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[Pathfinder] mazzoli's Kingmaker RG


First Post
[sblock=Grayson Savrian]
[sblock=Game Info]
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Oathbound Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)
Level: 1
Alignment: Lawful Good
Languages: Common and Elven
Deity: Abadar[/sblock]
STR: 17 (7 PB, +2 Racial)
DEX: 10 (0 PB)
CON: 13 (3 PB)
INT: 10 (0 PB)
WIS: 10 (0 PB)
CHA: 16 (10 PB)[/sblock]
HP: 11 = [1d10=10] + 1 (CON) + 0 (Paladin)
AC: 18 = 10 + 5 (Scale Mail) + 0 (DEX) + 2 (Heavy Wooden Shield)
AC Touch: 11 = 10 + 1 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 17 = 10 + 5 (Scale Mail) + 2 (Heavy Wooden Shield)
INIT: +1 = +1 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +1 (Paladin)
CMB: +4 = +3 (STR) + 1 (BAB)
CMD: 15 = 10 + 3 (STR) + 1 (DEX) + 1 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +2 (Paladin) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +0 = +0 (Paladin) + 0 (DEX)
Will: +3 = +2 (Paladin) + 0 (WILL) + 1 (Issian)
Speed: 20'/30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]
Longsword(melee): +4 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (STR)/ DMG = 1d8+3(S), CRIT: 19-20x2
Longsword(melee): +3 = +1 (BAB) + 3 (STR) - 1 (PA)/ DMG = 1d8+5(S), CRIT:
19-20x2, Special: Power Attack

Light Crossbow(ranged): +2 = +1 (BAB) + 1 (DEX)/DMG = 1d8, CRIT 19-20x2,
Range: 80'
[sblock=Racial Traits]
Ability Adjustment: +2 Strength
Elven Immunities: Immune to sleep and +2 vs. spells and enchantments.
Adaptability: Gain Skill Focus as a bonus feat.
Keen Senses: +2 on Perception.
Low-Light Vision: You can see twice as humans in conditions of dim light.
Elf Blood: You count as both human and elf for any effect related to race.
Multitalented: Choose two classes to receive a FC bonus in each level.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor and shields (except tower shields).

Aura of Good: The power of a paladin's aura of good is as powerful as his paladin level.

Detect Evil: At will, a paladin can use detect evil, as the spell. A paladin, as a move action, concentrate on a single itme or individual within 60' and determine if it is evil, learning the strenght of its aura as if studied for 3 rounds. While focusing on a single individual or object, the paladin can not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Smite Evil: As a swift action the paladin chooses one target in sight to smite. If the target is evil the paladin, the paladin adds his CHA modifier to his attack rolls and adds his paladin level to all his damage rolls made against the target of his smite. If the target is an outsider with the evil suntype, and evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature, the bonus to damage on the first successful attack increases to 2 points of damage per level the paladin possesses. All attacks of the smite evil ability automatcially bypass DR.

The paladin also gains a deflection bonus equal to his CHA modifier to his AC against attacks made by the target of the smite.

The smite evil ability effect remains until the target of the smite is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains his uses of this ability.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]
Adaptability- Skill Focus (Perception): +3 to choosen skill.
1st lvl- Power Attack: -1 to melee attack rolls for a +2 on melee damage rolls.

A) Bully: +1 on Intimidate and Intimidate is a class skill.
B) Issian: +1 on Will saves.[/sblock]
Skill Ranks: 3 = [2 (Paladin) + 0 (INT)] x 1 (LvL) + 1 (Favored Class)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -6

Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
-6  =  Acrobatics          +0     +0    +0  +0    -6   DEX
+0  =  Appraise            +0     +0    +0  +0         INT
+3  =  Bluff               +3     +0    +0  +0         CHA
-3  =  Climb               +3     +0    +0  +0    -6   STR
+3  =  Diplomacy           +3     +0    +0  +0         CHA
+3  =  Disguise            +3     +0    +0  +0         CHA
-6  =  Escape Artist       +0     +0    +0  +0    -6   DEX
-6  =  Fly                 +0     +0    +0  +0    -6   DEX
+3  =  Handle Animal^      +3     +0    +0  +0         CHA
+0  =  Heal                +0     +0    +0  +0         WIS
+8  =  Intimidate          +3     +1    +3  +1^        CHA
+0  =  Know:Nobility^      +0     +0    +0  +0         INT
+0  =  Know:Religion^      +0     +0    +0  +0         INT
+6  =  Perception          +0     +1    +0  +5*^       WIS
+3  =  Perform:_____       +3     +0    +0  +0         CHA
-6  =  Ride                +0     +0    +0  +0    -6   DEX
+4  =  Sense Motive        +0     +1    +3  +0         WIS
+0  =  Spellcraft^         +0     +0    +0  +0         INT
-6  =  Stealth             +0     +0    +0  +0    -6   DEX
+0  =  Survival            +0     +0    +0  +0         WIS
-3  =  Swim                +3     +0    +0  +0    -6   STR

* Keen Senses
^ Adaptability
None Yet[/sblock]
Equipment                       Cost       Weight
Scale Mail                    50    gp     30  lb
Heavy Wooden Shield            7    gp     10  lb
Longsword                     15    gp      4  lb
Key, Copy                      1    gp      -  lb
Light Crossbow                35    gp      4  lb
-Bolt                          1    gp      1  lb
Backpack                       2    gp      2  lb
-Bedroll                        .1  gp      5  lb
-Waterskin                     1    gp      4  lb
-Trail Rations (3/3)           1.5  gp      3  lb
-Rope, Hemp (50')              1    gp     10  lb
-Flint and Steel               1    gp      -  lb
-Shovel                         .02 gp      3  lb
-Torch (3/3)                    .03 gp      3  lb

                     Total weight carried: 79  lb
Treasure: 36 gp,3 sp,5 cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
Light- 0-86
Medium- 87-173
Heavy- 174-260[/sblock]
Size: Medium
Gender: Medium
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 193
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Color: Fair
Demeanor: [/sblock]
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Red Knight

First Post
[sblock=Aerodus Khaine]
[sblock=Game Info]Race: Human
Class: Cleric
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good
Languages: Common
Deity: Cayden Cailean[/sblock]
[sblock=Abilities]STR: 17 (7 PB, +2 Racial)
DEX: 14 (5 PB)
CON: 13 (3 PB)
INT: 10
WIS: 14 (5 PB)
CHA: 10[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat]HP: 9 = [1d8=8] + 1 (CON) + 1 (Cleric)
AC: 17 = 10 + 5 (Scale Mail) + 2 (DEX)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 15 = 10 + 5 (Scale Mail)
INIT: +4 = + 2 (DEX) + 2 (Ractionary)
BAB: +0 = + 0 (Cleric)
CMB: +3 = + 3 (STR) + 0 (BAB)
CMD: 15 = 10 + 3 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = + 2 (Cleric) + 1 (CON)
Reflex: +2 = + 0 (Cleric) + 2 (DEX)
Will: +4 = + 2 (Cleric) + 2 (WILL)
Speed: 20'/30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: N/A
Spell Failure: N/A[/sblock]
[sblock=Weapon Stats]Longspear: +3 = +0 (BAB) + 3 (STR)/ DMG = 1d8+4(S), CRIT 20x3, Special: Brace and Reach

Light Crossbow: +2 = +0 (BAB) + 2 (DEX)/ DMG = 1d8(P), CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 80', Special: None[/sblock]
[sblock=Racial Traits]Ability Score Racial Trait: +2 to one ability score of choice.

Bonus Feat: Select one feat at 1st level.

Skilled: Gain an additional skill point at 1st level and each additional level.[/sblock]
[sblock=Class Features]Weapon and Armor Proficency: All simple weapons, deities favored weapon, light armor, medium armor, and shields (except tower shields).

Aura: A cleric of a chaotic, evil, good, and lawful deity has a powerful aura corresponding to the deity's alignment.

Channel Energy: Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type in a 30' radius centered on the cleric. Creatures that take damage from the channeled energy receive a Will save to halve the damage. The DC of the save is equal 10 + 1/2 the cleric's level + the cleric's Charisma midifier. A cleric can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

Domains: A cleric chooses two domains from those belonging to his deity. Each domain grants a number of domain powers, dependant upon the level of the cleric, as well as a number of bonus spells. A cleric gains one domain spell slot for each level of cleric spell he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a cleric can prepare one of the spells from his two domains is that slot. If a domain spell is not on the cleric spell list, a cleric can prepare it only in his domain spell list. Domain spells cannot be used to cast spells spontaneously.

