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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder First Print Run Sold Out


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Congrats to the gang at Paizo.

I wonder if my Amazon pre-order will be fulfilled.... I wanted to get this one, if only so that if I go back to a 3.5 game at some point, I'll have an improved ruleset to start with.

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James Jacobs

Does this mean there will be no copies at Gen Con?

Nope; the copies we've set aside to sell at Gen Con are set aside in their own safe bubble. We'll be bringing a fair amount to Gen Con, and are talking about how we'll handle selling it if demand goes through the roof so that, hopefully, we'll have some to sell all four days. Still... judging from what we've seen so far, it'd probably be a good idea to swing by the Paizo booth sooner than later to get your copy if you're planning on buying one there.

My congratulations to the Paizo crew... I know that we can't wait to read ours!

We are looking forward to running Pathfinder in our house for years to come!

Again Congrats!

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Congrats Paizo!

This is wonderful news for the state of the industry, and especially the state of Paizo. Bad news for me though.:( I guess I'll just have to go with the pdf's when they are available (Pathfinder and Trailblazer) and get the hardcover book later.

You know, you guys should maybe start up a couple of magazines to go along with the game system. Maybe one for gaming articles and another for small, professional, and fan-written adventures.:D (I've heard you guys may have some experience with that.;))


First Post
This is a good day for gaming. Great job Paizo!

And there it is. Simple, direct, accurate.

Anything else is mere sophistry ... or perhaps foofarah.;)

I'm just happy. Happy as can be. Two different styles of D&D "in play" at once. What could possibly be wrong with that?:D


First Post
Grats Paizo!

As something else of note I have seen the size of the print run being discussed on several message boards. I came across this at: GROGNARDIA: Pathfinder RPG Sells Out in Pre-Orders

"Thanks, guys. I appreciate the kind words even (or perhaps especially) from those of you who have no stake in the product because you've got a different game of choice. From where I sit, ANY success in the RPG industry is worth cheering about.

And while we have not released sales figures, I can say that we don't consider 10,000 units "hugely ambitious," and we'll be bringing well more than 1000 copies to Gen Con. Still, I'm worried about selling out, because the game appears to be moving much faster than any of us anticipated.

And while we have not formally thrown our hats into the "old school" or rules-light field, our hearts are very sympathetic to the cause, and I wouldn't be too surprised to see something down the road.

First things first, of course.

--Erik Mona"

I guess the 10k estimate that I am seeing on a lot of forums may be a tad low. Nothing but good news to me. I got a copy on order from my FLGS and another on order from Paizo. cannot wait for the release.




congrats to paizo!

you didn't forget about us 3/3.5 gamers and we didn't forget about you! now, if only i could be guaranteed amazon doesn't forget about my preorder! :uhoh:


First Post
I guess the 10k estimate that I am seeing on a lot of forums may be a tad low. Nothing but good news to me. I got a copy on order from my FLGS and another on order from Paizo. cannot wait for the release.



Yeah, I am pretty sure the estimate I have been posting is pretty close, which is 25,000. Paizo says they printed more than 5 times their best selling product, NOT a pre order like some have said, and I am pretty confident they printed over 5,000 copies of the Beta rules due to things Paizo people said at that time.

So I am pretty sure they printed 25,000 or more. I hope the 50,000 is actually even more accurate. I am sure it will be after the second printing if it isn't now.

Erik Mona

Treebore sez:
Paizo says they printed more than 5 times their best selling product,

No, that's not what we said. We said that _pre-orders_ for this book were five times higher than our best-selling product. That's not quite the same thing.

To be pedantic.


PS: How many did we actually print? Lots.

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