: Muls count as both dwarfs and humans for any effect related to race.
Extended Activity: Muls may engage in up to 12 hours of hard labor or forced marching without suffering from fatigue
Hardy: Muls need only half as much rest to fatigue and exhaustion.
Ignore Pain: Muls have nonlethal Damage Resistance 1/-. They are difficult to subdue, and do not notice minor bruises, scrapes, and other discomforts that pain creatures of other races.

Psions are proficient with the club, dagger, heavy crossbow, light crossbow, quarterstaff, and shortspear. They are not proficient with any type of armor or shield. Armor does not, however, interfere with the manifestation of powers.

The psion’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are Concentration* (Con), Craft (Int), Knowledge (all skills, taken individually)* (Int), Profession (Wis), and Psicraft* (Int).

In addition, a psion gains access to additional class skills based on his discipline: Kineticist (Psychokinesis)
Autohypnosis* (Wis), Disable Device (Dex), and Intimidate (Cha).

powers (5+1 1st, 2 2nd): 2+11+4 = 17 pp / day, DC 13 + power level (+ special), man lev 3
1st: attraction(a), inertial armor(a), mind thrust(a), vigor(a), control object (kin), force screen (a, latent), entangling ectoplasm (a, 40', exp know)
2nd: energy missile (a, kin), cloud mind

typical combat power uses:
inertial armor: 3 hr, 1 or 3 pp, +4 armor AC (+5 if spend 3 pp)
force screen: 3 min, 1 pp, +4 shield AC
vigor: 3 min, 1-3 pp, +5 temp hp (+5 per pp, max 15, or 20 w/OC)
mind thrust: 40', 1-3 pp, 1d10/pp (3d10, or 4d10 w/OC), Will neg DC 14 (15 if 3-4 d10)
energy missile: 130', 3 pp, up to 5 targets within 15' circle, 3d6 (4d6 and +1 DC w/OC), DC 15 half (Reflex or Fort)
- cold: +1/die, Fort half
- elec: +2 to DC, +2 to overcome SR
- fire: +1/die
- sonic: -1/die, ignores object hardness


[sblock=description]Kline has served as a slave for almost all of his life, in and around Urik. His surly attitude makes him an unpopular servant despite his obvious strength and intelligence. He escaped on a few occasions - once as a youth, but he was soon recaptured.

He served a number of employers, but was usually sold to another fairly quickly. He was not beaten to death only because there was no shortage of those willing to buy a strong mul. He served for a while as a farm laborer.

Eventually was sold to a human merchant named Bolush. He learned to please this master by showing the ability to do sums quickly and honestly. Bolush could be cruel but he was more interested in making money than in abusing his slaves, and wanted to take advantage of Kline's knack for evaluating deals. With a little help from his _attaction_ power, Kline helped his master strike good deals, and convinced him to allow his servants a few hours of 'down time' every day in exchange for better motivation.

Kline had found that he had psionic talents and honed his abilities in secret during the 'down time', using his master's library to good effect and sparring with some of the other slaves.

Seeing his opportunity, he escaped again. But perhaps foolishly, he came back to try to rescue others and was recaptured.

In truth, he dreams of carving out an empire of his own some day. He made allies among the other slaves, and those were the ones he tried to rescue; compassion is not unknown to him but it was not his immediate agenda. Power first; only when he has it could he allow himself to pursue other ends, he figures. He could have escaped much sooner, but his setup with the merchant was convenient while he read what he could and honed his power.

It was a long time before Kline was recaptured, and it became obvious that the mul had slain several bounty hunters who had vanished. Bolush wanted no more of the unruly slave and had him sold without even risking another personal meeting with Kline. Seeing his own foolishness, Bolush resolved to never again risk giving a slave any kindness.

Kline was told he would go to the gladiator pits of Draj, but for unknown reasons, the mysterious buyer put him on the slave transport to Tyr instead. Supposedly he'll be put to work with the others but Kline figures that perhaps a lucrative market exists for gladiators there too. Once again, he waits for an opportunity to escape ...

Physically, he appears to be a typical mul, with a bald head, bulging musculature, and black eyes that can look either dull and dumb, or sharp and insightful, depending on what role he is playing.[/sblock]


The 8th Evil Sage
Tiklan, Human Ranger

[sblock]Ranger 3
STR 14 +2 (5 pts)
DEX 18 +4 (10 pts, +2 racial)
CON 14 +2 (5 Pts)
INT 10 +0 (0 pts)
WIS 12 +1 (2 pts)
CHR 8 -1 (-2 pts)

HP: 31
AC: 14 (+4 Dex)

Base attack bonus: +3
Melee attack: +5
Ranged attack: +7

Unarmed strike +5 melee 1d3+2 bludgeoning, 20/x2 crit
Longbow +7 ranged 1d8+2 piercing, 20/x3 crit