Orisons: Clerics can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day. These spells are treated like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.

Spontaneous Casting: A good cleric can can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that he did not prepare ahead of time. The cleric can 'lose' any prepared spell that is not an orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the same spell level or lower.[/sblock]
[sblock=Feats & Traits]Combat Refelxes (Human): Make additional AoO per round equal to your Dexterity modifier. You may also make AoO while flat-footed.

Power Attack (1st Gen): -1 on attack rolls for a +2 bonus on damage rolls. If the attack is made with a two handed weapon, one-handed weapon, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1 1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage.

A) Reactionary (Combat): +2 on Initiative checks.
B) Focused Mind (Magic): +2 on Concentration checks.[/sblock]
[sblock=Skills]Skill Ranks: 3 = [2 (Cleric) + 0 (INT)] x 0 (LvL) + 1 (Skilled) + 0 (Cleric)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -4

Total                      Stat   Rank  CS  Misc  ACP
- 2 =  Acrobatics          + 2    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   DEX
+ 0 =  Appraise            + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 0 =  Bluff               + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        CHA
- 1 =  Climb               + 3    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   STR
+ 0 =  Diplomacy           + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        CHA
+ 0 =  Disguise            + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        CHA
- 2 =  Escape Artist       + 2    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   DEX
- 2 =  Fly                 + 2    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   DEX
+ 2 =  Heal                + 2    + 0   +0  + 0        WIS
+ 0 =  Intimidate          + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        CHA
+ 0 =  Know:Arcana         + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 0 =  Know:History        + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 0 =  Know:Nobility       + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 0 =  Know:Planes         + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 4 =  Know:Religion       + 0    + 1   +3  + 0        INT
+ 0 =  Linguistics         + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        INT
+ 3 =  Perception          + 2    + 1   +0  + 0        WIS
+ 0 =  Perform:_____       + 0    + 0   +0  + 0        CHA
+ 0 =  Profession:_____    + 2    + 0   +0  + 0        WIS
- 2 =  Ride                + 2    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   DEX
+ 2 =  Sense Motive        + 2    + 0   +0  + 0        WIS
+ 4 =  Spellcraft          + 0    + 1   +3  + 0        INT
- 2 =  Stealth             + 2    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   DEX
+ 2 =  Survival            + 2    + 0   +0  + 0        WIS
- 1 =  Swim                + 3    + 0   +0  + 0   -4   STR
[sblock=Domains][sblock=Strength:Ferocity]Ferocious Strike (5/5): +1 on your next melee attack damage roll.[/sblock]
[sblock=Travel] Fast Movement: +10 to land movement speed.
Agile Feet (5/5): As a free action ignore all difficult terrain and receive no penalties for moving through it for 1 round.[/sblock][/sblock]
[sblock=Spellcasting]Orisons- Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic

1st Level- Comprehend Languages, Divine Favor, (D) Enlarge Person[/sblock]
[SIZE=2]Equipment                                  Cost                       Weight[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Scale Mail                               50    gp                    30   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Longspear                                 5    gp                     9   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Dagger                                    2    gp                     1   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Light Crossbow                           35    gp                     4   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Bolts (10)                              1    gp                     1   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Wooden Holy Symbol (Tankard)              1    gp                     -   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Spell Component Pouch                     5    gp                     2   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Backpack                                  2    gp                     2   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Bedroll                                  .1  gp                     5   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Blanket                                  .5  gp                     3   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Hammock                                  .1  gp                     3   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Silk Rope (50')                        10    gp                     5   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Grappling Hook                          1    gp                     4   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Crowbar                                 2    gp                     5   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Trail Rations (3 Days)                  1.5  gp                     3   lbs[/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]Belt Pouch                                2    gp                      .5 lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Flint and Steel                         1    gp                     -   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Tindertwig (5)                          5    gp                     -   lbs[/SIZE]
  [SIZE=2]Holy Text                               1    gp                     1   lbs[/SIZE]

                                [SIZE=2]Totals:  125.2  gp                    78.5 lbs[/SIZE]
Treasure: gp, sp, cp Gems:

