• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder First Print Run Sold Out


I phrased it up front as a "good reason". Anyone can say space aliens need the number to enter into their magic computer to eat our brains. I'm looking for a normal reasonableness standard.

By my definition of "reasonable", your question has been answered several times over. Obviously your definition is not the same as mine, because you won't take no for an answer.

Mistwell said:
Why is it being interpreted as hostile? Why is my saying I am happy about the news, and for Paizo, and giving reasons for that, not enough?

"no offense, but you are as ugly as sin and smell funny too"

Putting a throwaway line at the end of one post saying you are happy for them and saying "don't get me wrong/no offense/bless their hearts" before you butt heads with the author and publisher of the game doesn't make it seem any less hostile. Is it not reasonable for me to say that my reading of your posts come across as hostile without having to explain WHY I feel that way? Or are we settled on the definition of "reasonable"?

Mistwell said:
They announced they sold out of the print run. In addition to saying congratulations, I am asking what that print run was. How is that off topic, and hostile?

Because A) anti-4th ed people claimed that WotC under-printed their 4th ed PHB specifically so they could make the claim of "sold out", and without print numbers the rumor won't go away, so when PRPG sells out and a strong advocate of 4th ed comes into the thread and asks for print run numbers, it seems like thinly veiled hostility, especially when you won't.... let... go....
and B) representatives from Paizo have flat out told you "we are not releasing that information, and we aren't saying what our reasons are", but you STILL persist in asking/defending yourself for asking, and doing it here instead of in a separate thread. To my mind, it looks hostile as hell.

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OK, folks. Just because ENW is back at full power doesn't mean you need to break out the bats and blades. Cool the rhetoric, please.

Personally, I love this news. I'm glad I subscribed so I know I'll have a copy when I get home from GenCon. Now, I have to decide if I still want to buy a 2nd copy while I'm there (for the missus, of course), or let someone else have a chance at a copy. The angel and devil on my shoulders will fight it out Thursday mornng...

I've got a few copies already pre-ordered, but I'm gonna have to buy one at GenCon anyway: I wont get the other copies before the con, and I can't play a PFS scenario without the book!

Also... wouldn't you like to get the book signed?


First Post
Why is it being interpreted as hostile?

Perhaps because you keep harping on it. Asking once isn't hostile. Asking again and again and again, to the point where you give some people the impression that you feel 'entitled' to the information can be construed that way, however.

Paizo will not release that information. Period. No argument you attempt will get them to tell you. Period.

To use your own advice, "Let it go."

To get back to the actual topic at hand, count another onto the pile of congratulations being heaped on Paizo's virtual doorstep. I've had a copy of Pathfinder reserved at my LGS for months. I can't wait for next week. :)

Darrell King

It's not our business, but it's still an interesting topic for many here. Nobody here is saying they are entitled to the answer. So if it reminds you of that sense, it's not coming from the people who are bothering you.

That most businesses do not release said data was already addressed. That's not actually an answer, it's a restatement of the question, and a hasty one at that. Unless you support the answer of "because".

You think releasing the number in a firm way as opposed to the soft way they have done so already would cause more critique than now? I don't.

In fact, I think by having fans who demanded a number from WOTC and Paizo not speaking out about it then, and then teasing out a range of numbers when their product comes out rather than offering a firm number, they are causing much more of a stir than they would if they just released the number.

Seriously, why would, say, them announcing 35,000 rather than them saying "between 10,000 and 50,000" cause more of a stir?

I'm still waiting for anyone to offer an actual good reason for not announcing a firm number for the print run. So far, most answers seem to be "because it's not traditionally done". How is that a good answer?

And again, why does asking this question bother people, and why would it take away from enjoyment of the news itself?

How's your business, doing, Mistwell? I'd love to see some sales number... PM me if you like.


I would like to say congratulations to all the folks at Paizo for this truly impressive achievement. I wish I could be one of those getting a copy at Gen Con, or even in the near future, but finances dictate that is not possible. The reasonably priced PDF is a possibility, and may keep me occupied until I get enough money to get the physical book. The book has looked impressive so far, and you guys have done a lot of work making it the best it can be.

So, bask in the accolades of those who wish you all the best in this project. You deserve it.


First Post
Hopefully the Pathfinder core books sell well enough to keep the company in business. I'm not a convert to Pathfinder, but I do pick up the Golarion setting books and Pathfinder adventure paths. I'm presently using Golarion in my 4E game.

Whatever the alleged number of copies sold in the first printing, hats off to Paizo. I probably won't be getting a first printing copy, but most likely I'll eventually pick up a later printing just to see what I can pilfer from it for my 4E game.


First Post
I just checked: Yep, I also preordered a copy.

Most likely that will just be for my reading pleasure. I currently have no plans to ever actually play Pathfinder. I'm just curious to see what changes they made to 3E.

Then again, if our 4E test balloon should crash, it may become my emergency plan. You never know...

Anyway, congrats to Paizo! :)

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