Fort +5
Ref +7
Will +2

Climb +8 (3rnk), Heal +7 (3rnk), Knowledge (geography) +6 (3rnk), Knowledge (nature) 6 (3rnk), Perception +7 (3rnk), Stealth +10 (3rnk), Survival +7 (3rnk)

PP: 4
Power: Call Weaponry

Favored Class: Ranger

Psionic Talent (Human)
Point-Blank Shot
Rapid Shot (Ranger)
Weapon Focus (Longbow)


The way Tiklan saw it, it was all about resources. There were some resources you needed to survive, like water, shade, and food. Water was most important, because enough water could make up for no shade. Once you had water and shade you could go looking for food. Athas didn't have enough water, shade, or food, so you had to use your other resources wisely to get them, and to get protection against everyone and everything that wanted to take them from you.

Tiklan wasn't born with much in the way of his own resources. Born and raised in Tyr, his parents were caught in a press-gang raid when Tiklan was 14. Tiklan escaped only by fleeing in to the desert alone.

Using what limited resources he had - a ready weapon and some education on surviving in the wild - he survived long enough to find and join a slave tribe. That lasted until the tribe's resources ran low and they kicked Tiklan out. They gave a lot of justification, but ultimately it was because Tiklan hadn't been a slave. From there he made it to Urik, where his skill with a bow earned him a job with a merchant house as a caravan guard. That job lasted until the house made a few bad trades and had to let Tiklan go. He wasn't part of the family, you see.

With no friends and in an unfamiliar city-state, Tiklan did his best to survive on his own. He was sick of failing to fit-in. To survive on your own anywhere on Athas requires one to be extraordinary. Tiklan didn't last a year before he was enslaved, set up by people who were upset he wouldn't work with them (or so he said). Now he does his best to make friends and get along with the other slaves. And he waits for a chance to escape.[/sblock]


First Post
Gilliam was a warrior in the Green Manticore tribe in the Ringing Mountains. His tribe had captured a small scouting party of elves which has strayed into their territory and were saving the survivors for a ritual feast. Tulava, one of the elves, managed to seduce Gilliam and convinced her to allow her to escape. He escorted her back to her people, who promptly captured and beat him, before selling him to slavers. Betrayed, humilliated and disgraced he hasn't even had the will to starve himself as captured halflings usually do.
Name: Gilliam
Race: Halfling
Class: Soulknife
Level: 3
Exp: 5001 (?)
Alignment: Neutral

Str: 13 +1
Dex: 16 +3
Con: 14 +2
Int: 10 +0
Wis: 15 +2
Chr: 10 +1

HP: 28
PP: 4

Fort: 1 + 2 + 1 = 4
Ref: 3 + 3 + 1 = 7
Will: 3 + 2 + 1 = 6

AC: 10 + (4 Inertial armour) + 3 (dex) + 1 (small) + 1 (dodge) = 15 (19)
Speed: 20'
Init: +3

Latent Power (Inertial Armour)
Latent Power (Entangling Ectoplasm)
Weapon Focus (Mindblade)
Psionic Weapon

Acrobatics 6 + 3 (dex) + 2 (racial) = 11 (-4 for jumping)
Autohypnosis 6 + 2 (wis) + 2 (synergy) = 10
Perception 6 + 2 (wis) + 2 (racial) = 10
Stealth 6 + 3 (dex) + 4 (size) = 13


Birthday Suit
Manacles (No key)
Epic Tan

-Soulknife Att +5 Damage 1d4+1 (19-20)

-Soulknife Att +7 Damage 1d4+1 (19-20) Increment 30'

-Psychic Strike +1d8 Damage Ranged or melee Move action to recharge
-Psionic Weapon +2d6 Damage Melee only, costs Psionic Focus


Raggi, Half-Giant Druid

Half-Giant Druid 3

Str 15
Dex 10
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 16
Cha 10

Giant Subtype
Low Light Vision
Powerful Build (Counts as size large when beneficial)
Fire Acclimated (+2 on fire saves)
Naturally Psionic

Nature Bond: Fire Domain
Wild Empathy +3
Woodland Stride
Trackless Step

Knowledge Geography +3
Knowledge Nature +5
Perception +6
Survival +8

Feats: Latent Psionics (Expansion) (B), Great Fortitude, Toughness,

Psionic Power Points: 4

hp = 8 +3 +3 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 3 = 30
AC 10

F +8, R +1, W +6 (+2 vs. fire)

Healing surges 9/day - 6 hp each

Initiative +0

BAB +2

melee attack +4
ranged attack +2

0 Create Water, Flare, Guidance, Virtue,
1 Burning Hands(D), Charm Animal, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements,
2 Fog(Dust) Cloud, Hold Animal, Produce Flame(D),

Spontaneous Rejuvenation – As a Standard Action, you may sacrifice a prepared spell to grant yourself and all allies within 30’ “Fast Healing X” for 3 rounds, where X is the level of spell you sacrificed.