Carrying Capacity:
Light- 0-86 lbs
Medium- 87-173 lbs
Heavy- 174-260 lbs[/sblock]
[sblock=Details]Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 24
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 205
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Hazel
Skin Color: Tanned
[sblock=Background]... [/sblock]
[sblock=Adventure Notes] None yet[/sblock]
[sblock=Level Ups]Level 2
BAB: +0 to +0
Fort: +0 to +0
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +0 to +0
Class Features:
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock] [/sblock]
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Thoughts and ideas . . . . .
Game Info]
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Druid(Lion Shaman)
Level: 2
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Languages: Common, Elf, Sylvan, Celestial, Druidic
Deity: Abadar[/sblock]
STR: 10 +0 (00 pts)
DEX: 15 +2 (07 pts)
CON: 10 +0 (00 pts)
INT: 14 +2 (05 pts)
WIS: 16 +3 (05 pts) +2 racial adj.
CHA: 13 +1 (03 pts)[/sblock]

HP: 14 = [2d8] + 00 (CON) + 00 (favored class)
AC: 15 = 10 + 2 (armor) + 1 (shield) + 2 (DEX)
AC Touch: 12 = 10 + 2 (DEX)
AC Flatfooted: 13 = 10 + 2 (armor) + 1 (shield)
INIT: +2 = +2 (DEX)
BAB: +1 = +0 (Druid)
CMB: +1 = +0 (STR) + 0 (BAB)
CMD: 13 = 10 + 0 (STR) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (BAB)
Fort: +3 = +3 (Druid) + 0 (CON)
Reflex: +2 = +0 (Druid) + 2 (DEX)
Will: +6 = +3 (Druid) + 3 (WIS)
Speed: 30'
Damage Reduction: None
Spell Resistance: None
Spell Failure: n/a

Weapon Stats]
[U]shortspear[/U] (melee): 
Attack: +1 = +1 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d6+0(P) = + 0 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 20x2

Attack: +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d6+0(P) = +0 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 20x2, Range: 20 ft.

Attack: +1 = +1 (BAB) + 0 (STR) + 0 (MISC)
Damage: 1d4+0(SorP) = +0 (STR) + 0 (MISC); CRIT 19-20x2

Attack: +3 = +1 (BAB) + 2 (DEX) + 0 (MISC)
Damage = 1d4+0(P) = +0 (STR); CRIT 19-20x2, Range: 10 ft.[/sblock]

Racial Traits]
[B]+2 to One Ability Score:[/B] Half-elf characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation 
to represent their varied nature.
[B]Medium: [/B]Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
[B]Normal Speed:[/B] Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet.
[B]Low-Light Vision:[/B] Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light (see low-light vision).
[B]Adaptability:[/B] Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.
[B]Elf Blood:[/B] Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
[B]Elven Immunities:[/B] Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus 
against enchantment spells and effects.
[B]Keen Senses:[/B] Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.
[B]Multitalented:[/B] Half-elves choose two favored class at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever 
they take a level in either one of those classes.
[B]Favored Classes:[/B] Druid and Summoner
[B]Languages:[/B] Half-elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Half-elves with high Intelligence scores can 
choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Class Features]
[B]Weapon and Armor Proficiency: [/B]Druids are proficient with the following weapons: club, dagger, dart, 
quarterstaff, scimitar, scythe, sickle, shortspear, sling, and spear. They are also proficient with all natural 
attacks (claw, bite, and so forth) of any form they assume with wild shape (see below).
Druids are proficient with light and medium armor but are prohibited from wearing metal armor; thus, they may 
wear only padded, leather, or hide armor. A druid may also wear wooden armor that has been altered by the 
ironwood spell so that it functions as though it were steel. See the ironwood spell description. Druids are 
proficient with shields (except tower shields) but must use only wooden ones.

A druid who wears prohibited armor or uses a prohibited shield is unable to cast druid spells or use any of her 
supernatural or spell-like class abilities while doing so and for 24 hours thereafter.

[B]Spells:[/B] A druid casts divine spells, which are drawn from the druid spell list. Her alignment may restrict her from 
casting certain spells opposed to her moral or ethical beliefs; see Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells. A druid 
must choose and prepare her spells in advance.

