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Paths of Legend: Paths of Madness (IC)


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Init: 1d20+4=24

Dremis places his ear to the door (or looks out the barred section of his cell door whichever is more pertinent) as he hears the guards speak.... he uses his wits and his intelligence about him to attempt a distraction for those with actual ability to cause mass escape for the lot of them...his hope is that if he helps in some little way they might set him free as well.... with that he uses his words to try and fake some of the guards attention to himself before hiding himself in a dark corner of his cell to keep out of harms way...

Bluff Check: 15 "Oi... guaaaaarrddss... I got me cell unlocked... and not nothing ye can DO about it is there!?" Nope Nope me little device in 'ere will keep me from bein 'ere long I do tells ya!" the halfling bolstered as he ducked into a shadowed part of his cell in case one or more guards did come to check his bluff out...

Hide Check: 35

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Round 1

Initiative Order

24 - Dremis (Rathan)
20 - Dead Guy (Ambrus)
20 - Dace (Myth and Legend)
17 - Evan (Jemal)
17 - Varon (Vox Fini)
15 - Steise (RelentlessImp)
15 - Bree (Tailspinner)
13 - 5 Guards
11 - Nameless Duergar (Voda Vosa)
10 - Seventeen (ethandrew)
6 - Shard (Shayuri)
4 - Xoan (pneumatik)
3 - Grellus (GlassEye)
3 - The Creature (Vertexx69)

OOC: First action - Dremis

Dremis' voice reaches the guards and it appears one of them might come to investigate (OOC: But not until their action.)

OOC: Is Dremis doing anything else?

OOC: Next action - The Occupant of the Oubliette (Ambrus)


First Post
OOC: I will hold an action while hidden to wait for one of the guards to come into his cell and will tumble past him and out of the cell if undetected once he steps inside or opens the door enough for me to escape...


The Wretch in the oubliette

Alone in the dark, the wretch in the oubliette hears the rattling of keys and the officious tones of the guards as they unlock a cell door up above. Utterly delirious from the cold, pain and hunger of his prolonged duress, the prisoner struggles to turn over. Far above him is a faint light crisscrossed by rusted iron bars. To the wretch's fevered mind it is the light of salvation; they've finally come to release him...

With a herculean effort, the prisoner painfully heaves himself up, weakly supporting his pain-wracked body on a pair of broken legs. The wretch raises a trembling hand up towards the light, the rattling of the guards' keys sounding like the dulcet tones of a celestial choir. Slowly, as if borne up by the angels themselves, the prisoner rises to his feet towards that light of hope and salvation...

Out in the dimly light hallway, the guards and nearby prisoners might notice a surprising sight as a putrescent left hand emerge through the iron bars of the oubliette's grating in the floor. The desiccated limb continues to rise up past the elbow, revealing pallid and peeling flesh and fingers tipped with cracked fingernails caked with grime and dried blood. The arm's emergence is halted by the sturdy iron bars just short of the shoulder joint. Then a second ghastly hand rises, trembling, through the grate. "P-please... h-help me..."

OOC: Five foot step up from the oubliette's floor. Readying an action to touch any creature who approaches the oubliette's grating.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Dace, Minotaur

"Stupid human!"
Dace did not care for much words, even in his thoughts. The fact that the guard neglected his size and the length of his limbs, was a welcomed chance however.

The Minotaur was aware of the events that were unfolding around him, even though he did not fully understand everything the others said. Apparently the guards were preparing to beat one of the other humans with some sticks, but got scared of something in the last cell.

"Screeches like bug." observed the Mintoaur. He didn't know why the humans were so afraid of this thing, whatever it was. He didn't care either - when the guard carelessly came within reach, Dace revealed his teeth in a wicked grin as he quickly shot out his long arm towards the fool's neck.

HP: 41/41 AC: 15 Fort: +6 Reflex: +6 Will: +6
Grapple: 11+19=30

I had already posted this with my Initiative roll, but i guess that reposting it is not too much of a bother :D

Myth and Legend

First Post
Dace, Minotaur

Dace snarled, "Make other open gate, or Dace rip spine out! Understand?"

The Minotaur had wrapped his long, hair covered fingers around the guard's slim, soft-skinned neck. He put his other hand on the man's mouth, so that the little bugger could not make a sound and alert the other guards yet. "You blink if understand."

HP: 41/41 AC: 15 Fort: +6 Reflex: +6 Will: +6

Grapple Check: 18+19=37, Damage roll 3+7=10[/sblock]
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