Fire Bolt (Sp): As a standard action, you can unleash a scorching bolt of divine fire from your outstretched hand. You can target any single foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack with this bolt of fire. If you hit the foe, the fire bolt deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every two cleric levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Domain Spells: 1st—burning hands, 2nd—produce flame, 3rd—fireball, 4th—wall of fire, 5th—fire shield, 6th—fire seeds, 7th—elemental body IV (fire only), 8th—incendiary cloud, 9th—elemental swarm (fire spell only).

Raggi feels endowed with a double purpose. He wanders the desert nurturing and healing where he can. However when he sees a sickness upon the Land he feels the heat of the desert boil forth from within him to be unleashed in cleansing fire. According to his druidic beliefs defilers and undead both need to be scoured from the land.

Wandering alone he was an easy tempting target for the slaving party that ambushed him. Half-Giants are after all, valuable slave commodities.

AC 10 (T10, FF10), HP 30/30, Ini+0 F +8, R+1, W+6 (+2 vs. fire)
0 Create Water, Flare, Guidance, Virtue,
1 Burning Hands(D), Charm Animal, Cure Light Wounds, Endure Elements,
2 Fog(Dust) Cloud, Hold Animal, Produce Flame(D),
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First Post
Ardon, Half-Elf
Ranger 3
STR 14 +2 (5 points) 5
DEX 17 +3 (7 points +2 racial) 12
CON 13 +1 (3 points) 15
INT 14 +2 (5 points) 20
WIS 12 +1 (2 points) 20
CHA 8 -1 (-2 points) 18
HP: 28
AC: 18 (+4 Armor +3 Dex +1 Dodge)
Initiative +4 {+6}
Base Attack Bonus +3
Melee Attack: +5
Ranged Attack: +6
Composite Longbow +4(Obsidian Arrows)/+7(Bolt Arrows) (1d8/1d8+3) also +1 within 30 feet
Shortsword +3 (1d6)
Dagger +3 melee/ +4 ranged (1d4)
Fort +4
Ref +7
Will +1

Climb +7 (6rnk), Handle Animal +5 (6 rnk), Heal +7 (6rnk), Knowledge (Geography) +8{+10} (6 rnk), Knowledge (Nature) +8 (6 rnk), Perception +9{+11} (6 rnk), Stealth +9 {+11} (6 rnk), Survival +10 {+12} (6 rnk)

PP: 2
Power: Bolt

Favored Classes: Ranger and Fighter

Skill Focus Survival (Half-Elf)
Latent Power (Campaign)
Precise Shot
Point Blank Shot (Ranger)
Endurance (Ranger)

Special Abilities
Low Light vision
Elf Blood
Elf Immunities (Magic Sleep and +2 on saves vs. enchantment)
Favored Enemy #1 (Mul) (+2 on Bluff, Perception, Sense Motive, Survival and damage)
Wild Empathy (like diplomacy but for animals with +2 bonus)
Favored Terrain #1 (Sandy Wastes) (+2 on Initiative, Knowledge (Geography), Perception, Stealth and survival, also leaves no trail if desired)


First Post
Shurel, Lela, et al… Bard 2/Preserver(Enchanter)1
HD 2d8+2 (15), 1D6+1 (5) hp 20

BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD +3

saves Fort +4, Reflex +5, Will +6; move 30', AC 15 (+2 Leather, +2 Dex, +1 Dodge) +4 dodge vs. AOO

attack: unarmed strike +1 (1d3 nonlethal, 20/x2, draws AOO from armed foe) Spear +1( 1D6, 20X3, rng 20), Obsidian Dagger-1 (1d4, 19-20/X2, rng 10), Light Crossbow +3 ( 1D6, 20X2, rng 80), 20 bolts

str 11 / +0 (1 pt)
dex 14 / +2 (5 pt)
con 12 / +1 (2 pt)
int 14 / +2 (5 pt)
wis 12 / +2 (2 pt)
cha 16 / +3 (5 pt, +2 race)

feats: Latent Power , Dodge , Deceitful[1], Mobility[3], Scribe Scroll[W1]

skills (25 pts) (ranks/total): Acrobatics 1/5, Appraise 1/6, Bluff 3/14 (+1 bard, +2 enchanter, +2 deceitful), Climb 1/4, Craft(Poison Maker) 1/6, Craft (Alchemy) 1/6, Diplomacy 2/10 (+2 from enchanter), Disguise 2/10(+2 Deceitful), Escape Artist 1/5, Healing 1/5, Intimidate 0/7 (Bard skills), Liguistics 1(Read/Write Common), Perception 1/5, Sense Motive 1/5, Sleight of Hand 1/6 (+1 Bard), Stealth 1/5, Knowledge (All) 0/3 (Bardic Knowledge), Knowledge (Nature) 1/7 (Bardic Knowledge), Knowledge (Local) 1/7 (Bardic Knowledge) Perform (Dance) 2/8, Perform (Sing) 1/7, Spellcraft 1/6