To prepare or cast a spell, the druid must have a Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty 
Class for a saving throw against a druid’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the druid’s Wisdom modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a druid can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily 
spell allotment is given on Table: Druid. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Wisdom 
score (see Table: Ability Modifiers and Bonus Spells).

A druid must spend 1 hour each day in a trance-like meditation on the mysteries of nature to regain her daily 
allotment of spells. A druid may prepare and cast any spell on the druid spell list, provided that she can cast spells 
of that level, but she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

Spontaneous Casting

A druid can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can 
“lose” a prepared spell in order to cast any summon nature’s ally spell of the same level or lower.

[B]Chaotic, Evil, Good, and Lawful Spells:[/B] A druid can’t cast spells of an alignment opposed to her own or her 
deity’s (if she has one). Spells associated with particular alignments are indicated by the chaos, evil, good, and 
law descriptors in their spell descriptions.

[B]Orisons[/B] [I](Sp)[/I]: Druids can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Druid under 
“Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be 
used again.

[B]Bonus Languages[/B]: A druid’s bonus language options include Sylvan, the language of woodland creatures. This 
choice is in addition to the bonus languages available to the character because of her race.

A druid also knows Druidic, a secret language known only to druids, which she learns upon becoming a 1st-level 
druid. Druidic is a free language for a druid; that is, she knows it in addition to her regular allotment of languages 
and it doesn’t take up a language slot. Druids are forbidden to teach this language to nondruids.

Druidic has its own alphabet.

[B]Nature Bond:[/B] At 1st level, a druid forms a bond with nature. This bond can take one of two forms. The first is a 
close tie to the natural world, granting the druid one of the following cleric domains: Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, 
Water, or Weather. When determining the powers and bonus spells granted by this domain, the druid's effective 
cleric level is equal to her druid level. A druid that selects this option also receives additional domain spell slots, 
just like a cleric. She must prepare the spell from her domain in this slot and this spell cannot be used to cast a 
spell spontaneously.

The second option is to form a close bond with an animal companion. A druid may begin play with any of the 
animals listed in Animal Choices. This animal is a loyal companion that accompanies the druid on her adventures.

Unlike normal animals of its kind, an animal companion's Hit Dice, abilities, skills, and feats advance as the druid 
advances in level. If a character receives an animal companion from more than one source, her effective druid levels 
stack for the purposes of determining the statistics and abilities of the companion. Most animal companions 
increase in size when their druid reaches 4th or 7th level, depending on the companion. If a druid releases her 
companion from service, she may gain a new one by performing a ceremony requiring 24 uninterrupted hours of 
prayer in the environment where the new companion typically lives. This ceremony can also replace an animal 
companion that has perished.

A lion shaman who chooses an animal companion must select a lion. If choosing a domain, the lion shaman must 
choose from the Animal, Glory, Nobility, and Sun domains.

[B]Nature Sense [/B][I](Ex)[/I][B]:[/B] A druid gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge (nature) and Survival checks.

[B]Wild Empathy[/B] [I](Ex)[/I]: A druid can improve the attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy 
check made to improve the attitude of a person. The druid rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma 
modifier to determine the wild empathy check result.

The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.

To use wild empathy, the druid and the animal must be able to study each other, which means that they must 
be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 
1 minute but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

A druid can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but she takes 
a –4 penalty on the check.

A lion shaman can use wild empathy with felines as a full-round action with a +4 bonus.

woodland stride:
Starting at 2nd level, a druid may move through any sort of undergrowth  (such as natural thorns, briars, 
overgrown areas, and similar terrain)  at her normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other  
impairment. Thorns, briars, and overgrown areas that have been magically  manipulated to impede motion, 
however, still affect her.

Feats & Traits]
Bonus: Skill Focus - Stealth
1st Level: Sharp Senses

a)[U] Child of the Temple [/U](faith): + 1 trait bonuis to Know(nobility) and Know(religion). Know(religion) becomes 
a class skill.
b) [U]Highlander[/U] (regional): You gain a +1 trait bonus on Stealth checks, and Stealth is always a class skill 
for you. This 
trait bonus increases to +2 in hilly or rocky areas.[

Skill Ranks: 07 = [4 (Fighter) + 02 (INT)] x 01 (LvL) + 01 (favored class bonus)
Max Ranks: 1
ACP: -0

