[PATHFINDER] Paranormal Protection Agency (OOC)


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Game Started

Whether in the darkest alleys of the largest city; the howling woods of some forlorn forest; the seemingly innocuous waters of a placid lake; or even knocking on your door: there is always that nerve-wracking feeling that something is amiss. Most often, this sense of paranoia is just that - an over inflated sense of self preservation laced with sweet fear.

In those dire times when there is more at work than the subtleties of one's own mind; when reality blurs and yields something so foreign and alien to conceive - you need protection. Be they ghosts or ghouls, or something bizarre you need not run far! You need the Paranormal Protection Agency.


The thick parchment had been slathered with sticky shellac before it was festooned to the pole. Slightly slanted, it was just one of a score like it that had already been pasted throughout the sprawling metropolis. Business was less than bustling of late, but the proprietor saw that as a good thing. He was oft fond of saying that he would love to close shoppe due to lack of patronage. His hollow toned footsteps trudged away from the wavering pool of light cast by the gaslamps of the streets as more flyers were prepared for posting.


PC Creation Rules

- Pathfinder Source Material -

- Ability Scores -
84 Points, 1:1 distribution -OR- 4d6drop/reroll-ones

- Classes -
Any Core Class / Prestige Class combination

- Level -
(55,000XP / Medium XP Rate)

- Races -
Any Standard Core Race

- Wealth -
50,000GP for Magical and Non-Magical equipment​

MAP: Paranormal Protection Agency HQ

NOTE: Only the Pathfinder SRD is available at the beginning of the Campaign, additional material from other Pathfinder sources will be made available after the game has stated.

Posting Rate: At least 2 per week, preferably more. This DM is online M-F

DM Contact: faerundm@yahoo.com
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First Post
I'm interested, though I've not played in a Pathfinder game before (though I'm very comfortable with the 3.5 rules). If you don't mind me not being familiar with most of the rules changes, I'd be interesed in fielding an Elf Ranger (or Fighter)/Wizard/Arcane Archer concept.

And I take it the ability score generation of points is from a base of 0? Given the amount of points on a 1:1 basis, that's what it sounds like, but I just want to be sure. :)

EDIT: I have browsed the PFSRD, and still have my free beta pdf, but just haven't really read through them much. But like I said, I know 3.5 pretty well and have heard the rules changes weren't that huge.
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Tentative interest here.

I couldn't help but notice the use of 'gaslamps'. Is there a different level of technology in this game? A brief bit of setting would be helpful, especially if it's different from bog-standard medieval...



First Post
Echo that. Setting info would be cool.

That said...this sounds cool, regardless. :)

I'd love to get my hands on a Sorceror or Wizard...a wizard might work better, come to think of it. Well, I have a different concept for each...a sorceror and a wizard.

Anyway, yeah, this is sounding cool. :)


First Post
RE: Ability Scores
- Yes, the 84-point 1:1 distribution is a start of 0. Standard Rules of nothing less than an 8 or more than an 18 (sans Racial/Level/Age/Magic modifiers).

RE: Setting
- I've labored over the choice of a nondescript metropolis versus using The Free City of Greyhawk or even Waterdeep, City of Splendors. I daresay I may go with the latter (Waterdeep) as the setting due to the completeness of the source material on that particular setting.

RE: Technology
- I suppose the use of the term Gaslamp is a bit of a misnomer (a misleading on, at that), as we're not talking about the technological wonder of the late 1790s (natural gas lamps) so much as lamps which line the metropolis' lanes and avenues at night, tended dutifully by the Guild of Chandlers and Lamplighters. This means standard D&D technology - not Steampunk nor Masque of the Red Death, nor anything similar.

RE: Pathfinder SRD vs. 3.5e
- for the most part, the mechanics and how things are applied remained relatively similar. There are a few adjustments in Combat, streamlining things really. As long as you've got the general idea of how 3.5 works then you should be fine with Pathfinder. As I'll only be allowing rules from the Pathfinder SRD; there's no need to fret over not having the books! :D

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Definitely interested - but not sure about what race/class I'd be interested in playing. How will we calculate HP? Roll on IC? Average, max, etc?

Also, does each person choose whether to use the 84 point distribution or the 4d6, or will you settle on one or the other and have everyone use the same method?
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