concentration check (1 + Int mod): +4

languages: Common(r/w), Draconic(r/w), Urikite, Elven

Human: +2 Charisma
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Bonus Feat, Skilled
Proficient with Simple Weapons, Light Armor, as well as Bard’s friend, Garrotte, Greater Blowgun, Whip, Widow’s Knife, Club, dagger, Quarterstaff.
Spells: 0th 4/day (enchanter), 1st 3/day (level 1, int, enchanter) Opposition Schools, Necro + Evoc
Spellbook: 0th – All, 1st – Hypnotism, Charm Person, Sleep, Disguise Self, Comprehend Languages
Prepared: 0th –(DC 12) Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Daze, Message; 1st –(DC13) Hypnotism, Charm Person, Sleep
Psionics: PP’s 2; Conceal Thoughts: +10 to see through bluff, +4 vs. mind reading abilities (Will negates)

Bard Skills: Bardic Music 9/day(Counter Song, Inspire Courage, Distraction, Fascinate(DC14)), Bardic Knowledge (1/2 level added to knowledge skills), Smuggler (+1 to sleight of hand and bluff/2 levels), Street Smart (+2 gather info and intimidate), Poison Use,
Wizard Skills: Enchanting Smile (+2 Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy), Dazing Touch (5/day 1HD or fewer)
Equipment: Spear, Obsidian dagger, Light Crossbow, 2 Waterskins, Arcane Bonded Obsidian Ring, Spellbook (takes the form of beaded jewelry)

Another fine mess we find ourselves in again Shurel, you finally break it into the big-time with a real simple job. Poison Tekil the Gulg, one of House Kessim’s finest Gladiators. You worked for weeks greasing the wheels, getting everyone in that stable to trust you, and the night before his big headlining fight, success! Of course that’s when you found out that you’ve been double crossed. Your employer apparently was trying to get in good with House Kessim. Not a moment after Tekil started showing signs of the Drik posion you put together did you get busted by Hamanu’s Templar’s. You were just barely able to slip out. Good thing you developed 4 different escape routes.

During the past month you’ve been laying low building up your new identity, Lela, the wide eyed new recruit for House Stel, hoping to get aboard a caravan bound for anywhere else. It was a little mucky at first trying to convince the Caravan master that you were the new hire from Makla. He thought he recognized you as someone else, which he was right, about a year ago you grifted him out of 250 ceramics on a magic potion that would cure his son, but you worked him hard to ensure he never tied Lela to Victra. Then finally 5 days ago you were on your way!

Filthy Elves, why did they take the caravan off the beaten path like this, the Jura Dai have been hitting more Caravans bound for Tyr. You wouldn’t have even been on it had you not noticed that things were getting a little hot, the route to Nibenay is so much nicer this time of year, all you needed was 2 more days. Oh, well, it’s best to lay low, play up Lela, it’s the only way to survive right now. Plus Lela’s a little fun, she’s from a nomad family that raised Kank’s that Hamanu’s Halfling elite soldiers use. She’s never been out of Makla until just recently and is looking to make her mark on the world! Well, the real Lela may be someone’s slave right now, but at least she’s not stuck in this situation.

Shurel, Lela, Victra, et al… is a survivor. Like most Bards on Athas she survives by her wits inventing new persona’s as each situation demands it. She grew up on the streets of Urik. Her father was a former convict that survived about 3 seconds against a Braxat in the arena, her mother abandoned her not long after. She worked within the bards quarter of the city apprenticing to various masters learning the tricks of the trade of the performing arts, dancing, singing, purse snatching, poisoning. Recently she found someone who combined their performance talents with magic. She was sold, and spent about 2 years trying to convince this wizard to teach her. The Elf denied being a magic user at first, but after she exposed him and broke down each spell after one of his performances he had no choice but to teach her. She later found out that the elf was intentionally being obvious about his magic as a test of trust. The damn fool was lucky the crowd didn’t catch on. Berell was an excellent teacher, but flighty like most elves. One day she woke up and he left a note saying, "gone off to my tribe be back in a few weeks." So far he hasn’t come back, and that was 6 months ago.

Shurel’s appearance depends on the persona she has adopted. Right now as Lela she keeps her brown hair braided up into 2 ponytails with a few random braids with decorative beads woven in. She keeps her garb relatively simple and utilitarian. As Lela would as a soldier. She does however wear several beaded bracelets and necklaces, but they are fairly common looking, and not out of place for someone originally from Makla.

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