() = class skill
^ = trained only
Total                       Stat Rank CS Misc ACP
+02 = Acrobatics            +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+02 = Appraise              +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+01 = Bluff                 +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+00 = Climb()               +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 STR
+00 = Craft():leatherwork   +02  +00  +0 -02     INT
+01 = Diplomacy             +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+01 = Disguise              +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+02 = Escape Artist         +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+02 = Fly()                 +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+05 = Handle Animal()^      +01  +01  +3 +00     CHA
+07 = Heal                  +03  +01  +3 +00     WIS
+01 = Intimidate            +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Know:Arcana^          +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Duneroneering^   +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Engineering^     +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Geography()^     +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:History^         +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+na = Know:Local^           +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+08 = Know:Nature()^        +02  +01  +3 +02     INT
+04 = Know:Nobility^        +02  +01  +0 +01     INT
+na = Know:Planes^          +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+07 = Know:Religion^        +02  +01  +3 +01     INT
+na = Linguistics^          +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+11 = Perception()          +03  +01  +3 +04     WIS
+01 = Perform:              +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
+na = Profession()^:        +03  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+02 = Ride()                +02  +00  +0 +00  -0 DEX
+03 = Sense Motive          +03  +00  +0 +00     WIS
+na = Spellcraft()^         +02  +00  +0 +00     INT
+09 = Stealth()             +02  +01  +3 +03  -0 DEX
+05 = Survival()            +03  +00  +0 +02     WIS
+00 = Swim()                +00  +00  +0 +00  -0 STR
+na = Use Magic Device^     +01  +00  +0 +00     CHA
Divine, Prepared, Wisdom
Spell DC = 13 +
Concentration: +4
Domain: Martyr (nobility subdomain)
Power: Inspiring Word (Sp): As a standard action, you can speak an inspiring word to a creature within
30 feet. That creature receives a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls, skill checks, ability checks, and saving
throws for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your cleric level (minimum 1). You can use this power a number
of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

1st—divine favor, 2nd—shield other, 3rd—magic vestment, 4th—discern lies, 5th—greater command,
6th—sacrificial oath, 7th—repulsion, 8th—demand, 9th—storm of vengeance.

Spells per Day: 4/2+1 [wis]
0- light, guidance, know direction
1- calm animals, cure light wounds, d- divine favor
Equipment                         Cost     Weight
leather armor                     10gp      15lbs
shield, light wooden               3gp       5lbs
shortspear                         1gp       3lbs
dagger                             2gp       1lb
Signet rings(pair)                50gp       -lb
-to use later as spell component
Backpack                           2gp       2lbs
-waterskin                         1gp       4lbs
-candles(6)                      .06gp       -lb
-healer's kit(10/10)              50gp       1lb
-sack(empty)                     .01gp      .5lb
Holy symbol, wooden                1gp       -lb     
Belt Pouch                         1gp      .5lb
-flint and steel                   1gp       -lb
-holly and mistletoe               0gp       -lb
-holy water (1vial)               25gp       1lb
Traveler's Outfit                  0gp       -lb
                    Total weight carried:   33lbs
GP: 2
SP: 8
CP: 4
Gems: none

Carrying Capacity:
light: 000-033 lbs
medium: 034-066 lbs
heavy: 067-100 lbs

Size: Medium
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5-8"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair Color: Light Brown
Eye Color: Light blue
Skin Color: Lightly tanned

Adventure Notes] None yet[

Level Ups]
Level 2
BAB: +0 to +1
Fort: +2 to +3
Ref: +0 to +0
Will: +2 to +3
Class Features: Woodland stride
HP: +?? = (1d?? - 2 = ?) + 0 [CON] + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Skill Ranks: +?? = +?? (Class) + 0 (misc) + ?? (Old Total) = ?? (new total)
Favored Class Bonus:[/sblock][/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
Prince Liam the Boastful

[B]Name:Liam Chelias[/B] 
[B]Class: Cavalier[/B] 
[B]Race: Human[/B] 
[B]Size: Medium[/B] 
[B]Gender: Male[/B] 
[B]Alignment: LG[/B] 
[B]Deity: None[/B] 

