Pathfinders of Pelligrew's Pinnace [OOC 01]

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Thy wounds are healed!
Everything ok on my end I need a few bi-weekly games just now so I can get some stuff rolling.

So it is all good on this end btw, when did you say the real adventure starts? Will this be over by then?



First Post
Sorry for the delay on my part...I was out of town over the holiday, and it took me much longer to get caught back up on RL stuff than I expected. I'll get a post up for Abraxis shortly.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OK, trying to get things moving along - sorry I've been so slow to post up these past few weeks!

It's been awhile so in case you've forgotten :)lol:) you're working with a fellow named Yargos to try and prevent a long dead group of conspirators called the Black Echelon from following through on their hundreds of years old plan to conquer the city of Absalom. In return, Yargos has promised to turn the Black Echelon code book over to the Pathfinder Society.

Currently, you are trying to prevent BE agents from poisoning one of the city's major granaries. Three of you are milling about inside the granary, engaging one of the operatives (you've killed one already). One has gone outside to try and find a quicker way to explore the area.

I've been playing with Photoshop a little and found a slightly better way to do the fog/darkness combination - extending your vision a little farther but making it 'fuzzy' around the edges. To me it looks a little better, and a little more like what I imagine you'd be seeing.

Mustapha is up at the moment; I'll try to get my butt in gear and pick up the pace again!


Thy wounds are healed!
Pace is good for me and current internet problems. ;) Questions is all this we are doing now has no bearing on the adventure you are planning for in Aug? this is just to give us a name so to speak.


Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Yeah. A name, some history together, get the role playing started. There's likely to be a little loot involved as well, so you might have the resources to pick up some equipment before you start the 'Main Course.'

With the pace, I basically want to be moving fast enough no one loses interest. I'll try to keep fairly regular updates and reminders posted so we remember what's going on (which can be difficult with the slow pace of EW).

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