[B]Str:[/B] 16 +3 (00p.)     [B]Level:[/B] 2        
[B]Dex:[/B] 10 +0 (00p.)     [B]BAB:[/B] +2         [B]HP:[/B] 24 (1d10+2)
[B]Con:[/B] 14 +2 (00p.)     [B]CMB:[/B] +5    
[B]Int:[/B] 8  -1 (00p.)     [B]CMD:[/B] +15    
[B]Wis:[/B] 12 +1 (00p.)     [B]Speed:[/B] 30'      
[B]Cha:[/B] 18 +4 (00p.)     [B]Init:[/B] +0                 

[B]Stat Increases by Level[/B]
4th - 
8th - 
12th - 
16th - 

                   [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor:[/B]              10    +7    +2    +0    +0    +0    +0    19
[B]Touch:[/B] 10              [B]Flatfooted:[/B] 19

                         [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort:[/B]                      3    +2    +0    +5
[B]Ref:[/B]                       0    +0    +0    +0
[B]Will:[/B]                      0    +1    +0    +1 

[B]Weapon                  Attack   Damage     Critical[/B]
Greatsword                 +7     2d6+4       19-20x2
Longsword                  +5     1d8+3       19-20x2
Lance                      +5     1d8+3       20x3


[B]Race Abilities:[/B] 
Race : Ability
Human : +2 to a stat
Human : Favored Class (Cavilier): Add 1/4 to Cavalier banner bonus.
Human : +1 skill point per level

[B]Class Abilities[/B]
Hit Dice d10
Armor and Weapons Cavaliers are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, light, and medium) and with shields (except tower shields).
Class Skills Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perception, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Survival, and Swim
Challenge: 1/day, he can challenge a foe to combat. As a swift action, he chooses one target within sight to challenge. The cavalier’s melee attacks deal extra damage whenever the attacks are made against the target of his challenge. This extra damage is equal to the cavalier’s level (currently, +1). See Order of the Dragon, below.
Mount: He gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him 
into battle. This mount functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the cavalier’s level as his effective druid level. The mount is detailed below. A cavalier does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. The mount is always considered combat trained and begins play with Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. A cavalier’s mount does not gain the share spells special ability. A cavalier’s bond with his mount is strong, with the pair learning to anticipate each other’s moods and moves. Should a cavalier’s mount die, the cavalier may find another mount to serve him after 1 week of mourning. This new mount does not gain the link, evasion, devotion, or improved evasion special abilities until the next time the cavalier gains a level.
Order of the Dragon 
- Edicts: The cavalier must remain loyal to his allies and must always work to further the aims of the group. He must protect his allies from harm and defend their honor when called into doubt.
- Challenge: Whenever an order of the dragon cavalier issues a challenge, his allies receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target.
- Skills: An order of the dragon cavalier adds Perception (Wis) and Survival (Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses Survival to provide food and water for his allies or to protect his allies from harsh weather, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level (minimum +1).
Tactician: He receives a teamwork feat as a bonus feat. He must meet the prerequisites for this feat. As a standard action, 1/day, he can grant this feat to all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. Allies retain the use of this bonus feat for 3 rounds. Allies do not need to meet the prerequisites of these bonus feats.
Aid Allies (Ex): At 2nd level, whenever an order of the dragon cavalier uses the aid another action to assist one of his allies, the ally receives a +3 bonus to his Armor Class, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. At 8th level, and every six levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1.

Natural Born Leader: All cohorts, followers, or summoned creatures under his leadership gain a +1 morale bonus on Will saves to avoid mind-affecting effects. If he takes the Leadership feat, he gains a +1 trait bonus to his Leadership score.
Rich Parents: His starting cash increases to 900 gp.

Feat - Location - Description
Human 1 - Mounted Combat - Roll ride check to negate a hit on your mount
Level 1 - Weapon Focus Greatsword - +1 on attack rolls while using a Greatsword.
Cavalier 1 - Shield wall - Whenever he wields a shield and is adjacent to an ally wielding a shield who also has this feat, the AC bonus from his shield increases, depending on the shield wielded by his ally.
•If the ally is wielding a buckler or a light shield, his shield bonus increases by +1.
•If the ally is wielding a heavy shield or a tower shield, his shield bonus increases by +2.
He keeps these bonuses even if the ally loses his shield bonus due to making a shield bash attack. If an adjacent ally with this feat uses a tower shield to grant total cover, he also benefits if an attack targeting him passes through the edge of the shield.

[B]Future Feats[/B]
Level 3 - 
Level 5 - 
Level 7 - 
Level 9 - 
Level 11 - 
Level 13 - 
Level 15 - 
Level 17 - 
Level 19 - 

[B]Skill Points:[/B] 08        [B]Max Ranks:[/B] 4/2
[B]Skills                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Acrobatics                  0    +0     +0   +0
Appraise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Bluff                       1    +4     +3   +8
Climb                       0    +0     +0   +0
Craft                       0    +0     +0   +0
Diplomacy                   2    +4     +3   +9
Disable Device              0    +0     +0   +0
Disguise                    0    +0     +0   +0
Escape Artist               0    +0     +0   +0
Fly                         0    +0     +0   +0
Handle Animal               0    +0     +0   +0
Heal                        0    +0     +0   +0
Intimidate                  1    +3     +3   +7
Knowledge (arcana)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (dungeoneering)   0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (engineering)     0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (geography)       0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (history)         0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (local)           0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nature)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (nobility)        0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (planes)          0    +0     +0   +0
Knowledge (religion)        0    +0     +0   +0
Linguistics                 0    +0     +0   +0
Perception                  1    +1     +3   +5
Perform                     0    +0     +0   +0
Profession                  0    +0     +0   +0
Ride                        1    +0     +3   +4
Sense Motive                1    +1     +3   +5
Sleight of Hand             0    +0     +0   +0
Spellcraft                  0    +0     +0   +0
Stealth                     0    +0     +0   +0
Survival                    1    +0     +0   +0
Swim                        0    +0     +0   +0
Use Magic Device            0    +0     +0   +0

Armor Check Penalty -8

[B]Equipment:               Cost  Weight[/B]
Wealth: 6gp, 9sp
Equipment [893gp, 1sp]
- Magic Items: None
- Consumables: 40x Crossbow Bolt [4gp], 4 doses of Bachelor's Snuff [4gp], 1lb Tobacco [1gp], 1lb Soap [1sp], 1lb Cinnamon [1gp], 1lb Pepper [2gp], 1lb Salt [5gp]
- Mundane Items: Masterwork Greatsword [350gp], Longsword [15gp], Lance [10gp], Heavy Crossbow [50gp], Banded Mail [250gp], Heavy Steel Shield [20gp], Traveler's Outfit [free], Masterwork Backpack [50gp], Lyre [5gp], 2x Waterskin [2gp]
- Mount: Palerier, Heavy warhorse [free, see above], Studded Leather Barding [100gp], Military Saddle [20gp], Saddlebags [4gp]

[B]Age:[/B] 20
[B]Height:[/B] 6’03”
[B]Weight:[/B] 230lb
[B]Eyes: Penetrating Light Blue[/B] 
[B]Hair: Fluffy Blond, shoulder length[/B] 
[B]Skin: Fair[/B]

Liam was born the first son of the King Parsan Chelias and his wife, Oriana. The small kingdom, also known as Chelias, was one of the most powerful and influential in the River Kingdoms. Liam was raised in the chivalric Taldan tradition. Once he had completed his knightly training, Liam was sent into the borderlands to defend the villages there and beat back the bandits. It soon became clear that Liam, while physically impressive and with an outstanding presence and braggadoccio personality, Liam was not the brightest of the young knights of Chelias. In fact, Liam was so foolhardy and brave that he often led himself and the warriors in his charge into danger, often with deadly results. King Parsan, unsure what to do with Liam, took the boy into the household to keep him safe while deciding what to do.

When the regents of Brevoy began to offer charters to settle the Stolen Lands, King Parsan saw an opportunity to send Prince Liam away - far away - and possibly blaze a new trail to earn glory and honor for House Chelias. In the meantime, while Prince Liam is away in the Stolen Lands, Liam's younger brother, Dane, is being groomed to take the throne of Chelias when he becomes of age. Liam is blissfully unaware of these machinations and really believes that he will return to Chelias one day to claim the throne.

But King Parsan did not send Liam to his death. Instead, the king hired some mercenaries and gathered some allies to help Prince Liam in his efforts to claim the charter in the Stolen Lands. The king, however, would privately admit that he would be pleased never to see his bumbling son ever again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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